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Texan in Nebraska

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Everything posted by Texan in Nebraska

  1. I dont see what the big deal is anyway, IMO theres 4 types of bowl games- the national championship game, the other BCS bowl games, the middle of the pack bowl games and then the really meaningless early to mid december bowl games. so to me, Alamo,Gator,Cotton,Peach bowls etc. are all basically the same, I know theres a difference in rankings and bla bla bla but really it all boils down to the 4 types like I said.
  2. me too!!! me three! still cant believe how freakin sweet that was!
  3. But we will next year! another year of maturation and Helu is gonna cause extreme heartburn in opposin D's next season!
  4. I knew all along last year KU was a fluke. For KU they were good but as far as actually becoming a power? HA! I just hope they enjoyed their win last year cause this year their gettin their comeuppance against us at home, I foresee a beat down of the gayhawks! GO BIG RED!!
  5. one step closer! just gotta get through the stupid Okies and suddenly 9-3 will look pretty easily obtainable! GO BIG RED!!
  6. yes congrats Nate! and heres to hopin you become a Dallas Cowboy!! (it could happen, maybe 5th or 6th round perhaps?)
  7. Def. Helu, runnin back by committee is usually a good thing, but Im ready for a feature back, and Helu is that guy hands down.
  8. dude, seriously, THANK YOU! for postin that vid! I enjoyed that as it reminded me of my high school football days where our coaches would let tensions boil amongst the offensive and defensive players (I went to a big school in Texas so we didnt really have no both sides of the ball players) all week and then finally come Thursday afternoon in the last part of practice the coaches would have a "settle all scores" competitions and I really miss them days, the camaraderie was so awesome! Ah to be 16 or 17 again, sigh, lol.
  9. and this is the kley to beatin the Okies, control the clock whilst scorin on most of our possesions and TRY to get a few stops on D. Easier said than done, but thats the key, which should be pretty obvious enough. GO BIG RED!! BEAT OU!!
  10. I don think we'll be able to pull one off against the Okies, BUT, as K st. proved today, they can be scored upon pretty easily so if we can keep up this ball control offense we've shown recently and score on most of our possesions then we stand a pretty decent chance at an upset. All I know is I cant wait! GO BIG RED!!
  11. How 'bout "You are totally in the wrong place. Do not pass GO; do not collect $200." Speaking of...How about these??? Probably not that great for this particular game...But if we were playing Florida?..or..Oregon State...? ROFLMAO!!!! thats great, for a second I was like Oregon St? what? but then I got it,lol. anyway this wouldnt work for yall, but if it was me goin to the game my sign would simply be "the upset, part deux"
  12. 8-4, lose to Okiehoma but hopefully we at least make it a hard fought game
  13. Im thinkin 8-4, I truly do believe we will exact revenge on Kansas bigtime at home this year, the okie game I still think we'll lose but it is startin to look at least a LIL more winnable at this point but we'll see how we do against the wackos from Waco this week.
  14. and hopefully soon to be 2008 Texas to add to that list! lol
  15. Id be willin to bet the Okie game will be on ABC, no matter how good or bad both teams are, its still Nebraska-Oklahoma! if not ABC then probably ESPN or AT LEAST FSN
  16. I thought we told you to enlarge these pics............ o man what a great sig, well at least the right side of it anyway, could puke with the left side of it, lol. GO COWBOYS!!
  17. I agree I think we'll control the clock again and have over 200 yards rushin, least thats what i hope to see anyway,lol. GO BIG RED!!
  18. and to think, even in our worst year last year we still beat em soundly, they aint got nothin to talk about
  19. I still remember the day clearly, me my mom and my brothers were on our way back from Norfolk after visitin my grandpa in the hospital and we stopped in David City for gas and heard the news of Pederson from the cashier.
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