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Everything posted by hskrpwr13

  1. This is the game that now ends any expectations I have that Rhule will be the coach to turn this around. Too much stupidity from experienced players and coaches.
  2. Was this gonna end any other way?
  3. Can't dink and dunk. Idiots
  4. Unacceptable play calling
  5. And then this Ahole
  6. Had to blow 3 minutes to get in there. Can't disagree more with these announcers.
  7. This game management is infuriating
  8. Now we can blow 2 minutes running up middle.
  9. Stupid. Should be a run pass option there.
  10. DR is playing stupid. Not managing the game nor his health. When realizing not gonna get there, can't act like Dowdell.
  11. Dammit! No time for that crap
  12. Tick tock tick tock
  13. DR couldn't run for two yards? Cmon
  14. Must go downfield
  15. And a time out wasted to boot
  16. If they hadn't wasted so much time, I'd support this.
  17. Offense moving at a pace like they think they're going to score on every possession and UCLA won't score again.
  18. Offense has to pick up the pace
  19. Unfortunately, this is the O we have to run rest of game. Too little time left to grind out drives with dink/dunk and running plays.
  20. Take a knee
  21. Should decline that
  22. Oline been s#!t except for the TD play
  23. Wow! A stop
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