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Everything posted by hskrpwr13

  1. Just awful. That was a 101 class on how to blow a game.
  2. We should be down to 1 time out and have 20 more seconds on clock.
  3. Too much emphasis on the final score and not how the game arrived at that point. CU's offense is the only team that actually has the talent to have tried to be more aggressive if needed (in this hypothetical).
  4. Agree 100%. its been overreaction theater with some of the fan base this season. Regardless of any in-game OC decision, this is a 1-loss season so far with simply average QB play (and that's despite the injury and o-line challenges).
  5. Let us stand by the road
  6. Only the Iowa game was a poor result this week for the Husker's chances.
  7. Disaster to me means cant catch snaps and turns it over at a much higher rate per snap than HH.
  8. Don't' understand the Sims love. Haaberg's been bad. Sims has been a disaster. I'll take bad over disaster.
  9. Well, HH had 2 shots and couldn't deliver on either.
  10. Bad call for sure. Yet the secondary is finally getting burned by the soft coverage scheme.
  11. That's what we get sometimes with walkons and 3rd stringers.
  12. Haarberg bad again today. Should have 2 TD passes. Almost seems to be regressing.
  13. Works for me. Nice end to the season without having to be sacrificed to the East champion.
  14. Regarding the part about ST, best move might be to just stick with Hill back there. He's not an inexperienced low-star.(Can't believe I just typed that with what I thought of his abilities last season.)
  15. I'll be the turd. Love the wins and the overall D performance. However, the D scheme against the pass bothers me. Yesterday, they survived off a good amount of dropped or just-missed passes. - Don't like that we blitz on 3rd an short (5 or less to go) and drop into coverage on 3rd and medium to long (6 or more). If I were going to be consistent one way or the other, I would do the opposite. - Perhaps its a talent issue, but way too much cushion, especially on the 3rd and shorts. I wished the CBs would jam at the line and then actually cover the man. Feel free to flame.
  16. Considering the Oline play, pretty happy with the score.
  17. Haarburgh have a fight with his girlfriend this morning? Dude looks awful. Very indecisive.
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