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Jim Hammer

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Everything posted by Jim Hammer

  1. What exactly do you mean by the part in bold? That anyone who disagrees with CK or others protesting the anthem are racist? Please, explain your rationale. Yeah, that whole paragraph comes off like a passive aggressive form of calling conservatives racist. He said "good people".
  2. Of course it is not. I was not implying that, and I don't think anyone else was. It is, however, a symbol of our country, A country that people died to make the way that it is now. We sing the anthem while looking toward the flag that does represent everyone, but has a special place for our veterans. At sporting events soldiers are often brought out prior to singing the national anthem. On Veterans Day we use flags as a symbol to remember our fallen soldiers. So while the flag and anthem do represent all Americans, it does have special meaning for our veterans and military personnel. Are you a veteran? Why do you feel the need to speak on their behalf? I am a veteran yet I don't try to speak for all veterans. Your opinions are exactly that - YOUR opinions. I have a great deal of respect for the flag and what it represents. I know how the flag should be treated and how it should properly be displayed. It represents our country. I am upset when people disrespect the flag by not caring for it the way it should be. When people in the stands talk during the anthem or don't take their hats off. You say MRI and others have disrespected the flag, when they have explicitly said that was not their intent when they took a knee. I feel his actions are more patriotic than most people, many veterans included, have ever done. He is trying to make this country a better place. Can you say the same?
  3. Would you want to be treated the same as the average black person in this country?
  4. Those who are outraged, have as much right to be heard as those who sparked the outrage. Of course they do. They talk about the players disrespecting the flag. I'm curious if they have the same levels of outrage over other forms of disrespect. Does it really matter? Each individual is outraged by different things. What outrages you may or may not cause high levels of outrage from your neighbor. In this particular discussion we are talking about disrespecting our country and the national anthem. That's the subject, how about we stick with it and not try to deflect to other things? You're right, each of us is outraged by different things. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this particular form of outrage. Some people in this thread say it disrespects veterans. Many veterans (including myself) have said they don't see it like that. The players themselves say they aren't disrespecting anything, just trying to bring attention to their cause. If it offends you, say so. But don't claim outrage on behalf of someone you don't speak for. As for my other comparisons, I just wondered why people were still watching football games with convicted felons playing (Vick, Ray Rice, Lawrence Phillips), but were going to quit being fans of players conducting a peaceful (and legal) protest.
  5. You don't even know what the story was about. It actually supports those who practice hate speech. I was admitting I made a mistake. And by loling my post, I assume that means you have no intelligent rebuttal,.
  6. It doesn't matter if the parachutist is making a political statement, he is disrespecting the flag through his careless actions and should be fired. So if I oppose those who oppose their actions, I also have the right to come down on them hard. People who say they should lose their scholarships are far worse than those exercising the rights represented by that flag. Because you don't agree with their cause, you don't have the right to tell them how to act. Players have beaten their wives, raped women, and committed murder, and this causes them to quit watching sports? Someone's priorities are seriously out of whack. Point 1-Apples to oranges, but you apparently can't see the difference between intent. Point 2-Wrong...just as I agree they have the "right" to express their opinions, others have the right to condemn them. MLB just suspended a player for the rest of the season for speaking his mind, and I don't agree with what he said at all, but is that ok for the league to punish him for expressing his views? Point 3-I pointed this out in another thread. Instances like players doing drugs or beating their wives should not be tolerated at all. With that said, when a player is hooked on drugs, he's punishing himself, or in the case of attacking a female, he's doing harm to another human being. None of this should be tolerated. Disrespecting the flag is an assault on the millions of Americans who have bravely fought for this country, some of which wish they still had their legs/knees so they could kneel. This whole BLM movement is minimizing the real harm in the black community. More black men die at the hands of other black men than from police officers. Blacks are more likely to live in poverty than any other race. And Black lives have gotten worse under the first black President, so why not protest him. The President's home town is a complete mess with the murder rate breaking records, and he has not made any attempt to visit those neighborhoods and try to make a difference. Now that is worth protesting. 1. You are the one determining intent. Did the players come out and say they are disrespecting this country? I look at it like they are protesting unfair treatment of minorities in this country. The America you and I experience is much different than the one they grew up in. Before you condemn their actions, try to understand their motivations. 2. Your reading comprehension is terrible. I agree with your right to condemn their actions. I have the right to condemn yours. If MLB wants to fine or suspend a player for what they deem as hate speech, they have the right to as it harms the league. Coach Riley, administration, the NFL and many others have said what the players do is within their rights and some even support it. And millions may look on it as disrespectful, millions also look at it as an exercise of their constitutional rights. You are trying to suppress those rights. 3. Reading comprehension again. Why is it that all those other deplorable acts that shouldn't be tolerated aren't making people turn off football, but a peaceful protest crosses the line? Many veterans (myself included) support the players. The protest is meant to bring attention to their cause and it's done that. Most of the people ignoring them hide behind the "disrespecting the flag and veteran" angle do so to deflect from the issue. I'm not going to dignify the rest with a response. You can either educate yourself to the issues or keep spouting right-wing racist rhetoric. Edit: I mistakenly posted that hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. It is. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/05/07/no-theres-no-hate-speech-exception-to-the-first-amendment/?utm_term=.b9b30e5dd07b
  7. It doesn't matter if the parachutist is making a political statement, he is disrespecting the flag through his careless actions and should be fired. So if I oppose those who oppose their actions, I also have the right to come down on them hard. People who say they should lose their scholarships are far worse than those exercising the rights represented by that flag. Because you don't agree with their cause, you don't have the right to tell them how to act. Players have beaten their wives, raped women, and committed murder, and this causes them to quit watching sports? Someone's priorities are seriously out of whack.
  8. Those who are outraged, have as much right to be heard as those who sparked the outrage. Of course they do. They talk about the players disrespecting the flag. I'm curious if they have the same levels of outrage over other forms of disrespect.
  9. The only rankings we should care about are at the end of the season. Being ranked is nice, but our goals are to win each game, make the championship game and win that.
  10. Yep, this is a biggie for me: 12. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and fi nd the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdressers shop and find someone who can cut my hair. So if somebody else doesn't arrange for what I want, then the country is racist. Got it! The other drop of the shoe is, if you get businesses that cater to your likes, make sure they aren't burned and looted next riot. I guarantee I wouldn't let that happen to Tweet's Sport Shop in Columbus, or Geno's Minnow Mart or the Hobby Lobby store. Actually, you don't get it. Taken individually, these things seem small. When they happen to you several times a day every day of your life, it accumulates.
  11. To all those who are so outraged over these players kneeling: We're you outraged when the flag hit the ground as the parachutist landed? The flag is never supposed to touch the ground. Do you yell at those who don't take off their hats during the anthem? What about those chatting? Those things are by far more disrespectful. When these players kneel, they still face the flag and pay attention. Before you decry their protest, learn about what it is about and try to understand. These guys mostly come from an America much different than the one you and I have experience.
  12. Studies also show that police give, on average, more time before they start shooting at a black man than they do a white man. That's a big plus in my book. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/13/why-a-massive-new-study-on-police-shootings-of-whites-and-blacks-is-so-controversial/ If Tyrone and Dwayne have a high school diploma and no prison record and a good work record, send them to Columbus. They can get themselves a full time job with benefits this week at one of the factories. But go ahead, list the 50 more things...literally list them. Hopefully you can open the link, but here's your list. https://www.deanza.edu/faculty/lewisjulie/White%20Priviledge%20Unpacking%20the%20Invisible%20Knapsack.pdf
  13. I believe the income disparity in this country is the biggest problem it faces, but racism still exists. The black middle class still isn't treated the same as whites.
  14. Lots of white people in this thread upset over how some black people bring attention to a problem in this country. Black people being shot by cops is a small part of the greater picture, namely systemic racism against blacks. Deny it if you want, but white privilege is a thing. As a white person, I was pretty unaware of the problem because I was never a victim. I had to become educated. White people enjoy a lot of freedoms that most black people don't. Most things are very subtle, but the cumulative effect is huge. Ask yourself if you would want to be treated the same as black people in this country. We should be proud of these young men for taking a stand for something they believe in. So before you decry them for being "unpatriotic" and "disrespectful", maybe try to learn a little about what they've experienced to get to this point.
  15. So when Tommy plays well and the O-line is blocking well, the offense looks really good. Who'da thunk it?
  16. Boycotts, fan walk-outs, petitions, etc... None of those will bring about any form of change and will reflect poorly on the fan base. "Hey, we're the greatest fans in the country! See how we don't show up when we aren't winning games?"
  17. Can we get some gifs of Langsdorf dropping some passes?
  18. This. /thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkwVy3uKE4A?t=91
  19. I think we need to try this play. I've seen several versions and it's successful every time.
  20. If it were so easy to duplicate what TO did, why wasn't Solich successful? Why haven't other teams run his system? Under Osborne, we had coordinators and coaches who'd been here together for many years. We had a system that developed all-American linemen who taught and developed the underclassmen to replace them once they graduated. TO finally recruited speed on defense and that's when it all came together. Riley has his system, we need to give him time to implement it. Solich was successful. He had more success in his first 6 years than TO did, and they both took over National Championship programs. True. But over time the talent was dropping off. Why hasn't he been able to build a juggernaut at Ohio? If the system is all that, he should be running roughshod over the MAC. My point is: If it were so easy to just run the ball and win, lots of teams would be doing it. You have to have the talent and the size on the offensive line to be able to impose your will. Nebraska doesn't have to be a running team to be successful. Any kind offense can work here if you have the talent and coaching. Right now we don't have the talent and the jury is out on the coaching. Nebraska =/= Ohio. But Frank did do incredibly well at Ohio compared to their past history. He's easily the best coach they ever had. You're simplifying it too much. It's not just running the ball. Read the OP. There's a lot more to it than that. The OP says the only way to win at Nebraska is to run TO's system. Nebraska isn't some special snowflake that can only run one type of offense. My argument is we can run the WCO, or whatever system and be successful. It just requires talent and coaching.
  21. If it were so easy to duplicate what TO did, why wasn't Solich successful? Why haven't other teams run his system? Under Osborne, we had coordinators and coaches who'd been here together for many years. We had a system that developed all-American linemen who taught and developed the underclassmen to replace them once they graduated. TO finally recruited speed on defense and that's when it all came together. Riley has his system, we need to give him time to implement it. Solich was successful. He had more success in his first 6 years than TO did, and they both took over National Championship programs. True. But over time the talent was dropping off. Why hasn't he been able to build a juggernaut at Ohio? If the system is all that, he should be running roughshod over the MAC. My point is: If it were so easy to just run the ball and win, lots of teams would be doing it. You have to have the talent and the size on the offensive line to be able to impose your will. Nebraska doesn't have to be a running team to be successful. Any kind offense can work here if you have the talent and coaching. Right now we don't have the talent and the jury is out on the coaching.
  22. Sarkisian wasn't fired for football reasons. http://espn.go.com/losangeles/college-football/story/_/id/13873288/steve-sarkisian-fired-usc-trojans-head-coach
  23. i really believe Riley is a place holder, but can we stand it if this is the norm? If Riley sucks for 4 years, but Eichorst has a "splash hire" in mind, do we let him make it?
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