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Guy Chamberlin

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Everything posted by Guy Chamberlin

  1. No, the problem was Donald Trump saying repeatedly since 2016 that any election he didn't win would be fraudulent, then trying to dismantle the U.S Post Office to undermine mail-in voting, then overtly telling the Proud Boys to "stand by" should he lose in 2020, then doubling down when he lost, insisting his "landslide" election had been stolen, then filing 62 lawsuits against the U.S. election process and producing zero evidence resulting in every case being thrown out, then leaning heavily on state election officials in swing states to find him votes by any means necessary, then threatening his own vice-president to take action that was unprecedented, unwarranted, and unconstitutional, then calling for his loyalists to show up in force at the typically ceremonial Electoral College certification on January 6 to demand that his insane demands be met. He would have been impeachable if January 6 had never happened. It's just sad his most violent followers and cowardly enablers can't admit the man was horribly wrong from the very beginning.
  2. The recall is moving along. I just passed a petition station at the mall last weekend. It will probably qualify but go nowhere from there. Newsom has always been a bit of an eye-roller. He's been pretty good at each office he's held, but Gavin Newsom came out of the womb wanting to be President and it leaks into everything he does. I honestly think the recall sparked from the much publicized incident where Newsom attended a rich folks birthday party at a five-star restaurant while urging all other Californians not to gather. That was enough traction to start a recall, but make no mistake, the recall is simply driven by Republicans who want to undermine Democrats. Newsom totally earned the heat, but If hypocrisy alone was enough to recall politicians I mean....c'mon. California's COVID response is trickier. Clearly the numbers have gone in the wrong direction, and the vaccine response has lagged. The latter appears to have been addressed in the last couple weeks. Newsom actually took a lot of heat for reopening California too much and too early -- bending to political pressure that comes with trying to please everyone. Then when the numbers surged -- predictably -- he tried to shut things back down again. So that spirit of politically driven compromise has made him look feckless. And he kinda is. If the alternative is Kevin McCarthy or equivalent, I'll stick with Newsom. Keep in mind that the state of California has wildly different geographies and populations. So some counties have no idea why state mandates apply to them, and in practice they really don't. Compliance varies all over the place. And when you see those big California numbers, remember that they largely skew to Southern California: LA County alone generates about 30 - 40% of infections and deaths. I'm in Marin County, where mask compliance is extremely high and almost no one b!^@hes about it. Our numbers have remained really good.
  3. I remember when Dems were so smitten by Cuomo's daily briefings that many would have swapped him for Biden in a heartbeat. My wife for one. But then all my New York friends said no. No, no, no, no, no. You don't want Andrew Cuomo. No.
  4. I originally thought the conference forced the rivalry on us, but maybe it's real after all. The football fan in me prefers that Nebraska knock off the highest rated team possible. And rivalry or no, I think I'd rather get the Wisconsin monkey off my back than the Iowa monkey.
  5. If I didn't know better, I'd say Iowa has officially become our #1 rival.
  6. I said I can't speak for the folks who gave specific dates for the apocalypse, but the fact that arctic sea ice is not "gone by now" hardly means it's not going alarmingly fast. That's like.....uhm....bringing a snowball to the Senate to dispute global warming. Here, I'll do the :10 Google search for you to ignore.: Arctic sea ice? https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/147746/the-long-decline-of-arctic-sea-ice Glacies? https://nsidc.org/glims/glaciermelt Underwater islands? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/may/10/five-pacific-islands-lost-rising-seas-climate-change https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/may/16/one-day-disappear-tuvalu-sinking-islands-rising-seas-climate-change#:~:text=“Tuvalu is sinking” is the,midway between Hawaii and Australia. Famine? https://unfccc.int/news/un-warns-climate-change-is-driving-global-hunger#:~:text=12 September 2018%2C Bonn – Climate,Organization (FAO) this week.&text=Overall%2C the number of hungry,total of 821 million worldwide. Doesn't look like New York City is underwater yet, and Snake Pliskin hasn't escaped from there, either. I'll keep you posted.
  7. How do you know the Earth fluctuated like that over millions of years? I mean, where you there? Oh that's right. These estimates come from global climate scientists. The same people who unanimously agree that while the Earth has undergone huge fluctuations before man ever arrived on the planet, the release of billions of tons of carbon in the last 100 years of the industrial age has likely created its own climate fluctuation - severity TBD. Volcanoes and cow farts don't help things either. We know this because climate scientists go to the trouble of studying these things. I asked them about your chart and they said it's absolutely accurate, and has nothing to do with the validity of current global warming trends. Which they study as a profession. They also told me that anecdotal examples and conservative straw dog arguments make them sad.
  8. The climate change standard is "all of the above" although the most undeniable --- even for the James Inhofe crowd -- is rising sea levels. Not to be an alarmist, but they are rising even faster than the alarmists predicted, with consequences even the Pentagon figured to be highly concerning for a quarter of the world's population in coming years. There's not a reputable scientist that denies the existence and potential severity of global climate change. I can't speak to the folks who gave wrong specific dates for the apocalypse, but the smart scientists understand that 50 - 100 years is the blink of an eye in geologic time, and because that means most of us will be dead when the consequences arrive we can afford to laugh about it and hand the s#!tshow to our children and grandchildren. Too bad conservatives are no longer conservative because this is a place where that longterm pragmatism and stewardship would actually come in handy. I think the word getting bandied about is "tipping point" -- meaning we may not see consequences for years, but given the massive scope of the challenge, courses need to be corrected soon. But perhaps climate change will merely join the long list of hoaxes like vaccines, the Moon landing, and 5G technology.
  9. Remember when James Inhofe brought a snowball onto the Senate floor to dispute climate change? You're operating on that level, here. Fortunately the grown-ups take this a little more seriously, including those tree-hugging pansies at The Pentagon. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/world-report/articles/2017-08-01/the-pentagon-finally-gets-it-climate-change-is-a-national-security-threat
  10. Refreshingly, Biden has leaned a little more progressive than many expected, especially in terms of the environment, which really can't wait around for dithering and compromise. Otherwise, Joe and the Dems have us on the slippery slope to the same America we've lived in most of our lives.
  11. I wouldn't promise that the angry mob that shows up when Trump declares himself dictator wouldn't get violent --- or literally drag him out of the White House. s#!t got nasty with dictators like Mussolini and Ceaușescu, and history did not judge the mobs as wrongful.
  12. This week a popular restaurant in Sonoma closed down after it fired a waitress for wearing a Black Lives Matter facemask. The waitress went public with it and the restaurant was inundated with accusations and threats, including arson. The restaurant says it had established a policy of wearing either a restaurant branded facemask, or a plain surgical mask. The waitress contends they initiated the policy solely to keep her from wearing her BLM mask at work. Does it work both ways? Would a restaurant face angry consequences for NOT firing a waitress wearing an All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, or Trump facemask? And because of this conundrum, wouldn't it be perfectly defensible for a restaurant or any business to ask employees not to display political statements on their clothing at work? I like watching a Karen get schooled as much as the next guy, but if the speed and unilateral consequences of cancel culture don't scare you a bit, they should.
  13. You wouldn't be alone. I was shocked to see the 30,000 - 70,000 numbers. Nobody I know seriously fretted about getting the flu. Just guessing here, but I think when already compromised people -- especially the elderly -- get what should be a simple case of the flu, it often turns into pneumonia and that's when the most vulnerable die. That must be why they attach pneumonia to the influenza stats, and I think it's the same with COVID. There were a lot of deaths in March/April attributed to pneumonia, but they wouldn't have happened without COVID. Same with the flu.
  14. I read this a couple times, trying to figure out which side of the political spectrum was agitating. Depending on your city or neighborhood, you could be dangerously hounded for being either liberal or conservative. The first half of the statement is a pretty valuable perspective. The last line forgets that people are born Jews, but choose their own political viewpoints -- which actually do reflect their values. How many of you know split households? One liberal spouse and one conservative spouse. I know a few. They've always made it work. But last week one of my friends told me she was now scared of the aunts and uncles who come with being married to her husband.
  15. I gotta admit, if a couple state officials or federal judges had gone the wrong way, and Trump continued to rule as an unelected President, physical confrontation would have been the only tool left in the box.
  16. Betting if you asked anyone in America 12 months ago how many people died yearly of the flu, the vast majority would have guessed way under the real number. Here's the 2019 breakdown. Throw COVID into the mix and it's a strong #3, just a few ticks behind cancer. Nearly 3x the number of deaths from accidents, including car accidents, and exponentially more than the combination of influenza and pneumonia fatalities. Only two causes of death are communicable, and in 2020, COVD will be the only cause on that list didn't exist the year before.
  17. My understanding of this year's flu data is that the numbers are notably down, but this isn't surprising given the increase in flu shots, social distancing and better personal hygiene attributable to the pandemic. The last analysis I saw was in December, and they warned we weren't out of the woods yet with the seasonal flu.
  18. I think we will enter a period where mask-wearing and hand-washing will continue after COVID, as has been practiced in other countries like Japan and China pre-COVID. It won't be for everyone, but it also won't be a mandate. I mean, we're going on 500,000 dead in one year of COVID and it's not a mandate in much of the U.S. Wait. You're not actually advocating for influenza mask mandates at all, are you?
  19. My brother drives past the big Deguns Gun Store just east of Lincoln almost every day, and at different times of day. He says they just took down the big Trump flag that flew outside and replaced it with the big yellow Don't Tread on Me flag. He also says the parking lot is sometimes packed long after closing hours. I think we've moved into militia mode. Can't say I thought 2021 would solve everything, but I 'd hoped for better. The angry violent right and elected Republicans seem to be doubling down on civil war
  20. Tell you what: let's presume all parties are innocent of election fraud until proven guilty. Donald Trump & minions have borne zero responsibility for proving guilt, and that's how we got to this incredibly dangerous place. That's a fact.
  21. I read the article and it does make me think Crouch is a tad delusional. He didn't betray Mike Martz, or the Rams, or himself. He just wasn't a good enough player to make the NFL. Happens to 90% of college players and even a few Heisman winners. No doubt you could have been an All-Pro receiver, Eric? Strong words from a guy struggling to make the Omaha Nighthawks as late as 2011. An no, you wouldn't be the perfect fit for the new read option NFL.
  22. Just hard to believe that a competitor like Eric Crouch would turn down the chance at an NFL career to chase backup QB minutes in the CFL and UFL if anyone in the NFL really thought he could be the next Randle El
  23. Great Husker. Tough as nails. Won some games almost single-handedly. But Eric had a healthy ego and may be the source of the rumors that he could have been an NFL receiver if he really wanted to. It's not funny and that wasn't my emoji. But that may be the reason you got it.
  24. I believe the St. Louis Rams gave him that chance, and Crouch couldn't make it through training camp.
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