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Everything posted by 307husker

  1. Huskers will get the bleeding stopped. Hope they aren't little quitters like the supposed "fans"...
  2. Warm up yes, stretch, no. Active range of motion gradually increasing intensity replicating the movements in the activity. Static stretching is a sick and dying sacred cow.
  3. Devnet, try to comprehend what people are saying before making dumb comments.
  4. Playing in a up tempo offense creates an illusion that we aren't conditioned well. In the past, slower tempo allowed more rest between plays. Now, players go out for a play or two to get the same rest. I highly doubt that our S&C is a significant problem.
  5. Who said "there are no stupid questions"? He was wrong.
  6. Let's laugh at your misfortune conclusions together! i'm still not going to point out the obvious to you. i'm just gonna sit here and chuckle at you. Ignorance is bliss...
  7. Correlation does not equal causation.
  8. I think there's a big difference between under performing, being injured, and simply not committing or being willing to work for success. In the first two conditions, I would not agree that scholarships should be pulled. In the third scenario, where a person simply isn't dedicated to being his best for the team, I am in support of pulling that scholarship and giving it to someone more deserving. Scholarship athletes should be evaluated on their body of work (effort, consistency, dedication), not simply their stats on game days.
  9. Nebraska is not a program in turmoil. We had a disappointing year but we are not in turmoil. Any turmoil is created by media and overly emotional fan reactions, mostly due to unreasonable expectations.
  10. What evidence? The most compelling evidence thus far supports the idea that S&C is good. We have been very good at the ends of games over the last couple of years. Tapping out is not because of a lack of conditioning, it is a sound strategy based upon basic exercise physiology.
  11. Claims mean nothing if they are not supported by evidence.
  12. Unrealistic expectations cause a lot of angst and whining.
  13. You can't get Quarter horse speed with Clydesdale parts... He is built to fly, and he certainly did.
  14. I'd be very confident about TA starting next year due to his development this season if it weren't for something da skers said in another thread about Stanton. Either way will be fun to watch. TM is just awkward as a QB and the difference between him and TA isn't subtle. It's too bad that he wasn't able to finish his career on the field though. I can't imagine how that feels. If he had stayed as a slot receiver, is there any doubt that he'd be headed to the NFL? It would be cool if he still got that chance but the accumulation of injuries doesn't make that too likely IMO. TM was sort of a one trick pony but damn, that was one hell of a trick. I doubt we'll ever see another QB with that type of acceleration.
  15. Please don't give Taylor a microphone. The kid has a lot of positive attributes but public speaking is certainly not one of them. What is his major anyway? Edit: Just checked Huskers.com. They don't even list their academic major... So much for the thin veil of "student athlete". Ugh...
  16. Well, crap! Would be fun to watch his speed in a different position.
  17. Did he play in 50% of our games? What are the rules for medical "Redshirt" (not sure if that's the correct term)? I think the Taylor as QB1 at Nebraska is over, but could he come back as a receiver? Realistically, that's the only place that he could play in the NFL.
  18. If true, that's not how you want your Sr. year go down. I still have a suspicion that injuries are being used to avoid the embarrassment/heat of benching a 4th year starter. We may never know.
  19. You are the one who mentioned "the studies above"... Straw men everywhere! Circular arguments and a void of any supporting references and declaring "medical facts" does not make a coherent debate. I'll leave you the little dignity that you're trying to salvage and simply move on.
  20. We cannot know a thing until we see what his max bench, squat, and power clean/hang clean are. We also could use his 40 time and his vertical leap (not his recruiting one...but the one he has now).Actually, we would need to see a needle biopsy series to know, otherwise, it's just different forms of guessing. Just like you said, when you workout one muscle type the other atrophies. I did not say that, nor is it true. It's medically impossible to change fast and slow twitch fibers into each other. True, but IIa fibers will tend to change their characteristics towards the type of stimulus they are accustomed to. There are NO studies in the history of medicine correlating poor power performance with conditioning both muscle types. This sentence displays a lack of understanding of the cell type and physiology involved. Well biopsy aside...the only way to see his power and quickness is to see his power and quickness displayed...which is why I spoke of those exercises etc. Cause and effect is a very good means of determining his power/quickness. Well you did say that opposing muscle would fatigue and I took that to mean that you know muscle will atrophy if not used...which is an absolute scientific fact. If you use slow twitch only (endurance runners) or fast twitch only (power lifters, etc) then opposing muscle types would suffer atrophy....and this would be evident in performance...as an example, you couldn't ask a marathon runner to hang clean 300 lbs any more than you could have a power lifter run 27 miles. It really doesn't matter if you think this is not true. Medical absolutes stand on their own through science. As an example of a medical absolute...you can fast twitch a slow twitch muscle fiber all day long and all night long for 4 years. Guess what it will be after? still a slow twitch muscle fiber It doesn't change. We're born with all the fast twitch fibers we'll ever get...which is why some people have more natural ability than others. Perhaps you're right and Imani just doesn't have the number that others do...but I'd be more willing to believe that he just hasn't had his chance to be in the spotlight like Ameer does this year. My comment on the studies above wasn't to rub your nose in implied ignorance...it was to call attention to the fact that there is no proof that because Imani does push-ups and pull-ups all day long that his performance suffers or that his fast twitch is underdeveloped somehow. Honestly though, it feels like our data set on him is very limited as he only gets 1 or 2 carries in a series. For me, before I went aroun Squat, bench are not power exercises. They're strength exercises. The difference is significant, and exactly the point I was making. Muscle tissue atrophies when it goes unused, obviously. Preferential fiber type atrophy of Type 1 with heavy resistance training, I'd have to see some support before accepting this. Endurance adaptations are mostly enzyme, mitochondrial, and vascular so while aerobic performance may decrease due to those factors, I'd have to see specific research indicating type 1 fibers lose mass (atrophy) under high level resistance training. The opposite is obviously a very different story as Type 2 are recruited secondarily and thus can be avoided by avoiding high threshold activities. There are MANY variables beyond muscle fiber composition that differentiate an accomplished power lifter and distance runners. To be very good at either one, your genetics have to offer you a favorable fiber type composition. And I've never said a fiber can change its type. Some characteristics, yes, but not type. Nice strawman attempt. "My comment on the studies above wasn't to rub your nose in implied ignorance..." LOL... What studies? Did you reference the literature somewhere? BTW, this is not a "medical" discussion about "medical facts". Not all science is "medicine".
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