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Everything posted by HANC

  1. Serious question, not sarcastic or "attacking" anyone's post!!!! Did Dorsey ACTUALLY help his stock by coming back his senior year. Wasn't he very highly touted as a junior and then played injured and missed a few games his senior season? I bet, as he sat there injured, he was wondering if he had made the right decision. In the long run..... a NC and a top 10 draft pick, it worked out, but what if his injury would have been a bit more severe? And, wouldn't he have gone in top 10 after his junior yr. too?
  2. YES............. I LIKE BEER............. .......... I LIKE IT ALOT........... Just hope KC and I aren't too hung over from New Year's Eve at the Landing.
  3. zoogies You are right. If he is listed as "late" first round, then I truly think about staying, but if you are projected to mid 1st round, then my earlier post stands.
  4. Fro can't disagree on your assessment of Tom Lugenbill. Maybe this is why most of us put more stock into rivals rather than scout.....but both are just opinions and guesses. I just found it amusing that it was only an hour after the comment on the board that I heard the interview. He will probably be a big impact player.
  5. If they are that big into education, and he wants to please them and truly wants to do the best thing for anyone (get his education !!!!....can never take that away)......... he could always work on his degree in the off-season, or after career...... If you have a chance to step right out of college and put millions of $$$ in the bank, compared to a degree, which can be attained at any time and AGE, he would be smart IMO to take the $$$ while it is there. If he blows a knee or pulls a Herian, then he stuck with a degree, yes, but that degree, will probably never give him the financial security or advantage that he will get immediately. Listen, I am a teacher for goodness sake, so I value education more than most, but if a kid gets a chance to put $$$ in the bank for him and his family.....go for it !!! Take a look around a college campus, a ton of "non-traditional" students (30's - 40's) and if he is only lacking a semester or so, easy to pick up.. As a football fan, obvioulsy I want him to stay, but put the goggles aside, and put yourself in his situation, and ask what would you do?
  6. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that I read in the Omaha paper that NU isn't ranked in the top 25 in the Collegiate Baseball poll. This is pretty sad. I don't understand why we can't establish tradition here. Are we just "flashes in the pan". We have a few good years, then fall off? Someone explain to me WHY Anderson can't build a program to stay on top, or hell, at least in the top 15. We have the best facilities of many northern schools, recent success, former players flourishing in MLB, and it's in the State that hosts the CWS. Is Anderson going to be able to do this, or is he not the right guy for the job.... I personall thought that Childress was the mastermind behind ALL of our success, even when Van Horn was here. AM is ranked 9th right now. The whole northern team excuse doesn't cut it either.........MIssouri, ND, Michigan, Missouri State, Wichita St are all in top 25.....granted, northern teams are at a HUGE disadvantage, but you can still put together a top 15 team year in and year out. Especially with the facilities of NU.
  7. One would assume that we will see a few new "wrinkles" from both teams. This is a run of the mill bowl game. Very important to each team and their growth, plus fan base, but not like the NC game. Wtih that in mind, I think that the coaches and players can have a little "fun" and experiment with some different stuff. Clemson definately has the athletes to make the bone work, but true OPTION football is all about timing and reading keys. This is something that CAN'T BE MASTERED in a few bowl practices. Heck, I know local high school teams in Omaha that have their "pop warner" teams running option so that when their qb-rbs get to high school they have had years of practice. The fact that it takes soooo much timing and reads, and that they only have limited practices, I HOPE that they try the bone. Yes, their athletes are scary and can break a big one, but I think you would see some mis-reads and dumb pitches, possibly resulting in negative plays or fumbles. Dabo may be "out-coaching" himself a little. And I would like to think that if WE know this on a message board, that maybe Bo and Co. are well aware, as they usually tend to know more than we do.
  8. Just listening to local radio show in Omaha, and Tom Lugenbill from espn (scout).......and guy who wrote the article mentioned above.......he did some explaining about the "overall" concept of article and from what he said, I tend to agree with most of what he said. He said that he wasn't necessarily talking about this year's class solely, but at the entire body of work. He explained that he was talking about NU competing with other schools within the conference on a "yearly" basis and comparing it to the past. He pointed out that it used to be NU-OU-TX and then everyone else would fight over the guys the big 3 didn't take.....but now, it is just OU-TX and that NU isn't competing with those 2 schools very well. Right now, he mentioned that we are battling MU-KU-AM and the schools that we would normally not have to worry about losing recruits to.......whether you like it or not, he is spot on !!!!!! He did say that NU was probably leading the North as far as recruiting this year, but also added that we should be... Then, friggin Brian Munson (Big Red Report....recruiting guru) comes on and says that 4-5 big names are in academic jeopardy..... Byrd, Norman, Robinson, and a few more.....he said both guys from Eulices (sp) prep school are in trouble academically and that Bodtman is kind of in "no man's land" because he has been hurt and has lost so much weight that he is now lighter than most of our safety recruits.....sounded like NU may be leary of his scholly.
  9. Funny thing is that I read this post earlier, then less than two hours lataer, Tom Lookingbill (sp), the lead espn Scout guru was on a radio show in omaha, and the hosts asks him if Mizzou should play Sheldon on offense or defense. He said offense, but then he followed that up by saying that he and his "scout staff" ARE NOT AS IMPRESSED with Sheldon as some of the other services. The 2 local hosts were impressed by him, but Tom thinks he is "over-rated"......just seemed funny after I read the remark about facing th e #4 athlete for the next four years. I would imagine we will enjoy facing him just like Josh Freeman.
  10. I'm glad someone threw Baker's name into the ring. He may be the most gifted of all. I have nothing but and OPINION, but I still think that he stays on the D side of the ball. Smith and Osborne have played extremely well on scout team this past season. Sounds like a few of the recruits will probably not qualify academically....Byrd-Washington and Ankrah needs to kick it in the a$$ or we will be without his services too.... I bet Bo is really working the "grey-shirt" angle right now, knowing that a few of these guys aren't going to make it to Lincoln. (well, "right now" is the dead period, but you all know what I mean).
  11. hence, this is why the spread works very well in ncaa...... like strigori stated, qbs can exploit mistakes, and mistakes come from blown assigments/discipline issues. Is it the fact that it takes young kids soooo many reps in game situations to become comfortable, and in college, most athletes aren't going to get the number they need. Obviously, in some cases, when kids play for 3-4 years, then they get good, but when they only see the field as jr-sr, they may not have the time needed to develop discipline. If this is the case, then Bo's redshirting philosphy makes even more sense. Get the kid up to snuff size wise, academically adjusted, practice habits inforced, and then hopefully begin using them as RS fresh or sophomores, with the hope that you will be full of a bunch of 3-4 year starters or contributors.
  12. not trying to "assume" anything or "stick up for anyone", but possibly, BW meant that Leverson's "brain" comment was related to decision making on comittment/dedication issues rather than knowledge or overall intelligence. that's just how I took it. Base on the fact that BW said that if his dedication would match his athletic ability, he would be a player. Maybe he just hasn't made the best decision YET.... tough jump, and he will come around. Remember, many of us thought the same about Potter and his dedication, and it took a few years, but look at the results.
  13. Once again, hope it isn't/wasn't too late. Donated this morning. Sorry I couldn't do more, but hopefully every little bit helps out. Thank you for sharing this story, this is what life should be about, not just in the Holiday season. God Bless
  14. BigWillie What have you seen or heard about Leverson? Is this a kid that will eventually develop into a player or not. He is tremendously gifted athletically, but will it translate into Big 12 football.
  15. Thanks for the explanation. I would tend to agree with your "philosophy" in recruiting. Absoulutely makes sense. Back to an earlier post, when you hinted that maybe you thought Mason Wald was going to be a "bust". I wouldn't give up on him yet. He was a "late" pick up at the end of the process, helping fill or round out a class. (not one of those "early" signees, taking up room for a 5*) Remember, he is only 1 of a couple of guys who didn't red-shirt, so he is making the dramatic jump from HS to Big 12 without the luxury of the developmet process. We all know how important special teams are, and if he does develop into a "Rigoni" and that is his limit, no problem. Not bad to have a guy on the team who can be a spark plug through special teams by delivering massive hits on kickoffs. Furthermore, the more "special team" specialists you have, the less you have to rely of putting full-time players out there, risking injury on every kickoff. I have heard a few interviews with players saying that the "hardest" hit they have taken in college football has been from "freshman Mason Wald". Not a guy from OU-MU-VT-etc.......but from Mason Wald. You may be right, but I am not ready to rule out that this kid will be valuable to us in the future.
  16. Sorry, I just read the post, is it too late to donate.....Dec. 19......if not, I will visti site tomorrow am
  17. Another point of view would be NU's version of slowing TT down. Get an above average defensive effort and a tremendous ball control offense to keep the high powered O's on the sideline....but that wouldn't really answer the defensive question.
  18. I forgot about Gray......I was pretty pumped about that too
  19. This is for all of us armchair coaches (or HS coaches)............ in this day and age of the Big 12 offenses putting up numbers like crazy with all of their variations of the spread attack, how and when does someone in the Big 12 put together a D-scheme to slow these teams down. Even NU is putting up very good numbers. Any suggestions? I believe that the only way a team is going to successfully stop the type of offenses that are now the "Big 12 offenses" is to recruit as much SPEED as possible. You must find a solid front 4 to stop run and pass rush, but after that, the 2nd and 3rd level must be loaded with speed. Someone on the radio mentioned the other day that the so-called great "Florida and FSU" teams in the past recruited as many of the top running backs in the country and then turned them into LB's. Said that one of those teams had 3 LB's who were recruited as rb......once again, great athletes with rb speed (4.3 - 4.5) As far as scheme goes, I can't go there..... don't even want to try to pretend to know enough about the game at the college level. Common sense would say that with the solid front 4, and speed at LB, you get get away with sending at least 1 LB most of time, 'cause you could match up well with M-M coverage with LB on TE/RB in coverage. Just looking for coaching conversation.
  20. Okay, yes, I am bored and am ready for MORE football. I am brainstorming for conversation topics Becuase it is "recruiting" season, and we all have our opinions and thoughts on various recruits, I thought that I would pose this question. What recruit have you been the most excited to see SIGN with NU throughout the years? Do not base this on how that player panned out, or if he even stayed with the program. I just want how you felt on LOI day. Mine: 1. Tommie Frazier - still remember getting in my car after class at UNL and finding out he chose us over ND 2. Grant Wistom - remember stealing him out of Missouri More recent 1. Harrison Beck - I was seriously pumped to get a top 5 qb to sign...thought BC was the man to get him 2. Marlon Lucky - I followed him closely throughout his process and was pumped when he signed.
  21. As I was filling out my office bowl predictions, man, I struggled with the NC game. I honestly am almost 50-50 on this game. OU can put up numbers like crazy, but they also have given up numbers like crazy at times. Heisman 1 with Tebow vs Hiesman 2 with Bradford. Florida has tremendous SEC speed, but I think OU has a ton of speed too. Anyone else think that this will be one of the better NC game in recent history? I finally decided on Florida only because of Percy Harvin will be back, but maybe not at full strength....Heck, I should have gone with OU. What are some of your guy's/gal's take on this game?
  22. Landlord stole my post.......all signs point to Ankrah...... all of the so-called analysts say that he is going to be N and would like to announce at or after the crab bowl. I am assuming this is the guy Bo was/is referring too, and I sure hope so !!!!!
  23. BigWillie Serious question.....what inside info do you have that has given you the impression that Bodtmann will be a bust? I went back and checked his "thread" and it seemed like everyone was excited to get him. Was it because he was an early "get" and people were just excited that recruiting had started? What has changed since then that has you "down" on this kid? I am not "attacking" your point of view, I am just looking for some more info on the kid. Thanks
  24. I also think that there is something to be said about "comfort zone"......... Turner is extremely comfortable at Buffalo. They friggin love him there. They bumped his salary from (est.) $180,000 to somewhere around $550,000 a year...plus, they just had a "banquet" to honor HIM and nothing else. He has an AD and President that worship the ground he walks on..... plus, we have already mentioned the "loyalty" factor that he has. He has made a comittment to a lot of his "younger" recruits, and I know that he would find it hard to leave. Not that anyone is remotely interested, but as a HS coach, I had the opportunity to leave the smallest class in the state of Iowa and move to one of the largest schools and programs last spring, and just couldn't find it in me to look at the 40 players who have worked so hard for me and tell them that I was leaving. (sorry, way off topic and non-interesting)............just trying to point out that the whole LOYALTY factor can really way and sway a person. Especially, if the coach is very comfortable and $$ is not the driving factor.
  25. Wow.......the Huskers showed great heart,determination, and a ton of skill tonight. To fight back from 0-2 and hand them the first set loss (2) of the season and have a chance to win the match says a lot about a team that is supposed to be a year away.... Congratulations to the young women. I love to watch them play. I had 4 friggin tickets to the qwest tonight, but got "iced in" and had to email them (ticketmaster) to a buddy in omaha. I am sooo pissed that I wasn't there, and my buddy owes me big.
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