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MLB 51

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Everything posted by MLB 51

  1. Keith Towbridge - TE is out. Another ACT scheduling victim.
  2. Sorry. Didn't realize the article was so old. The information about what is good and what is bad changes every other day it seems like.
  3. This explains some of effects. http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7nzMcHNPBjgAVm5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0MHFva2g5BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1FJMDI4XzE4OA--/SIG=12rklsj9j/EXP=1332994380/**http%3a//www.mindfully.org/Food/Irradiate-Microwave-Effects-FoodMay96.htm
  4. I believe the radiation from the microwave alters the chemical composition of the food. That was my understanding as to why it is bad. Sad fact is that all produce you buy in a supermarket has been irradiated before hand. This is supposed to kill any harm bacteria. Sorry if this was mentioned some where in the thread. I didn't take the time to read the previous posts.
  5. There is no possible explanation other than they are trying to cash in on the rewards others have earned. As a military member myself, I have no respect whatsoever for people who perpetuate being a highly decorated member of the Armed Forces. All gave some, some gave all. Others are posers I agree. I served and if want to honor U.S. soldiers. Wear a shirt saying you support the armed forces. Don't try playing dress up to impress people.
  6. Still playing Mass Effect 2. As others stated it is a much better game than Crysis 2. Still haven't been able to gain loyalty of all my team members though.
  7. Just lost every thing on my cpu. All my music and picture files. Even lost my desk top icons. Found 3 maleware files. Tried to restore with no luck. Anyone have any idea how I might be able to recover this stuff?
  8. Couldn't find who his lead recruiter is.
  9. Ihnen got robbed in OT. Takes 2nd place.
  10. Anybody else watching the B1G wrestling Championships.
  11. Glad to see the self imposed exile lasted 3 days... a man that sticks to his word, thats a man you can trust Had to +1 that.
  12. And maybe the Chinese won't get involved this time around.
  13. She is brutal with that arm bar.
  14. Ihnen only one to make the finals.
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