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Everything posted by NUance

  1. He knows more about defense than that other Kevin guy.
  2. I suspect the people building this mosque probably have little in common with the Islamic terrorists. But most people won’t see it that way.
  3. Listening to Paul Revere and the Raiders. An old CD I bought from a pawn shop downtown.
  4. This is the key. And we are beginning to see it already.
  5. It’s kinda fun to image these great Huskers from the past lining up with the team again. I wonder if any of the current 2010 players would be mentioned if this thread was started 10 years from now?
  6. Hey! This could be real! I gonna try to get in on some of that $25.5 million.
  7. I don’t think Christianity helps on the field. But is sure helps off the field. I wish LP would have found the Lord.
  8. Ha ha! I hope she decides to hyphenate instead of taking his name.
  9. Don't know about flights, but make sure you get Fastpass tickets for the rides. It will save many hours of waiting in lines. Have fun!
  10. If you could bring back any NU player from the past to play this year, who would it be? Oh heck, let’s say one player from for offense and one for defense too. Blackshirts, I’m going with MLB Carlos Polk. Offense is a little harder. More holes to fill. OT Zach Wiegert. You could plug him into a couple of spots.
  11. Oh, but they look so much alike. Maxine Waters and Shirley Sherrod are practically twins. /roll eyes
  12. But, but, but, his actions were beyond his control. He had maple syrup urine disease!
  13. Ha ha! KSU is UCLA's tune-up game this year.
  14. 2008. The season that erased 2007.
  15. Best part of the article is the double entendre title.
  16. Agree that it's just some writer trying to create "much ado" but disagree that Favre doesn't belong on the list. He most certainly does, if for no other reason than the way he's screwing the preparation of the Vikes all through training camp. They're a completely different team if he comes back than without him, and that prep is on hold until he comes back. There are a good half a dozen more reasons I could give, but that one alone which screws a whole franchise and their fans, is enough to land him in the top 50. Not so fast my friend! (in best Lee Corso voice). Is there *really* any question about whether Brett is coming back this season?
  17. Ha ha! This will haunt Greta Van Susteren for her whole career. Which may not be much longer.
  18. Yeah, just some writer trying to create much ado. Favre should not even be on the list at all.
  19. Awesome name! Seems vaguely familiar.
  20. Bruce Willis Tower? Did they never see any of the Diehard movies? Wait.. Sears..Diehard If I ever go to Chicago, the first thing I want to check out are the Blues Bars. If you're driving out, throw in some Willie Dixon ("I Am the Blues") in the CD player on the way out. One of my all time favourite albums. Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?
  21. Brett Favre #1? WTF?? Sure, the guy and his on again, off again retirement is annoying. But #1 jerk in all sports? No. Way.
  22. Media guide trivia: Keyuo Craver won 7 letters. link How many of you Husker brainiacs knew that?
  23. Stewie. Duude. It's offseason. In August, with camp just around the corner. Optimism rules. No need to tip over the Kool-Aid pitcher.
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