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Everything posted by huskertim

  1. I agree with you, but to be fair, I don't think this kid has time to make reads, his line sucks.
  2. What is this soccer thing of which you speak?
  3. I'm not a huge KC fan but I think this is a good get for Chiefs. MB has plenty left in the tank if he isn't the only guy playing and I think he'll be a great vetern leader for a youg team.
  4. Happy B-day Battery, Tip one for all of us.
  5. Hey BRI, I think one our your threads just got moves to the woodshead. Naughty, naughty BRI
  6. Actually, as a former car salesman , we were trained to take advantage of many of these little tricks. After awhile, it just becomes second nature and you don't realize your even doing it. As a Poli Sci major I saw alot of 1 and 2 in polling data. So, I never trust the poll numbers, unless I know the questions asked, the context in which they where framed and the sample pool taken. BTW, I would consider myself an introvert as well.
  7. On behalf of the RNC, thank God it was a woman this time, and one of legal age as well. We've come along way baby!
  8. Reality has never been the strong suit for Little Kim. He tells the people that he is God. Yet most of the country doesnt even have electricity, and only feeds people from food shipped into the place Really, who would be dumb enough to prop up this guy by sending food in (plus money, oil, coal, machinery,etc, etc) ?
  9. Yes, true, but both are right. These kids will grow up and bitch about the same things their parents do now. The problem is, with each generation the notion of entitlement becomes more entrenched until eventually noone wants to do a dam thing for themselves. Rome is the ultimate example of this. The richer the society got , the fatter and lazier the next generation became. Eventually they wouldn't even fight their own wars. The mercenary armies that defened them weren't invested in the country and in time Rome burned. It may seem an extreme example, but I'm sure the Romans would have said the same thing until right before the gates came down.
  10. I saw it last night (Sat). I didn't have great expectations, but I thought it was pretty good. I thought the overtly racist comic relief (the 2 Chris Rock sound alikes) was unneccessary and I found the epiphany scene towards the end to be pretty cheesy, but overall there were hot chicks and stuff got blowed up real good so I was satisfied.
  11. After watching Suntrup's highlights, I'm less worried about his mechanics than his health. That line is going to get him killed.
  12. Wow! Everyone of these kids qualified, and this is a big class. That is impressive (not to mention lucky).
  13. GO MAVS!!!!!!!!!!!! Feelin the mojo. I don't buy that NU just isn't using the Fullback anymore, I just think Mack being a Jr would like to see the field more and maybe UNO is offering a schollie to boot. This family has certainly given it's all to NU so I think we can support Justin's decision. I know I'll be glad to see him at Caniglia.
  14. Then what is the point of change, or do you just wish we could be cool like Oregon?
  15. We're all praying for your wife to get well soon.
  16. Okay, who would win, 1995 Huskers with tiny Ditka or the Swine flu.
  17. So... new unis would make us the huskers?
  18. Well, we could always just send them big buckets of money like we did in the late 90's, that seemed to work out okay.
  19. Firstly, I'm pretty sure this is the SOP response to our tracking and threatening to intercept their ship carrying suspected weapons contraband to Burma. The rally is just Kim Jong's febble attempt to blame the peoples' suffering on the US. The big threat to world stablity here is if Japan decides it needs to start defending itself and goes nuclear. That would make things very, very interesting. (BTW Russia and China would fear that a whole lot more than NK's poccessing Nukes).
  20. That was my point exactly. They were the ones doing the dying standing up for their freedom. It's not about being a policeman. It's standing up for what is right. Amen. Since when did we become so dam concerned with what the limp d@#k Ero trash think about us anyway. Will we suddenly become unpopular among muslims if we stand up for these kids in Iran. Gosh I wouldn't want to upset the delicate sesibilities of the Muslim Broterhood or they may try to make trouble for us. I don't think we need to invade Iran to show support for these protestors, but we can facilitate communications and spread information to and from them, ultimately, you win hearts and minds by having the conviction to follow your heart, and the heart of America yearns that all men be free.
  21. I wouldn't fear change, but only an idiot changes his brand when it's having success with the current one. Remind me, how'd that work for "New" coke. For that matter, how many more games did we win with the all white road uni. IMCO, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  22. Got to go with LP, if not for his unfortunate case of crainial/anal immersion syndrome he could very easily have racked up 2 Heismans. 2 would be Rozier, and it's hard to but this guy second on any list, he was just incredible.
  23. I guess it shouldn't surprise me, since it just political maneuvering, but I am surprised that so many politicians on the right are saying Obama should support Moussavi in Iran. Hello, he's not that much of a change from the current guy. Moussavi had the job in the 80s, and Iran wasn't exactly our friend back then either... This is way beyond support for Moussavi, these kids are risking their lives for the freedoms we take for granted. After the way this has played out, we must be stronger in our condemnation and be willing to show we are behind these protestors. I don't think the Irainian people are going to buy the whole US is satan crap at this point, things have changed quickly and whereas we might suffer down the road for a strong stance now we will certainly suffer for a weak one. The climate is changeing and we must change with it.
  24. Well said sir....... In the past...I would've agreed with almost all of the above..But as I've gotten older, my nasty habbit of seeing both sides of any sitiation has gotten worse. Tonight on a "very special" Dr. Phil...(I almost never watch it, but they were touching on a pet peve of mine. Texting while driving). I can't even begin to remember the number of times I almost got T-boned by someone on a cell phone, or had to share the same lane with a texter...They're getting easier to spot..they're the only ones not going 10-15 MPH over the speed limit..just moving speedbumps. Sure it'd be nice to allow anyone to do anything they want, but once it starts to effect other's health/safety..you almost HAVE to start legislatin' some common sense for these people..they won't just take themselves or each other out. And .." Regulating those who smoke and sell does absolutely nothing to deter the use or sale of drugs" I don't agree...After writing my previous post..I was thinking, "If I could somehow find a joint on my driveway next to my car when I got home from work..I'd be tempted to try it out"..But since the last three places I worked are no longer in buisness, I've become more aware of the constant need to keep up my ability to pass a drug test..almost everyone tests these days..That's probably my main deterrent right now. Is infringing upon one's health/safety not a direct violation of that individual's rights? If no one is injured or harmed, then no. But if someone was, the violator should be held accountable. If the people who did violate other's rights were held accountable, you would see an instant decline in the actions of infringement. The best deterrent is accountability and education, not legislation. This does nothing to stop those who are already willing to take the chance and only restricts the rights of those who do follow the rules. We don't need legislation to regulate everybody when only a select few are the one's infringing upon other's rights. What about "regulating those who smoke and sell does absolutely nothing to deter the use or sale of drugs" do you not agree with? I provided an example, The War On Drugs, as evidence for my statement, if you do not agree please provide evidence to support your claim. Exhibit A: Me. I don't smoke because it is illegal and I could lose my job. If it were legal I probably would never have stopped. Again, I'm not saying the law is right or that I support it, but to say regulation has no effect is very inaccurate. I'm quite certain that when pot is made legal, you'll see a hell of alot of people start smoking that would have otherwise refraimed.
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