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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Anyone been to a SEC football game?  If so, what team and how was it as far as tailgating/partying compared to a Husker game?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      Ok, just checking. Either way, I’ve never been!

    3. Redux


      Bucket list would include Auburn @ Bama, Bama @ LSU and Georgia @ Flordia

    4. NUance


      I always thought Tennessee would be a fun home game.  But not when they suck.  So I better not put it on my bucket list because I might not live that long.   

  2. Man, that list of how bad this country is...wow. Must explain why the US is losing so much of its population.
  3. This!! I really don't think that Bernie supporters support this either but just like the Trump Cult the Bernie Cult is just sort of saying they agree.
  4. Oh I get it, if you build a big successful business...you should be forced to give more of it away.
  5. Correct, he would not have, not at that point of his business. I was just giving an example of the work/time/effort that goes into it and then to have to give more...it seems wrong.
  6. Come on...your kids and their kids will all have great jobs after they go to Pretend University where the tuition is free...then they can get a sweet job where they pay outrageous taxes to help pay for their "free" college and for the "free" college that this girl is going to get...
  7. I had a friend that started a business...the amount of time, money, resources ect that went into it was AMAZING. And...he paid the people that worked for him 25% more than what other businesses in his field were paying. He bent over backwards for that business and his workers and in the end it lasted about 1.5 years. The idea of having to give even more away, unreal.
  8. No s#!t! People act like starting a business is easy. Most fail...it is f#&%ing hard work and sometimes a lot of really good luck. Plus that person (people) are taking all the risks.
  9. No...minimum wage is fine. But once you start the other part you have started something that can be a problem. I think companies that want to do that should do that, I do not think it should be something that they are forced to do.
  10. You really are not sure if the owner of the company should get to decide? That is interesting.
  11. That is still capitalism but in this case it might not always be money that they want "more of" it is like you said, bragging rights. But, I agree with you.
  12. But you have to agree that should be up to each company/boss, right?
  13. The fact that he even pushes or endorses the idea of workers taking over the company is weird.
  14. China is about 1 more outbreak away from just killing and torching anyone that even sneezes in their country.. I could not even imagine trying to contain things like this. Hopefully it is under control but it seems like it isn't.
  15. This is funny! I still like Keaton as Batman but when you look back on it now it is really amazing that he was selected.
  16. I bet if he stopped infected people from coming here there would not have been an uproar.
  17. Yep! The ONLY reason most of those techies are into politics is to find out which side will help them make the most cash in the shortest amount of time. They are true capitalists and basically don't care about some of the things they pretend to care about (not that they are bad people, most of them are probably just like everyone else, pretty decent) but it is all about "users" and "views" and "clicks" so they are simply playing the game, who wouldn't? There are some that are SJW's and some that are crazy conservative but most of them just want to be left alone to make dollars.
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