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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Yeah, they were literally locking people in their apartments.
  2. No, I get that...but how come other countries are not rioting and protesting about this...how come they are not forcing their governments to share...like people would be doing here if it was reversed. Seems odd.
  3. How come other countries are not sending us kits? Lord knows that crazies in this country would be up in arms if we had them and were not sharing.
  4. It is the internet...we have avatars and fake names...this is not an argument with your uncle at Christmas dinner.
  5. Dang...well...if that is all true and I assume it is...I would think Elk Public School will be closing up here shortly...Are they are spring break next week?
  6. Really? I have not heard this yet but thanks for the update!
  7. I am okay with this. I think I like it better when they talk like real people and not robots.
  8. It is interesting how we see it so differently. A month ago I would agree with you...but this virus issue, I think, will make a huge difference.
  9. While I think Sanders is out...I know think Biden will win over Trump with ease. This might be the most amazing turnaround in US Presidential Race history. Biden was dead about a month ago...now I have a feeling he will crush Trump.
  10. I really think that schools will be shut down, all over the US.
  11. Trump -150 (way down) Biden -800! The collusion has worked for the D's!
  12. Well...yeah...it is a future... I don't think it will ever get under 2.00 dollars again but maybe! Not sure how it will impact flying BUT you might be able to find some cheap a$$ flights in May!
  13. Some rumors going around that OPS (and then all schools in/around Omaha) will be shutting down and doing E-learning to make sure that required amount of days are met... I can't f#&%ing wait to see what E-learning gets done for PE! Subject Line: PE Instructions (Open email) - Class, please ummmm, like, well, just do some push ups. Thanks! PE Teacher Johnson
  14. And there is not even anything that they should be checking into.
  15. You are not just figuring this out now, are you?
  16. You probably would...I am normal...I am honest. Sadly...I am not of age. But you have voted for "me"...because I am every President ever...they all give s#!t to their friends/family...
  17. Oh my god...you are smarter than this! Do you think that company had their HR lady (who was hot...because all HR girls are HOT AS f#&%) look through resumes and she just happened to randomly pick "Hunter Biden" Come on! You are embarrassing yourself, like I did on my prom night.
  18. RB is down 7%...which is a HUGE win for them right now...also the fact that you (and everyone else) realizes this is a short term scare just goes to show how stupid this all is... The market is about to "crash" but RB will go down way less...
  19. Did Gov. Pete really just tell us to stock up with 2 weeks worth of supplies???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. teachercd


      I do s#!t a lot!



    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      The CDC told us this like a week ago.

    4. Judoka


      Back when no one thought they were serious.

  20. Huskers might lose their BTT game by 30...Man...By the way...Tim Miles is good on set...Prediction...he will be Dickie V of the Pre-Post game shows.

    1. NUance


      Would love to see Miles make good at his booth gig.   I always liked him, and didn't think he should've been fired. 


    2. teachercd


      I think he will find his groove in the booth/set and I think he will end up liking it a lot more than coaching. 

  21. Thank you for this. Apple was dead...then iPhones came out...and Apple was not dead.
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