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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Do you not get it? These players need to be PERFECT...because of role modeling and stuff...and because of other stuff I guess.
  2. If there is still some SE jinx on this program I picture a 5-7 NU team getting into a bowl game only to play a 5-7 Akron team that also wormed their way in... Two teams...under .500 playing in a rematch. If the SE stench/jinx is over...then I hope they play a Big 12 Team
  3. For the last 4 years! We all saw that amazing data put together on rivals.
  4. Did you really invent the sharkwater? I LOVE those things!
  5. Trust me...the first time those guys did something wrong was not AFTER they enrolled at NU
  6. Dang, Purdue was 2.5 last season?
  7. Sevenfold is interesting, I almost think they are a band that is just in the wrong time period. If they had be a late 80's early 90's rock band I think they could have been Metallica, Megadeth, AC/DC big... Ice Cube is a boss! I love Rush but I could see why people would not like them...now...if they came off as pretentious like Radiohead or Oasis I think even more people would hate them but since they seem like pretty nice, normal dudes with a good sense of humor it probably helps them out a bit. Side note... You know that ZZ Top and Jimmy Buffet were told by their parents "Give this up, get a job, cut your hair, come on now...you are never going to make it, I support you but you have to be realistic" yet they have made a bazillion dollars.
  8. Sugar coat what...it is funny. Comedy is also about delivery and presentation.
  9. If Riley were still the coach the win total would be set at .5.
  10. Wow did Vampire Dork and Riley ever run this program into the ground.
  11. I think Comedy Central brought them back a few years ago...they were usually horrible and I could watch for about 4 minutes until I had to change it.
  12. If anyone attacked you for saying Riley sucked...they are morons. With that said I basically always assume the Husker will win 9 games no matter what...
  13. Very very true. I think there is an art to taking a joke as well. Dangerfield could make fun of others and himself and was brilliant at it.
  14. I am actually a bit surprised that NU baseball still has a decent following. It seems so long ago that they were good and lord knows the Big Ten takes baseball about as seriously as Coach Riley took competing. I can remember the CWS when NU was in it and it was insane...the CWS atmosphere is always awesome but man was it "woke" when NU was in it.
  15. Nothing is offensive about it that I can see or grasp. But some people love to be offended.
  16. Who knows...some people are just a$$hole$ when it comes to having a sense of humor. I think it might be immaturity.
  17. Hopefully people just treat people nicely no matter what their job might...The standards should be the same, I think. Once we start having different standards for people we start creating problems. People should be held to a high standard towards the way the interact with others because it is the right thing to do.
  18. Cobra Kai...I can't wait for May 2nd!  

  19. Ha! Yeah, he is still in the group but honestly he tends to be the last one we call when we are planning stuff.
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