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Everything posted by Minnesota_husker

  1. This is the call from John Neidel. He called it for 90.3 KRNU(UNL radio) This guy has since graduated, but i honestly think this call is solid. I was standing next to him when he made the call and if you listen carefully you can hear me yell.. hard to hear though. I love being in the press box for these games.
  2. That was my bad.. i changed my 2nd vote and forgot to hit 2 names when i re-entered it. You got your vote back.. My bad.
  3. He has made his choice and he will share it tomorrow like he has said all along.
  4. I can't STAND that guy. No WAY is he getting a position on my team! ! ! ! ! ! NO WAY~!!!!!!1!1eleven :steam Or it could be the fact that he's already on the team. Either or. =) Dont make me quote PM's to prove you are lying. You love me coach! Hey, Hay, Hey! PMs are like Vegas. Or there like herpes.. that crap will come back with u
  5. Nahhhh. Eddie Haskell? I'm pretty sure you were the one protesting the initial nomination...By that farken Ice hole Husker 37. Linkin I bet he was only trying to get brownie points...or worse..BROWNIES. OK..You pulled the truth out of me.. It was me. I was tired of seeing only the cool kids get nominated for EVERY position and I thought you (Roxy) had the best chance of any of the rest of us second class citizens to eat at the cool table. And I knew how warm and fuzzy I felt when Dundermilf nominated me for that Cheerleader Wrangler thingie...Reminded me of 7th grade when Jill (Calista) Flockhart (not her real name) "pinned" me before my first Football game against Minden. Pinned = some form of archaic torture where members of the Pep Squad pinned a brightly colored note with your name in glitter and a couple of Hershey's Kisses hot-glued to it on your chest. WAY too much pressure on shy kids like Jill and me...But somehow, she got her best friend to get me to ask her to the 7th grade dance the week after. I wanted to spread that feeling around...and Nominate others that hadn't been mentioned yet, but I missed the posting of when these things were occurring..I was only able to nominate you... I hope you at least got a good laugh out of it and that you feel loved here on the board. I simply asked a question and stated it wasnt a good position for her. I nominated her for CB if you look for that.
  6. He just loves this place and sometimes stumbles across info he wants to share
  7. EZ-E is a solid poster who shares good info!
  8. I know what you mean, but at the same time wouldn't you want to compete against the very best? Wouldn't you want to see if you are good enough to not only beat out the other QBs on your team, but lead a top tier program to greatness? You would also be choosing to get a degree with considerably less academic prestige. As for the comparisons with his cousin, I really don't think that would be an issue unless he came close to Tommie's level of greatness. After all, he's only a cousin, not a brother or son. I thought Tommie was his uncle?? my bad if it is just a cousin. I agree, but i understand him wanting to play NOW!
  9. I honestly think that if i were in his shoes i would have picked WKU too. He wants to play, not sit on the bench and learn to maybe never see playing time. Plus getting compared to his Uncle might get tiresome.
  10. Dang Miami.. you must be bored.. ahahahahah
  11. I keep my posts PG.. this is offensive close it down right now.. so i can win
  12. I can't STAND that guy. No WAY is he getting a position on my team! ! ! ! ! ! NO WAY~!!!!!!1!1eleven :steam Or it could be the fact that he's already on the team. Either or. =) Dont make me quote PM's to prove you are lying. You love me coach!
  13. If he went with his heart, i sure hope his heart doesnt mind being far away from home.
  14. Don't pick on my dialect! Dont sound so weird then!! I sound perfectly fine. I reckon y'all up there feel the same way I do, but if y'all came down here, we'd hold up a coke and say "What's this?" Then when you answered soda or pop, we'd chuckle til we pissed ourselves because of the outrageous amounts of moonshine we've drunken. Haha...yankees. Well us minnesoootans, dont bother worry aboot how you talk, while we fish on our frozen lakes and eat lutafisk.
  15. I won the DE position. You cant be voted for 2 spots(even tho i am worthy )
  16. We all talk a little bit differently. I get made fun of how i talk all the time. I am outnumbered here in cornland.
  17. What number will he wear.. if he gets 93 will Memorial freak out!!
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