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Everything posted by Joe_5700

  1. If you are talking about OSU, not very well. If you factor the conference as a whole, not as bad as you would like to think. Big Ten teams actually did pretty well in the 2009-2010 bowls against "speed" teams. They went 4-3 overall. Their wins were as follows: Wisconsin beat Miami, Penn State beat LSU, Iowa beat Georgia Tech, and Ohio State beat Oregon. How quickly the 2008 bowls for the big10 were forgotten....a combined 1-6. 3 of those losses were against big12 teams.
  2. Here is what is troubling to me about the team. How many runs has the pitching staff walked in? How many wild pitch strike outs resulted in an opposing batter getting on base? How many infield singles has the team allowed? I know the team is young, but other teams seem to be getting the most out of their young players. Something is broken on the team. Anderson may be doing everything that he can, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect on his players. We have to give Anderson another year though. If we are in the cellar again or struggling to make the big12 tournament, I hope TO comes to his senses and a replacement is found.
  3. Hold on a second now.... You are giving Cotton a pass but not Lee? We all know what an underperforming line can do to a QB's performance.... I don't think Nebraska has a shot at being big12 champs without a healthy and effective Lee.
  4. Just remember it took a B10/OSU guy to turn around your program I almost forgot that a big10 guy (coached at Illinois and Wisconsin) nearly flushed our program down the toilet.
  5. I understand schemes....however, when "team speed" is brought up (at least in the media)it is about raw speed not schemes. Trust me, not much has changed at OSU on the defensive side of the ball since Tressel took over at OSU. After saying that, I think that the end of last year Nebraska would have finished at the top half of the B10. No clue about this year because of the turnover in some key positions in the B10. I just hope that all this talk happens because I love the thought of having Nebraska in the B10. Just remember it took a B10/OSU guy to turn around your program You forgot another Ohio native who kept things going pretty good as assistant/head coach too. Wisconsin can also thank Nebraska for Alvarez. You seem to be only talking about OSU. I am talking about the big10 as a whole. How well has the big10 done against ranked/bowl teams from the south lately?
  6. Jaws, nobody is saying that big10 teams do not have their fair share of speedy players. What we are commenting on is their schemes are more power based than speed based. You could argue that Nebraska was very much like a big10 team prior to 1993.
  7. Is your coworker serious!!!??? The big10 has always been slower than any other major conference as a whole. This is a fact. If you want to know how we would do, just compare our record against the Big10 in the last 25 years. We are 12-2 against the big10 since 1985. Two of those wins were against mighty Iowa. I personally want to see Nebraska in the big10.
  8. Not picking on you, just everyone who thinks Lee should be our qb. Summarizing your post, you don't think Lee runs well or passes well, do I have that right? He is a quarterback. If he is unable to perform those two duties effectively, he should be relieved of them. I am tired of the sophomore, too early to start him, needs time to develop mumbo jumbo. Martinez was the California player of the year. Lee was lightly, if at all, recruited. Yeah yeah, he was more serious about baseball. He played football at St. Ignatious Prep in San Francisco. If he was blowing up there, he would have had offers from all over. You can't hide at a large Catholic school in a major metro area. Martinez is a winner. He has fall camp to get ready. We have a couple cupcakes to feed on early. Some people are comfortable in the spotlight, some aren't. The Chinese send 14 yr old gymnasts out in front of the world and they do fine. Last year, Lee proved he doesn't have it. Does anyone not remember last year? We were begging for someone with decent qb skills so we could get rid of Lee. I will support whoever the coaches send out to take snaps. I'm betting it won't be Zac Lee. With all this Lee bashing you don't even acknowledge the fact that for 8 out of the 10 games he started he was hurt. I'm fine if you think one of the other two is a better option, but give Lee credit where it is due playing injured takes a lot of guts. The courage he displayed playing while hurt undoubtedly won the frespect of his peers. Every account that I have read says that Lee is the best passer of the bunch. He is a decent runner when healthy, and I feel like he has the best leadership skills which is absolutly crutial at the quarterback position. Well, the guy sucked in 10 out of 10 games. That makes two where the injury was not a factor. Also, not one person on this board could see evidence of an injury during the season. Just because you need surgery doesn't mean you can't play without pain or effectively. Also, how did that tendon in his arm affect his legs? Every account? What does that mean? You want my account? As a guy who saw every ball he threw last season, I feel like I can weigh in. Lee stinks as a passer. Weren't you watching? What has Zac Lee ever led that offense to? We are in trouble if he is the best leader we have. It has been months since the last game. People have been projecting the wishful thinking that maybe the injury was what kept him from playing well onto what they saw last year and have created a memory that isn't accurate. Go back and read some Lee threads from last season, you'll probably find yourself bashing Lee in there. Captain K, haven't you figured out that this is a conspiracy against you? There is no other logical explanation. I guess so. Like I've said before, I've only seen the other qb's in limited action. My point is Lee is not a Division 1 quarterback and it is hard to believe that there isn't a better athlete/qb in the group we have. I am not stating that we do have better, I just don't want to ride the same horse as last year. I can't believe I'm alone on this. All of the talk about Lee managing the game etc is malarkey. I love how he took control and inspired the team against ISU. There's a real winner for you. To assume that a younger guy will make mistakes is just that - an assumption. I'm sticking with Lee being replaced. If he starts we lose a game or two because of his lack of effectiveness. I don't think anyone disagrees that Lee needs to perform better this year. If he does not show improvement after he is healed, I guarantee he will be benched and replaced by Green or Martinez. By the way, I see Martinez as our starting QB in 2011.
  9. This only happens to fan bases that let it, NU fans are not selling their tickets to an Ohio State fan in the parking lot... Exactly. I actually see our fans maybe taking over a few big10 stadiums (Minnesota, Illinois, Northwestern or Indiana) on gameday. http://sportsmed.starwave.com/ncf/s/2000/0909/732611.html
  10. Not picking on you, just everyone who thinks Lee should be our qb. Summarizing your post, you don't think Lee runs well or passes well, do I have that right? He is a quarterback. If he is unable to perform those two duties effectively, he should be relieved of them. I am tired of the sophomore, too early to start him, needs time to develop mumbo jumbo. Martinez was the California player of the year. Lee was lightly, if at all, recruited. Yeah yeah, he was more serious about baseball. He played football at St. Ignatious Prep in San Francisco. If he was blowing up there, he would have had offers from all over. You can't hide at a large Catholic school in a major metro area. Martinez is a winner. He has fall camp to get ready. We have a couple cupcakes to feed on early. Some people are comfortable in the spotlight, some aren't. The Chinese send 14 yr old gymnasts out in front of the world and they do fine. Last year, Lee proved he doesn't have it. Does anyone not remember last year? We were begging for someone with decent qb skills so we could get rid of Lee. I will support whoever the coaches send out to take snaps. I'm betting it won't be Zac Lee. With all this Lee bashing you don't even acknowledge the fact that for 8 out of the 10 games he started he was hurt. I'm fine if you think one of the other two is a better option, but give Lee credit where it is due playing injured takes a lot of guts. The courage he displayed playing while hurt undoubtedly won the frespect of his peers. Every account that I have read says that Lee is the best passer of the bunch. He is a decent runner when healthy, and I feel like he has the best leadership skills which is absolutly crutial at the quarterback position. Well, the guy sucked in 10 out of 10 games. That makes two where the injury was not a factor. Also, not one person on this board could see evidence of an injury during the season. Just because you need surgery doesn't mean you can't play without pain or effectively. Also, how did that tendon in his arm affect his legs? Every account? What does that mean? You want my account? As a guy who saw every ball he threw last season, I feel like I can weigh in. Lee stinks as a passer. Weren't you watching? What has Zac Lee ever led that offense to? We are in trouble if he is the best leader we have. It has been months since the last game. People have been projecting the wishful thinking that maybe the injury was what kept him from playing well onto what they saw last year and have created a memory that isn't accurate. Go back and read some Lee threads from last season, you'll probably find yourself bashing Lee in there. Captain K, haven't you figured out that this is a conspiracy against you? There is no other logical explanation.
  11. In almost every game last year, Lee performed like someone who broke into the locker room, tied up the starting qb and ran onto the field in the starter's place. He looked bad because he was bad. He wasn't hurt THAT badly. Did you ever see him in pain? Was his arm ever hanging lifeless at his side? (Insert joke here) We are in serious trouble again if he starts! What I want to know is, since I didn't get to see the spring game, what makes everyone think Martinez can't handle the job? The writer of the article seems to believe TMart was impressive this spring, yet most on this board don't see that ability considering what's been posted. For me to think TMart or even Cody or Kody won't be the starter, the surgeon would have to not only fixed Lee's tendon, but attached Joe Montana's arm to Zac's shoulder. I'm sticking to my Zac won't be the starter this year stance. Weren't you the same guy who wanted Frankie London to start over Scott Frost? All kidding aside, a questionable offensive line and injuries at running back combined can make a good QB look pretty bad. How did a healthy Green look in comparison when he took over for Lee? Martinez is just not ready. Plain and simple. The coaches know what they are doing.
  12. I think a strapless or orange bra would be appropriate in the second photo. Kind of weird she would attend a game like that. I don't know, my wife says I have to wait until after our first kid to have her breasts done. When I drop $5k on those puppies - I fully expect them to attend Husker games without much of anything seperating them from the action. I wonder where the kid with the gray hats eyes are looking?
  13. How do you figure? I thought we received some gifts just as Iowa St. did against us.
  14. To me our win over Oklahoma was a lot like Iowa St.'s win over us.
  15. Egh, you kidding? I have a final at 10:00 in the morning and here I am lol. Luckily, none of my finals are cumulative and they are all based off of similar tests we have had throughout the year. I studied minimally for each of those and averaged a B+. So, I must admit that I will be approaching these in a similar, procrastinating way. Would you believe that I've been through 2 full-time years at college and had 0 cumulative finals? Not helping my long term studay habits... Well I won't knock on UNO, but I have definitely noticed (from my buddies that went there) that they do nowhere near the homework I do and they study significantly less than I do. I've been invited to three parties this week from those guys, and it's finals week. Who does that? I've only had one cumulative final and that was in a math class. There might have been one other mixed in there. Oh well, we can suffer through UNL together next year. A KNOCK ON UNO?! That' new. UNO is kinda like an fancy overpriced CC ps Screw UNO, in case that wasn't projected Really? Even my fancy low priced MCC education taught me the proper use of the word an.
  16. Good for Asante. I was one of his harshest critics before his senior year. He seemed to get burned for many huge plays in 2007 and 2008. His turnaround in 2009 was dramatic and I hope he has a long career in the NFL.
  17. After the Iowa game I told myself that I was done listening/watching the Husker baseball team this season. Today I am wondering will they finally win a big12 series against Texas A&M? I guess I will have to tune in again starting tonight. Am I just glutton for punishment or a "good" fan?
  18. That he is. My son was in a preschool class with his son. When I met him and shook his hand he introduced himself to me as simply Eric. I was thinking to myself I never thought the day would come that Eric Crouch would be telling me who he was. The only football talk that came up was our playing days at Millard North and the former players we knew. I think with football his heart was only in playing QB at Nebraska and at the pro level. If your heart is not in it....
  19. New position? Must be similar to Notre Dame's hunchback. I almost spit out my lunch reading this post. Thanks!
  20. Anderson better be gone at the end of the year!!! I just watched the news and saw NU lost 8 - 5. Anderson needs to go and T.O. has to hire the best there is. No excuses! Saw it on the news? Vince, don't you have a radio or TV? You had to see the team piss away the game in real time to appreciate it.
  21. Houston Baptist. This is the only series that the baseball team has won this year. Houston Baptist. This is embarrassing.
  22. I think it really comes down to what you feel is more important in the QB race for 2011. Running or Passing? Passing was secondary to running in the 90's. Now it seems we want Crouch speed with drop back precision. I predict Martinez will eventually become the starter in 2011.
  23. I change my vote to Pelini. How would he be able to get into Eckeler and Cotton's face on the sidelines if he was on crutches? They could more easily walk away.
  24. Compton was pretty funny with his Madden quote. "We play Madden all the time and he has that gift".
  25. AMEN! I'm tired of talking to people who are die-hard husker fans EXCEPT during bball. They pick a team like Duke or UNC and act like they are "too good" to cheer for a below average team. Get the f*ck over yourself and go to the damn games. How can you claim to bleed red during the fall and then turn your back on the 'skers that play on hardwood? Once the university starts caring about NU Basketball is the day I will begin caring about NU Basketball. You can continue to be the bball backer while I, and others, will continue to be the bball realists. Fair enough? Good. In other words, you will follow them when they win. Our guys chose to play for the Huskers, that is all it takes to have my support. There are plenty of people in Lincoln and Omaha to fill Devaney. They've done it before. Have you ever seen a full stadium for a crappy team (don't mention the Callahan years, it would only serve to prove my point). I may be reversing the typical cause - effect relationship, but I think a good team would result. Your logic is like saying that if more people keep buying GM and Chrysler cars they will get better. Right. Even though the basketball and baseball teams are in a slump, at the very least I listen to the radio broadcasts of every game start to finish no matter how bad the beating is. Remember this. 15,000 people who are not into a game sound exactly the same as 3000 people who are not into a game. The Husker basketball team did very little to warrant cheering at home this year. Think about that.
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