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Everything posted by jimindallas

  1. Especially suprised by the number on the offensive side. Once the season starts and defensive recruits get a reminder of Blackshirt defense, I think the 4 stars on the D will pick up also.
  2. I voted for it. Had to vote for the hamburger one also.
  3. I live in Dallas area. I find the Dallas Morning News ands local TV stations have treated the Big 12 North as a seperate conference. The only time they gave NU, or any other North team any time, or space was when they played a South team. That we will lose, but publicity for intra- North games was minimal at best and no better than Big Ten matchup coverage.
  4. If Bo's defense continues on the track that they were on last year, the offense improves, wins come and NU grads make it in pros on a regular basis, we can recruiit anywhere.
  5. I know aome Aggies and they are hot. They see the lost SEC invite as a lost chance to step out of UT's shadow.
  6. That would be great. Penn State every year would lead to a great rivalry.
  7. We need a national championship to bring us together again. This year would be nice.
  8. 12 teams= conference playoff= Jerry world full for 1 day
  9. I have listened to sports shows in Texas and Oklahoma since the "reconciliation" and the consensus seems to be a 10 year shelf life for the Big 12. Even the people left in the conference feel that it is doomed in the long run. NU had little choice and great timing.
  10. I'm on FIOS and get the main Big X channel and 3 subs. Can't wait.
  11. I don't think so. I think that the success of the Big X network and the lack of cooperation on a BigXII network was more important from an Admin side. Total guess on my part of course.
  12. Yeah, Leach schooled us. I trust the Pelini's would have adapted over time. Course' that is a dead issue now. Iowa State loss= 8 turnovers( 3 inside Iowa State 5 yard line.) I don't remember any calls for Bo's head after these games, but others probably have better memories.
  13. No change for OU/UT. Winner of that game still has beeline to conference championship. Different conferencee, same cast. Don't think Arizona, or AState is going to change that. Championship game may be tougher year to year.
  14. Best possible scenario. Stay in Big XII on condition that partial qualifiers rule be reversed and Big XII network started ASAP, with no individual school channels. No reason to be hard case. Agree to football championship in Texas permanently.BB in KC. That way, no effect on smaller Big XII programs and NU doesn't have to buy new athletic department letterhead.
  15. You aren't the only one wondering: http://forums.hornfans.com/php/wwwthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=football&Number=6204916&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=
  16. Nice to see that Bo's 2 bowl wins have put NU over .500 in bowl wins.
  17. They've sold tout sheets at horse tracks for a long time.
  18. Northwestern is earning $10 million more in TV annual revenue than UT and he is still fixated on a UT network rather than a conference network. If the Big X asks NU should run rather than stay in a conference where this guy is the biggest powerbroker. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/colleges/texas/stories/051610dnspoexpansionqa.86142ff.html
  19. I would like to see us hook up an annual out of conference game with a Fla State or the like, instaed of switching the "power out of conference opponent" every two years. Seems like it would start a tradition that's needed since we don't have a in conference rivalry.
  20. Haven't spent much time in Big X area, but happened to have been in airports when Wiconsin travelled for bowl games. Looked like they travel very well.
  21. No adrenalin. He threw Colt further.
  22. Ricky Williams as the better college back only cause he stayed in longer. AP the better back pro back because of strength and he is sane.
  23. Seems like team that changes uniforms for "big game" is saying, "We're not used to this and need a prop" I prefer to always wear same uni and kick butt. If the 95 team didn't need to change unis for extra spark, it's not a good idea. Do whatever the 95 team did and don't do anything that they didn't. I'm not superstitious at all.
  24. Maybe not. The details of his Nike contract were not disclosed.
  25. Reruns of the Texas spring game have been running in the Dallas area for the last week. Don't see a big deal either way. I am taking Bo's word and not springing the $9.95 for the DVD though.
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