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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. Don't say "yeah" to people in the south, or call it pop.
  2. What does any of this have to do with Democrats? This is technology and AI, not politics.
  3. With record highs again it's time to start hunting for value.
  4. Does religion make our moral code or did we make it, and what exactly from our moral code and modern law do you think comes from religion? Also, I assume you're only talking about Judeo Christian religion, right? I ask because I think you come at this from a very narrow perspective given your leanings. I would argue that we've created these moral codes in order to be a functioning society. Because what I think you're going to point out won't be unique to Christianity but will be found all over the world.
  5. Congress does it. Why can't we?
  6. What a loser. I stopped shaving around college because it's just painful and I would always break out. I still keep my facial hair clean and tidy though. If my job made me shave I'd quit.
  7. We keep them for the same reason Russia did. If we get into deep s#!t something is better than nothing.
  8. To expand on my last post, and be more relevant to TGs OP, as well as Loebarth (since I was too humorous and a bit snarky last night)... I don't have a problem with religion. In fact I deeply respect those who can devoted themselves to it and are disciplined in their practice. Whether that's Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists Hindu, etc. I also think there are many wonderful aspects of religion, chief among them the sense of community/family that they foster. What I do have a problem with is forcing religion on people and claiming that their particular brand has some moral superiority (because almost every religion has a laundry list of pretty messed up things in it's history). Frankly, in my opinion, if you require religion in order to set your moral standards and definitions of dignity then you've got bigger problems. We don't need religion to tell us that we shouldn't murder, rape, and generally treat each other like s#!t. Those are just basic human principles, and actually those are just basic aspect of many sentient societies (we're not unique). There's a reason some form of the golden rule exists in almost every society and religion. It's a basic universal philosophy and a requirement for a healthy society. I think we as humans are more than capable of governing ourselves with out specific religious doctrine. I think something we are sorely missing is a welcoming and inviting country that fosters a strong sense of community no matter who you are or where you're from. A big part of that is the division that evangelical christian extremism has fostered. It's used to justify treating those who don't follow lock-step like crap, to be racist, to take away women's rights, to disenfranchise minorities, and on and on. All because they aren't "like us". It's no different than the taliban or the supreme leaders of Iran. So I guess I said all that to say, please keep religion out of the government and keep good sound philosophy based on empirical research in.
  9. Can we all just wear chinos and get along?
  10. I freely give my opinion because this is a forum, and OP wanted people's opinions on the subject of faith/religion in government, which I thought I did rather humorously. I'm sorry you're too sensitive to criticisms of your chosen "faith". If you'd like me to slander other religions outside of Christianity I can do that too (Jews and Muslims should really give bacon a shot, Hindus are missing out on a nice steak, and that Zoroaster guy really screwed up by not copywriting monotheism). I simply pointed out that there are quite a lot of different interpretations, and methods of practicing the "faith". You have chosen one specific way to practice Christianity. To force your interpretation on others who don't share your beliefs would be rather rude. Hence the analogy in my original post.
  11. Religion should be treated like a penis. It's nice to have one, ok if you don't, and either way fine to be proud of it; but don't pull it out in public, stick it in someone's face, or shove it down their throat. But which translation and version? KJV, NKJV, RSV, NRSV-CE, etc. Or do we learn to read the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Still what order are the books in and what's left out? Are we going literal or more of a Catholic/Protestant vibes? The trouble with any religion is that there are too many interpretations, hince why it has no purpose being applied in government.
  12. No offense, but that's the stupidest thing I've ever read. Literally insulting. Why would anyone want to teach when you're compensated like a bagger at Hy-Vee.
  13. She has a valid point in the beginning and then goes of the deep end. A lot of women complain (and rightfully so) about the mental and physical side effects of hormonal birth control, but birth control isn't only for passionless degrading sex. I've known plenty of women who were on it for medical reasons; heavy periods, cysts, endometriosis, etc. Nevermind the fact that many women on it are in a committed, monogamous, loving relationship and just aren't ready for kids yet.
  14. Stretch you calves and achilles, that helped the most for me.
  15. Yep. Some people have sharp stabbing pain. Mine tends to be more of a dull ache but at it's worst it's can be sharp and extremely painful. Makes you want to do nothing. Good shoes, lot's of stretching and massages, as well as not sitting on high top stools has helped.
  16. Having flat feet and plantar fasciitis will make you spend some coin on a good pair of shoes, but not those POSes.
  17. Little George from the Mueller days? He's back?
  18. No one is complaining about the morality of Trump. It was only ever highlighted to show the complete and utter hypocrisy of the right, and their claims of Christian moral superiority. When push comes to shove they'll bed up with the devil of their choice without a moments hesitation.
  19. Never been in an Aldi's or a European store for sure.
  20. Is this Depp vs Heard the rematch?
  21. I wonder if Tucker thinks Russia OSHA and window/ledge inspectors are better than the US.
  22. Seems like a situation tailor made for UN peace keepers, but that usually never ends well.
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