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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. Wow! They won't have to go to Dillard's anymore just to ride an escalator! That was one of my favorite exercises. Also, an awesome pouch drink.
  2. Let me guess, she's talking about all the moral and ethical issues of the Justices in recent times? Remind me again how the Justices get their jobs?
  3. That incline is crazy, and brings back great memories of all the hills ran during midget and highschool football. Glad the coaches never had a torture device like that. Not a fan of the fonts and color combos though. That's going to look dated real quick. The old place had a more timeless look, but I guess I'm becoming an old geezer now.
  4. It's a state's rights issue. Literally a loop hole one side has been begging to close for over a decade.
  5. Probably because he's a felon. Not specifically the gun charge.
  6. The projection is real!
  7. How's your mother?
  8. The Russian sub fleet used to be the most feared arm of the Russian military. We can only wonder how inept they truly are having seen the decay of the rest of their military. Maybe the Kursk was the beginning of the end?
  9. Pretty f#&%ed up world view right there.
  10. Kinda hard to tell if was damaged at all... Either way impress that they were able to get that close to Russia's prized possession.
  11. I too remember repeal and replace.
  12. And this is how you get zero sympathy and support for your cause from any rational person.
  13. Since the ACA was signed I can't think of any other policies that would have impacted this.
  14. Why would we care? It's a defensive weapon and Cuba is far from a threat.
  15. Sounds kinda like what we thought about Iraq the second time around, but with way more ineptitude, and astronomical losses
  16. Why would they have said tomorrow and not that day? Having been on a jury before, nobody wants to be there any longer than they have to.
  17. All the government did was prove that the Apple content was Hunter's and it was obtained legally by them, since the laptop was "abandoned".That's it, and that's all they needed to do. This case doesn't care about any of the other files on the hard drive, they just want pictures of Hunter using drugs when he owned or submitted the permit for the gun. I would think they are probably going to see if they can make a case that he had intent to distribute as well. This is the similar to how they took down FPSRussia. Find him with some drugs and send them to jail. Literally everyone who smokes weed and owns a gun is guilty of the same crime as Hunter in this case, and that's a lot of people
  18. That's been Wallstreetbets, super stonks, et al's gripe for years. How is it possible to buy something that doesn't exist??? If someone exercised options that don't exist it should break the system. I aped at 40 the other day so I barely made anything today lol
  19. I have no idea what's really going on, but that guys seems to know what he's doing. From what I can figure out he basically he bought something like $200M worth of calls that are in the money at any price above $20/share, and if he exercises them the stock price will probably keep trending up...
  20. Pretty much what I thought. The questioning basically establishes that the laptop is real, at one time belonged to Hunter, and the iCloud info belongs to Hunter. It doesn't say wether or not it was tampered with. And the FBI agent apparently doesn't have first hand knowledge of that anyway. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna155515?page=4#live-blog
  21. No one has said this. An iCloud account and a laptop are two different things... What was asked and what was answered are not the same thing here if the wording is right. I'd be curious to see the actual court transcript for the full quotation.
  22. One in the same I would think
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