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Ratt Mhule

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Everything posted by Ratt Mhule

  1. Where are you seeing this? I think this last one will be it, peronally.
  2. I wasnt equating. All i said was it reminded me of a video I watched of rich people thinking they need to make a certain anount of money to “keep their head above water” when they spend so much on unnecessary things. If you cant live off of $400,000 comfortably then youre probably spending outside of your means. But yes, being rich is subjective. Im sure people who make as much money as people in the video think someone making $400,000 is a peasant while someone making $30,000 a year thinks someone making $400,000 has it made. Not sure if society will ever reach a conclusion on what is considered wealthy.
  3. I mean it doesnt matter where you live in this country, you would be able to love VERY comfortably making $400,000 as long as you are living within your means. Makes me think of this video I watched a few years back where it talks about an article from Business Insider stating that people need to make $190 million to keep their head above water living in NYC and then they start talking about so much unnecessary spending its unbeleivable. The point is making $400,000 or more should give you a very comfortable life anywhere you want to live.
  4. Mcdermott is that you? Youre playing in the title game tonight and now you want another suspension? Lol jk. Just thought id point out that the time perios you are mentioning, the democratic party was the conservative party at the time and the republican party was the liberal party. There was a political reallignment in the 50s I believe that went along with the republicans southern strategy. Thats why it makes absolutely no sense when republicans brag about republicans being the party of Lincoln and democrats starting the KKK because if they lived during that time period they would be democrats.
  5. Old dominion really get my juices flowing and Im sure the players feel the same way! No way we come out flat and play down to an inferior teams level! Oh wait...
  6. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Fire all these bums!
  7. Never Trump tepublicans are still republicans
  8. Yeah republicans are terrible people who would have thunk
  9. There is not really a debate because republicans would rather get rid of it completely than raise it. Dems dont really want to raise it because it is a campaign promise they can keep using to win elections. My ideal would be to raise it $.50 every year for 10 years to get up to over $12/hr and then reevaluate at that point. It gives small business ample time to make adjustments and wont screw them by raising it so much at one time.
  10. And thats fine, but you said there should be more debate. How much more debate do you need? Its been over 5 years of debate already.
  11. Has the mininum wage not been debated for years now? How much more debate is needed? Its been a hot topic issue since 2016, I believe even Trump said he wanted to raise to $15 in 2016. And the dems are fine not raising it because they can keep promising stuff they dont want to deliver every election. I think you guys are safe. In 2100 the minimum wage will still only be $7.25.
  12. Maybe get us out of this forever war that has cost us over 7 trillion dollars and has no plan for victory and then you wouldnt need to bomb supply lines used by forces attacking US and allies. Yes, Trump didnt get us into a new war. Almost with Iran. But he promised to end the war and he didnt. He kept drone strikes going and didnt get our troops out like promised. This isnt a defense of Biden because hes just as bad when it comes to war hawking.
  13. Shapiro, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, Candice Owens, Limbaugh, Tomi Lahren, entire Trump family, Jessie Lee Pederson, Stephen Crowded, Dave Rubin, etc. Man its so easy to dupe right wingers. I just need to start my own youtube channel and start spewing hate about everyone that isnt like me and I can become rich!
  14. There are many people on the right like that. One just died of cancer.
  15. You realize the lincoln project is a bunch of anti trump republicans, right? Im not sure what the own is here when these guys are technically on your side.
  16. I actually dont have a problem with people “cutting the line”. If your wife has an opportunity to get vaccinated, she should take it. Its one more person closer to herd immunity which will also help vulnerable people.
  17. No, he was drinking an orange fanta. Get your facts straight!
  18. Thank God someone said this, I was reading through the thread thinking this same thing and just waiting for someone to mention it. Thank you for having common sense.
  19. Thinking things about people as you walk down the street and saying them out loud are two different things. We have all thought things that probably arent true about people, but not all of us go sprouting stuff out about other races. That what makes someone racist, imo. Ive done it with white people with tattoos and baggy clothing, my senses heighten when I see someone like that. Not because I think poorly about the person necessarily, but because I dont know them or what they are capable of. The lady in this video is racist no question. She hates white people and you can tell just by listening to her. The white people who talk this way about black people are also racist.
  20. I think everyone has a little bit of discrimination in them with people they dont know or people that dont look like them. It doesnt mean we hate people of other races, it means we are human and weary of people that are different and people we dont know. There are absolutely people out there that hate people of other races. White, black, brown, it doesnt matter. This lady proves that with this speech.
  21. The first time, no. The second time, yes.
  22. And do you want your kids to go through what you went through with their kids to pay student loans? once again, progress isnt about me doing something so everyone should have to. Its about doing something but wanting better for your kids and grandkids.
  23. Nobody is saying it will, but it could help til they get back on their feet. And its def not because of mental illness or having relationship problems whatever the f#&% that even means. Is the economy not opened? Businesses are still going belly up because people arent comfortable going out quite yet. I dont know about you, but I still dont go to restaurants as often as I used to and I know others that dont as well. Same with bars and movie theatres and ‘insert business here’.
  24. You do understand the pandemic caused many people to lose their jobs and many businesses to close their doors and that is why people need stimulus checks, right? It isnt mental illness or any of the other crap he said.
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