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Everything posted by Whistlebritches

  1. They've had months to come up with a better excuse than this. How dumb do they think we are?
  2. Your point number 2 is really interesting. It's kind of a best of both worlds scenario for the GOP. Congress gets a win for 2018 by saving DACA and by 2020 this likely won't even be a problem for Trump as it's just another drop in the bucket of craziness that is going on. If the Arpiao pardon didn't drop Trump's approvals this won't do much either and it makes the nutters happy.
  3. From what I read he didn't have security clearance so that's going to drastically limit the amount of work that could be done within the White House. A counter terrorism advisor without clearance is just...I don't know.
  4. These were people who voted for Sanders in the primaries and voted for Trump in the general. Crazy how it came down to about 40k voters in three states.
  5. You think this diatribe is helping? If people calling a spade a spade stops the right things from happening, the country is already doomed. I had no intention of helping anything with the statement other than it felt right to me, but there's no way it should hurt anything. All I'm saying is that the two sides are getting pretty far apart and the insults won't bring them any closer. I often disagreed with the previous president but I don't remember ever saying anything similar to what you said. If our civility goes out the window we have already lost. I remember the 60's riots and the coldness of that era. I don't want to go there again. Did the previous president defend Nazi's? No, but Obama defended BLM and Fox and Friends have done a really good job tricking people into thinking they're as bad as the Nazis.
  6. This isn't all that different than how he talked during the debates. This is who people voted for.
  7. This is very plausible and where I'm at with it. At some point in time DJT probably said something along the lines of 'Do whatever it takes to win and nothing is off the table' and Junior ran with it and got played.
  8. If that's all they have to say about the speech then it looks like I've bought my last box of sh**ty popcorn.
  9. 19 is way too many but 2 or 3 isn't enough. I'm not sure where the sweet spot is but I really wished I had more choices when it was just Bernie and Hillary on primary ballot.
  10. Here is Trump's lawyer on Fox this morning. Clearly the best person for the job.
  11. Three weeks prior Newt was singing a different tune.
  12. This seems like as good a spot as any for this: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/state/donald-trump-religion/
  13. A little off-topic but I found this Comey clip is hilarious.
  14. Pence or Ryan or several dozen other Republicans would be at least as successful with implementing the Republican agenda without all the other insanity that has come along with this presidency. It's not like Trump is actually doing anything in regards to policy. Listening to him speak about healthcare it's clear he has no idea what is in the bill. The travel bans might be successful if Trump could stop talking. The tax plan that is going to come out with Trump's name is going to be the same garbage that's been killing Kansas. The SCOTUS pick could have been done by anyone else. Etc, etc... Trump isn't essential to what the Republicans want to get done and at some point the R's in congress are going to realize that they are past the tipping point where he is doing more harm than good. At this point having a mannequin with a dead fox on it's head in the oval office would be an improvement for everyone, R's included.
  15. They're going to vote before the CBO scores it. That way the moderates that vote yes can feign surprise that it kicks millions off insurance that they were granted by the ACA.
  16. If this information from Peter Alexander is correct then the WH knowingly put someone who needed a babysitter onto the NSC.
  17. I know it isn't what you're getting at but this graph sure looks like a solid argument for single payer.
  18. Case closed. With information like this, it's clearly a hoax. Is this just some random guy on twitter because that's what it looks like?
  19. Here's a couple of really good comments from the reddit thread about this that helped me make sense of it. This story has more meaning now with regards to Cohen-Watnick: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/trump-national-security-mcmaster-overrule-236065This is huge. President Donald Trump has overruled a decision by his national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, to sideline a key intelligence operative who fell out of favor with some at the Central Intelligence Agency, two sources told POLITICO. On Friday, McMaster told the National Security Council’s senior director for intelligence programs, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, that he would be moved to another position in the organization. The conversation followed weeks of pressure from career officials at the CIA who had expressed reservations about the 30-year-old intelligence operative and pushed for his ouster. But Cohen-Watnick appealed McMaster’s decision to two influential allies with whom he had forged a relationship while working on Trump’s transition team — White House advisers Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner. They brought the matter to Trump on Sunday, and the president agreed that Cohen-Watnick should remain as the NSC’s intelligence director, according to two people with knowledge of the episode. Trump is directly implicated in this. Trump -> Cohen-Watnick -> Nunes Trump's directly involved in obstruction of a congressional investigation into Trump. Great secondary source on obstruction: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL34303.pdf “The crime of obstruction of [such] proceedings has three essential elements. First, there must be a proceeding pending before a department or agency of the United States. Second, the defendant must be aware of the pending proceeding. Third, the defendant must have intentionally endeavored corruptly to influence, obstruct or impede the pending proceeding.” 1) Obviously there are investigative proceedings taking place in Congress. 2) Despite Trump saying they are a hoax, he is well aware of the investigations. See Twitter. 3) This is the trick. All you have to do is tie Trump to Cohen-Watnick. Shouldn't be too difficult based on what is already public info. Put Ellis and Cohen-Watnick under oath. Find out where they got the documents from and who told them to leak it to Nunes. Also, Nunes is going to have to answer some FBI questions now. Kushner and Bannon are also involved in this. They are the two that carried out Don's orders in intervening and saving Cohen-Watnick from McMaster's dismissal. This is NOT a decision that would be taken without the President's authorization. McMaster just got the job. They took heat for going against him so fast. Edit: Don't forget Nunes' panic when Manu Raju asked him if the White House asked him to shut down Tuesday's Sally Yates open hearing: https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/846750833534537728 =============================== After Flynn was ousted, his #2, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was told by Flynn's replacement (McMaster) that he would be re-located in the department. But Cohen-Watnick complained about being moved to Kushner and Bannon, who then got Trump to over-ride McMaster's decision to move Cohen-Watnick, and said he had to stay in his position as intelligence director. So. Flynn is fired. Flynn's replacement is going to get rid of Flynn's #2. #2 complains to Kushner/Bannon. Kushner/Bannon tell Trump not to let McMaster move #2. Trump obliges. And now it comes out that this #2 is the one who leaked to Nunes and got him to f#*k up the House Intelligence Commitee. So there now exists a chain where in it's not impossible to believe that Trump was giving orders to Nunes to obstruct the Russia investigation.
  20. Is that his real account? Yep, it has the blue check mark next to the name.
  21. The republicans have done this to themselves. We've heard nothing but how bad Obamacare is for the last 7 years and now they have no choice but to continue to demonize it. Had they been a bit more reasonable over that time they could instead be working on changes to address the ever rising prices and be widely praised if successful.
  22. It's worth noting that they didn't have the votes because it wasn't crappy enough for the Freedom Caucus to vote yes. It goes to show how hard it was to get something like the ACA passed.
  23. There are so many sound bites coming out of this conference it's incredible.
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