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Notre Dame Joe

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  1. Kamala still has potential but she never had to win where it was hard. She needs to go to politics school. Did your colleagues vote for the policies they complain about?
  2. for blue pills. I presume they cannot wear the school shirt in NIL, but can they wear obviously the same color?
  3. No the schools' greed and stubborness prevented them from striking a new deal. It is untenable to have the head coach making 5 million, the schools takes 50 million, while they tell the young man to get his head impacted for room and board. The antitrust act says that the schools cannot act in the restraint of trade. Meaning the schools cannot tell players that they may not sell their NIL to 3rd parties. A collective bargaining agreement with an employer and a union gets you out of the antitrust law. I predict that powers that be will herd everyone into a CBA.
  4. #1 is what I don't understand. NIL is outside of the U's control and they obviously want it back under their thumb. But if the Us are distributing the NIL money then it triggers Title 9 and other legal obligations for others to get at it.
  5. Looks like it came down to Mich rushing only 4 and getting right through to Penix. Another second and he sees a 30 yard gain on the left.
  6. We can wind it back to the 3rd quarter to see where UW may have save 20 seconds. Of course Texas calls different plays once a butterfly beats its wings.
  7. I've never heard of people talking about clock management on the 3rd to last drive. That being said Penix threw it away and should have just taken a sack or even run oob under the newfangled rule.
  8. Was the MSST coach not labelled interim? He had to have been rushed into it after the tragic death of Mike Leach.
  9. UGA's schedule is somehow worse than that of Michigan. The two teams combined have zero top 25 wins and only a few in the top 50.
  10. I just checked. It says your yards per play and avg points appear to be the same as last year, about 80/120. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/years/2023-team-offense.html
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