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Lil' Red

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Everything posted by Lil' Red

  1. I'm very pro-privacy but that article did little to dissuade me on the issue of body cameras. I think the fact that body cameras protect both the officer and the suspect makes the tradeoff of security for privacy worth it. Studies such as this one have shown that body cameras reduce the use of force by police and the amount of civilian complaints.
  2. I heard her this morning on CNN. I actually sort of started feeling sorry for her that she has to get up on TV and some how come up with something to say to make Trump look better and her words just showed that it's impossible to do. Then, I realized......naaa....it's her choice to work for the idiot. Even his aides have no clue what they are talking about. Don't feel sorry for her:
  3. Holy crap. His kids ousted his other campaign manager (who's now a CNN talking head) for Manafort because he was the only one willing to try to muzzle him. Looks like Trump is back in the driver's seat. I wondered why Trump seemed like more of a loose cannon lately. I think his only hope was to allow Manafort to run a tight ship. Now, it's probably only a matter of time before Trump completely wrecks his campaign. His campaign was wrecked the moment it launched. He was never going to get much support outside of those who voted for him in the primary. Against any decent Democrat candidate that would have been the case but thus far, he's been keeping the race competitive by getting enough votes from people that dislike him but dislike Hillary even more. Most polls were showing that the race was close before the conventions.
  4. Holy crap. His kids ousted his other campaign manager (who's now a CNN talking head) for Manafort because he was the only one willing to try to muzzle him. Looks like Trump is back in the driver's seat. I wondered why Trump seemed like more of a loose cannon lately. I think his only hope was to allow Manafort to run a tight ship. Now, it's probably only a matter of time before Trump completely wrecks his campaign.
  5. A new CNN Poll has Trump down by 9 points. Trump's numbers with minorities are unbelievably terrible. Among non-whites, he has a -79% favorability rating and trails Johnson and Stein.
  6. I believe that is correct. I know from following the Democratic Primary that projections based on the demographics of a state were typically much more accurate than those based on polls.
  7. I'm starting to believe that he was correct when he said he could shoot someone and not lose any voters.
  8. I wonder how much both parties are kicking themselves for quashing Romney's and Biden's potential presidential runs. Either one of them would be in position to win in a landslide right now.
  9. Wow, nice try at spinning this as not being a huge deal. That seems to be the common response for anything that Hillary or the DNC is doing wrong..."well, they all do it" seems to be the canned response. There is no way of knowing how different the Democratic primaries would have turned out had Hillary not been pushed by the DNC from the get go. Despite being behind nearly 600 delegates (via Superdelegates) before the first state even voted, Bernie was very close up until the end. This will make a huge impact this fall as Bernie received close to half of all votes in the Democratic primaries. While a good number of his supporters will end up supporting Hillary, a good number will not and will either vote for Trump, Johnson, Stein, or stay home. The larger that group that chooses to not support Hillary, the bigger impact it will have in November. And let's not forget one key factor in this rigged DNC mess...DWS spearheaded all of this and left her post, BUT the HIllary campaign immediately moved to hire her and put her in a key role for the fall campaign. How is her presence as part of HIllary's campaign going to make many Bernie Sanders want to rush to join Team Hillary. As of yesterday, I think I saw that 5% of those Bernie voters will vote for Trump. The diehards can do what they will. Bernie won 13 million some votes in the primary. Winning a general generally portends 60 or 70 million. If you add ALL of his voters to her 16 million votes, she's not even halfway there. She's not winning this election on the backs of Sanders voters anyway you slice it. The election is won elsewhere. I don't get the optics of appointing DWS to an honorary (likely cushy do-nothing) position. But I doubt it's a key position. They can't be politically dumb enough to give her any kind of public visibility after all of this. But I stand by my assertion. I feel awful for Bernie about all of this. It's wrong and it stinks. I can't stand DWS. But he ran the weaker campaign and he lost, accordingly. And no, I still don't think this drastically changes anything come November. If this is a close election, Bernie supporters could very well alter the outcome. Nader altered the outcome of the 2000 election with less than 3 million votes. Only 5% of Bernie voters may vote for Trump but a much larger percentage will vote 3rd party or stay home. I was on the fence on whether I'd vote for Johnson or Clinton but after this, I'm now planning to vote for Johnson.
  10. I like Michelle Obama and all, but no thank you. After Bush I & II, and with the threat of Clinton II on the horizon, I'm done with political dynasties in this country.We got rid of kings for a reason. Let's keep it that way.I'm also opposed to dynastic politics but she'll have my vote if I believe she is the best candidate.
  11. I quoted you saying you were wrong on the Hispanic vote. Really? I believe they lean towards the Democrats and away from the party that greatly emphasizes building a wall. In 2012, they voted 71 to 27 in favor of Obama. Link
  12. At this point, Trump should change his slogan to Make America Fear Again as that more accurately reflects what he is trying to accomplish with his campaign.
  13. This post article does a pretty good job of debunking this claim by disputing how much of a communist Davis really was and how much he actually influenced Obama. In any case, there isn't evidence that Obama adopted any communist ideas from Davis. Having a more liberal voting record than most senators is hardly an indication that Obama is a communist or a socialist. The kind of legislation that you would see in a more socialist or communist country never makes it to a vote.
  14. False alarm. The author of the article helped write the speech.
  15. It appears that Landlord is helping the RNC defend against accusations of plagiarism: Link
  16. I think Westerkamp has a decent shot at it. He had 918 yards last year and I think he is definitely capable of bumping that up to 1000 yards this season.
  17. I think the rise of social media and smartphones have shed light on an existing issue. I don't think race relations have really gotten worse under Obama.
  18. Foltz is probably the only player on our roster with a decent chance at winning an award.
  19. Trump is again saying the system is rigged. This time I'm willing to believe him. Maybe in the sense that it allowed her to cover her tracks but I don't fault the FBI's findings in this case. Most legal experts predicted this would be the outcome since there simply wasn't enough evidence to suggest criminal misconduct. The FBI did say that she was extremely careless and this would likely have warranted administrative punishment but as far as their criminal investigation is concerned, no reasonable prosecutor would attempt to prosecute Clinton based on the evidence they had.
  20. They can still sign players for the minimum.
  21. I think that's a smart choice on her part. The midwest was less favorable to Trump in the primaries and Ben Sasse has been one of the leaders in the #NeverTrump campaign. The 2nd district was also one of the few districts to go from red to blue in the 2014 midterms.
  22. I'll tell you who disagrees with that - most of the free world. He's viewed as a strong leader by all of our allies. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/06/24/7-charts-on-how-the-world-views-president-obama/ They just came out with another poll yesterday that shows how well he does compared to other world leaders and the presidential candidates. Link
  23. I like Watson's chances. He flashed a lot of potential last year and I believe he'll take a big step forward this season.
  24. Matthew 25: 37-40 Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they marveled at him. Notice how he didn't say "Render unto Caesar your money so he can give it to those less fortunate." Once again, I believe Jesus would have it be a free will offering rather than a payment to the government for them to disburse. Acts 4:32-35 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And Gods grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need. We can quibble about who's doing the distributing - the government or the church - but it's still about as Socialist as Medicare. And we can quibble about the government being "them" or "us" all you want, but Abraham Lincoln said the government was "Of the people, by the people, for the people." If the government is "them," then who is "us?" The dots don't connect the way you want them to. Bottom line is, people work hard for their money. They shouldn't be forced to hand over a portion of it so that it can be distributed by a current-day government that has shown time and again not to be trustworthy. Giving money to the poor should be entirely by choice. It isn't by choice. You've been commanded to do so by Jesus. He couldn't have been more clear about it. So you're forcing the Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Pagans, and Satanists to participate in a Christian program through the government? That doesn't seem right... Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security aren't Christian programs. That's what you're trying to argue. Bottom line, no government should force anyone to give money in order for them to re-disburse to those they deem worthy. It should be entirely by free will choice, as Jesus intended it if that's what you're coming back at me with. Let's try that for 2 years. Get back to me when your car is done falling into a giant pothole that didn't get repaires because people didn't freely donate their time and money to repair it.(facepalm) Like usual, you're not understanding the issue. We're not talking about taxation in general. Just social security and other socialist programs to pay for poor people. Oh I underatand the issue perfectly. You just don't understand what you're saying. All tax money is used for things that people can't afford on their own. The police help everyone including poor people. As do road repairs. As would help for parents of newborns. I guess you're only agains things that ONLY help poor people. 'Cause they just don't deserve it. I'm pro-life but the Republicans are completely ass-backwards on their philosophy about it. You want people to help their babies? Don't be such jerks to people of need. No, you really don't, but just to hopefully educate you, I'll bite. There is a difference between government socialist programs and government taxation to build infrastructure. Yes, helping the poor is a good thing to do, but the government should not be Robin Hood. People should have the freedom to choose to give money to the poor or not. And if people choose not to give money, should we just let them die?
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