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Everything posted by commando

  1. the only other song i can recall right now was cat scratch fever
  2. a circular firing squad should be a tradition at these events
  3. ted and the dildos is his new band name
  4. it's oklahoma. it's fracking, not hairspray
  5. he wants to get to cancun quicker
  6. russian propagandist tucker carlson is visiting russia to get his latest marching orders.
  7. they should talk to britian about brexit and how that is working out for them before they do texit
  8. iran was in the FA stage...now they are about to FO
  9. lol...this is what MAGA believes is happening
  10. cpac is the one with matt schlapp...right?
  11. the hole in the ozone layer has been closing up. still not all the way healed but heading that way.
  12. going to go watch OAN and find out why this is bad for america
  13. 1 hell of a comeback. damn good job huskers
  14. first lead of the game with 30 seconds left. timeout wisconsin
  15. just when you think they are toast...they make a come back. let's hope this keeps going well
  16. Abraham Lincoln would like a word with todays republicans
  17. have to agree with crenshaw on this one
  18. the ship bigredbuster posted above or another to go along with that one?
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