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Everything posted by commando

  1. even more reason for everyone who can to get vaccinated...to help society get to herd immunity and help protect the immuno-compromised
  2. fraudit fraudit fraudit fraudit fraudit
  3. people have already looked into it. all election results have been verified. they are always recounted and audited before they become official. what part of that is to hard to understand?
  4. my name isn't donald j trump and i am not a con man like he is...but i have made the claim now it must be investigated by people who are biased for biden to do the audit.....it is how the republicans are doing this fraudit
  5. what about the case of florida stuffing the ballots for republicans?
  6. elections are monitored and audited for such things automatically. it's already been done. but the far right is pushing conspiracy theories for the idiots eat up
  7. so you admit you don't know that you have swallowed the election fraud propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
  8. seeing you here everyday posting the far right propaganda about the stolen election isn't what i see you doing? .
  9. i see archy is still here pushing trumps stolen election fraud
  10. if only someone had been there to stop trump from speaking.....
  11. are those all s#!t hole countries now?
  12. it's what has been good enough for the united states of america for as long as i can remember. if you disagree with the united states of america go ahead and say so.
  13. replace "inflation" with "tariffs" and you have something correct there.
  14. while we are at it...can we review those hanging chads in florida?
  15. the original election boards and their audits and reviews?
  16. yeah...when i move i never leave a forwarding address either.
  17. the dorms were locked down...i would assume many students were still in the district. but phrasing it to assume they were all mailed from closed dorms makes for a more frenzy evoking headline.
  18. now seems like a good time to declare them a terrorist organization.
  19. like donald trump was for the republican party
  20. yes...you are getting closer to the truth. now ask why
  21. fwiw...i expect trumps supporters to still do something...probably around the date he expects to be reinstated as president. probably after this sham audit in arizona. it has the potential to make the capital riot look tame IMO.
  22. you are the expert on pretzel logic. tell me...what do you think would happen if trump was charged by the DOJ? what would his crazies do if that happened?
  23. because the trump cult would start a war if he was charged. joe is trying to save american lives. trump doesn't care about that
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