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Everything posted by commando

  1. if trump believed it was antifa on the day it happened...he would have called in all branches of the military to squash it as fast as he could tweet out the orders
  2. yes...but it might start the civil war the alt right wants if they did so.
  3. trials are ongoing for the victims who bought into trumps big con.....not for his fellow con men who pushed the Big Lie
  4. they must have missed the memo that jared brought peace to the middle east
  5. liz is out BECAUSE of 2020. she voted to impeach trump and that is the reason she is out. the GOP is the party that can't get over it.
  6. if the cop had been armed with an AR-15 and traveled across state lines to shoot 3 protesters he would be a hero of the far right
  7. The RINOs have taken over the party and are pushing the real republicans out
  8. trump had 4 years to get it done. it didn't happen
  9. you do know that dismissed on "standing" essentially means there was no evidence shown to warrant a trial. courts never listen to cases brought up with n evidence presented.
  10. the far right wing propaganda network will have their base all fired up for whoever they put up there.
  11. trump and the far right was the loudest crier of them all. they even attacked the capitol over their misunderstanding of the laws. guess they knew nothing about various state election laws.
  12. where was the proof about all those trump claims of election fraud? when they went to court they went with allegations and never showed any proof of all that. it's why the judges threw the cases out of court. there was no evidence presented by trumps team to justify a trial. if there was evidence i don't know why they didn't show it. also....didn't we just hear 1 of trumps lead lawyers says that no rational person who heard the claims they presented would believe them? so..in short....show me the convictions to back up the far right mantra of massive voter fraud.
  13. while i understand the sentiment.....our representatives should probably use real footage of american troops instead of fake photos. how many times in the last couple years have republicans honored our troops while using pics of russian ships, planes,etc..
  14. if we start having a surge in infection rates again...maybe we should just skip the mask mandate and see how high the surge can go isntead of implementing a mask mandate tos tem the surge? the mask mandates only get implemented when cases are surging. they get taken off when the surge is under control....then when the rates started rising again another mandate was put in place. the data is being misrepresented on the cause and effect IMO.
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