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Everything posted by commando

  1. if i recall correctly 1 of the issues with covid is micro clotting (is that the right term?) and diabetics have circulation issues...so i can see it accelerating the diabetes
  2. kind of like trump promising us everything without having to pay hardly any taxes?
  3. i was working today.....i figured it would be like most of trumps people leaving office. fired by tweet is the most common reason people leave this administration.
  4. he won't resign. he will yell MAGA and get the far right support he needs to stay in power forever.
  5. they are part of the con. they know that this is the way the electoral college works...but if they say crap like this it riles up their "base". and we all know it's all about that base.
  6. first thing i thought wasn't "thats a cool flamethrower".   my first thought was "dang, that's 1 heck of a big wasp nest"   fwiw...i believe that's a murder hornet nest.      



    1. knapplc


      They've been using flamethrowing drones in China for a while. 





      The stupid stuff I could do with one of these !

  7. the trumpers push that theory like it's gold. yet they ignore trump having to pay $10,000,000 in fines for laundering money through his casino.
  8. i wonder if trump is upset that he claimed to be invited to the whitehouse then him and the proud boys going out and beating people creating the image that they were doing it at trumps request?
  9. yes...i know that. but moraines friend was trying to make a point that biden = hitler because of the times honor. i think a reminder that trump was honored in the same way might possibly get through to her. i know it's probably a longshot but it's worth a shot.
  10. Moraine remind your friend that if they want to make that comparison.....adolph was time man of the year in 1938. trump was man of the year in 2016.
  11. yesterday morning the leader of the proud boys was at the white house. last night proud boys were marching through the DC streets beating people they called antifa trump did not call out the national guard to clear the streets or call the proud boys out for the violence gee...i wonder what the connection is? if only someone smarter then me could figure it all out.
  12. trump also said that mexico was going to pay for the wall. several thousand times he said that. didn't make it true
  13. right now i feel better about the cornhusker football team than i do about the republican party. thanks Donnie
  14. what if we bring back solich for a 1 game HC gig to break the curse?
  15. holding penalty to take away a TD. situation normal
  16. i wonder what a full strength minnesota would do to us?
  17. oh...i think they are perfectly capable of going down 2 scores.
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