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Everything posted by commando

  1. well....there are those on the far right who want to stop all immigration....and some of that far right group would go so far as to remove all the people here who "don't belong"
  2. i am not 100% sure...but i would bet a dollar that someone who has been agitated by hannity, rush, and trump to hate the left is responsible. that seems like a fairly safe bet to me.
  3. trump is free to jump to whatever conclusions are politically correct for his mob.
  4. that would actually be about the same as the saudis blaming the journalist for starting a fight where he was dismembered and buried in the embassy garden.
  5. i don't listen to rush blowhard so i had no idea he had already done that.
  6. how long till 1 of the trumps. tweet out blaming the leftists, dems, liberals for these bombs?
  7. trump would have covered it up better. a few NDAs and call it good.
  8. it wouldn't shock me if the republican party was hiring them to march to our border so they could exploit the talking point.
  9. trump probably smiled when he got the news.
  10. boy...that point went so far over rics head he didn't even see the vapor trail
  11. i assume they can't afford to pass up this payday
  12. with all the lies i think pinocchio works
  13. did they throw out the whole lawsuit or just the defamation part of the lawsuit?
  14. woohoo....we are doing so well. never mind the bills.
  15. wouldn't the proper name for them be "brown shirts"?
  16. i want to say 4....but we will lose at least 1 of those with a boatload of penalties and/or turnovers
  17. there is a grey area. the guy didn't appear to threaten to hurt anyone...it looks like he was just trying to get away. without the threat of harm the shooter might have crossed the line. i believe that at least here in nebraska there has to be a threat before you can shoot someone in self defense. now maybe the shooter can claim he thought he was threatened. i am not sure. But it seems that the death penalty with no jury for what was likely petty theft is...a bit harsh.
  18. i have no idea where the claim came from or how it was used.....the context could make a difference but saying she had a native ancestor appears to be the truth
  19. this makes trumps pinocchios claims "fake news"
  20. hmmmm.....far right extremist in welfare lines. maybe ric could explain how he shouldn't have to support those idiots?
  21. where are those tiki torch nazis hiding?
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