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Everything posted by commando

  1. think of all the starving college kids.    and why does that map look like bevis?  or is that butthead?



    1. FrankWheeler




      With the average packet costing a consumer only 13 cents, you could eat three square meals a day for an entire year for just $142.65. To put that into perspective, an average American spends $6,372 a year on food — eating ramen would reduce that to about 3 percent of the average cost.

  2. erratic conduct and behavior with frenzied commentary. i wonder if trump could pass that test?
  3. only the best not sure if this group was the genesis of the trump cabinet or the ultimate goal
  4. well...he does strongly deny it so we have to listen to that......right donny?
  5. hmmm...says i am not registered to vote. i've lived at my current address for 25 years and have always been registered and voted. maybe my views i've expressed here have been noticed and got my name purged from the system. lol
  6. professional wrestling is soap opera for men. men who like to watch men in tights.......not that there is anything wrong with that ric. live how you want to live.
  7. not sure about this websight...but if true....in trumps america this can happen https://www.jpost.com/American-Politics/Missouri-Republican-who-said-Hitler-was-right-wins-state-House-primary-564637?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  8. $ trillion deficits are the only way to balance the budget? costly military parades are budget wise? tariffs are not actually taxes on the consumers? trickle down economics are going to work THIS TIME?
  9. is there something wrong with the current space command? or is this just trump renaming something so he can claim it as his own most brilliant idea?
  10. what happens when we spend money on the space force when we already have the airforce space command? does double dipping really save us money? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Force_Space_Command
  11. blind trumpism? or pure hypocrisy?
  12. you said in your reply to moiraine Posted 4 hours ago They’re losing their minds every moment of every day over everything he does. You can credibly argue that he’s wrong, boorish, rude, offensive, a liar, and a jerk...sometimes or even a lot of the time. But to hear liberal media tell it, Trump is a worse version of Hitler and every night is Kristallnacht. They’ve long since sacrificed their credibility due to their hysteria.
  13. you said they were already calling him worse than hitler. now you are backtracking and claiming they will soon be calling him as bad as hitler.
  14. that is so much worse than calling him a genocidal lunatic
  15. she would have got away with it if not for those darn pesky kids at the "fake news" newspaper.
  16. maybe alex jones sells a pill to help with that. lol
  17. the republican utopia is when you get caught committing a crime and you blame the democrats rather than take responsibility for your own actions
  18. wolverines!!



    1. desertshox


      hahaha i was gonna ask if you were watching the 80's red dawn movie.

  19. russian tv More detailed translation of what Tretyakov says re: sanctions (shortened in the original Tweet due to character constraints): "Let's turn this into a headache for Trump. If you want us to support you in the elections, which we're ostensibly arranging, then do this or that."
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