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Everything posted by gobiggergoredder

  1. This is the 4th place he's been on Rhule's staff. Rhule has picked him 4 times. They worked together at Western Carolina prior to that. Again, not saying he's the right guy, but he needs a chance with a full deck. Or something closer to one than he had.
  2. Need a splash hire. Probably Gruden or Urban. If next guy brings his buddies instead of the best it’s over.
  3. 1. Good stuff. He's already here, so this is ridiculous itself. The context is what he should have done. 2. Thompson made a choice. But much like #1, this has nothing to do with Sims or HH performance. It'd be neat if we could have seen a Thompson with no Palmer play out at Nebraska. I have a hunch it'd be about the same result as HH. Atleast HH could run. 3. Monday morning coaching. He did get pulled. 4. This is Gold. Work Harder. Write a book on this. 5. He was going to have the surgery the week he started his first game. The moved it because HH was hurt and there was almost no chance of putting Sims back in. Being "the best" in the room is damn near pointless when considering the room. They've recruited two elite QBs. Picked up a multiple year starter Olineman, a RB and possibly two WR's (waiting on Banks). Maybe give Satt more than 6 months before you decide how terrible he is?
  4. How about you answer the question before you start asking them? What would you have done? What would you have done to fix HH, the third string QB's throwing motion and ability to read D's in 2 months? What would have done to help Sims overcome one of the worst Turnover problems in modern football history?
  5. The other thing if we are going to do real world comparisons is Consultants. You can bring in consultants to bridge organizational gaps and/or build capabilities. I think that is what is going here.....but I don't really know. Even if DH becomes the QB coach and not an analyst, he's still significantly below his demonstrated skill level which would almost make him a consultant. Sometimes you end up hiring the consultant. Not very often, but it does happen.
  6. The fact that you're basing Satt's performance/capability on the bold is a tell. What would you have done? You're the F100 leader. You've got a guy that can't do a TPS report and another that is a loose cannon and makes lude comments. One can't do his job and the other is a liability. You're on a hiring freeze for 6 months and these are the only two employees that can do their job....barely. Take us through it bossman.
  7. I'm looking forward to this. I listened to Kent streaming. His passion is fun. It reminded me of Touchdown Cory Schlesingaaaa!
  8. I’ve been hesitant to rally around Keisei, but it’s pretty clear when he’s on it fuels this team.
  9. What can an analyst do or not do? sideslines? headset? sit in booth? recruit? attend practice?
  10. The team that had Geno Smith, Tavon Austin and Bailey was fun to watch. I don’t remember the year. It was just crazy to watch.
  11. Holgorsen has been a part of some monster offenses at many many different places.
  12. Doesn’t seem like a fit to me, but time will tell.
  13. The likelihood of a coach telling a recruit “You’re our starter kid” is pretty low. It’s up the player and the sales job of the program. Of course he wants to start, but he’d have to make that assessment based on the discussion(s).
  14. That’s actually a decent list.
  15. I bet he played there when White was the DC
  16. It was nice to see him not force the 3 early. He went to the short jumper and then got back to the 3 ball. That was easily his best game this year.
  17. He’s the only person that can guard Ware. This is a blowout without Ware. He’s good.
  18. KTs short game has been impressive
  19. I wish Allick could score. He plays so hard. Tons of effort.
  20. Rebound, hit the high % shots & defend the 3 ball…..let’s go!
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