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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. The closer we get to the election with the polls looking s#!tty for Biden, the more it looks like your call was wrong. But I hope you're right.
  2. It's what the polls are showing so far, but it's not a huge difference.
  3. I would guess the biggest problem of doing this accurately (and obviously the are a lot of problems), is the words documented from the earliest presidents would almost all be prepared speeches, and sound smarter than off the cuff remarks we have from modern presidents. But maybe they base part of it off decisions too. Who knows.
  4. I honestly don't understand what the Republicans who didn't put a stop to this when they could were thinking. I mean, maybe fear of revenge was in mind, but there were multiple times they could have easily banded together and prevented that possibility, including by impeaching him in 2021. Let's just say Trump becomes president and then we're a dictatorship by 2028... who in the GOP since 2016 will be better off with that than they would have otherwise been? Maybe like 2-3 people in his inner circle. No one else. So even if Trump wins, the other leaders in the GOP will not win. They had the power to stop this but f#&%ed up at every single turn. Now let's say he doesn't win. They are going to have s#!t for money for their campaigns because of Trump owning the RNC, from presidential elections all the way downstream. There is no way he is going to do anything that doesn't help him personally, and he's not smart enough to realize some of these lesser elections could help him personally.
  5. In the scenario I shared, the gun wielder is provoked by someone trying to tackle them before they've fired a shot. My problem is a combination of several factors, one of the main ones being that it's a big Republican thing that gun violence should be solved by random heroes. This is a problem when someone runs around the streets carrying a big gun he should have never brought/should not be showing, and then is treated as a hero after killing people. If the Republicans think heroes should stop mass shootings, they should be against open carry. Someone just carrying around a gun for everyone to see increases the chance of someone trying to be a hero and stopping them before they do any harm.
  6. The whole story and the GOP reaction to it is just dumbfounding. What if someone walks into a crowded area acting crazy toting guns and yelling, someone tackles him and gets shot by the person, and they prevented 30 people from dying. Based on what happened with Rittenhouse, the crazy guy would go free and be able to try again later. He basically gave all would-be mass murderers a playbook on how to get as far as you can before crossing that line so you can do the most damage. Just wave your gun around while running around but don't start shooting yet.
  7. Well, it was weird having 2 people assume my reply meant I didn’t know what BB was. Nothing about my reply should lead someone to think that. It is funny having Cheney say it. There is nothing complicated to “get” about it. But my reply still stands. It’s telling that even an a$$h@!e like him knows Trump is a threat to the U.S.
  8. Um. I know it’s satire. But this is an actual quote of D.ick Cheney, and satire can be done poorly, and often is by Babylon Bee. Also, nothing about the Tweet is satirical. I glanced at the link and the article is. The tweet is using an (almost) actual quote and stating a fact about Cheney (which is funny on its own, so maybe this is just lazy, easy satire. But either way, if this a$$h@!e thinks Trump is bad, that should tell you something). Here is the actual one: “There has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” On Cheney doing worse, so far, probably. Way worse, I don’t think so. It’s hard to tell how much damage Trump has done at this point, and he can still do a lot more, and wants to. One thing he’s done that’s difficult to measure the consequences of this early is drastically changed the GOP. I already disagreed with most of their policy but now they are much worse than proponents of bad policy.
  9. The fact he's saying it should tell you something...
  10. Why doesn't Trump treat the J6 hostages the same as he treats POWs? I.e. with disdain, because they sucked enough to get caught.
  11. We went to Subway a couple days ago because we had a gift card. $39 for a foot long and 2 6". Ya that's weird. Tipping is for waiters who make less than minimum wage. And sushi chefs.
  12. And they say Biden is too old to be president.
  13. I think you can be pro-innocent civilians. Unfortunately some of those civilians have leadership who are literal terrorists.
  14. Ya… it’s not slow, esp for someone who knows they’re on camera.
  15. I should have said income gap. Both are bigger. I haven't thought a whole lot about it. A wealth gap is okay if there are good regulations and safety nets in place to help people, but that's a big part of the spending.
  16. If the Top 1% was paying 70% of taxes and now they’re paying 80% of taxes, with a lower tax rate now than before, that means their piece of the pie increased by a lot. That isn’t a reason to lower their rate further. They are making more money than before. And I don’t think BRB is suggesting we increase minimum wage further to address the wealth gap.
  17. That’s 2 people making an avg. of $37,500. That was hard before inflation. Keep in mind this isn’t just for the midwest.
  18. I should amend would I said and say the statement is disingenuous, and I don't know why they're highlighting what they're highlighting. The top 25% made 72.1% of the income and paid 89.2% of income taxes. When you bring sales tax into play, since sales tax is regressive (and income tax is progressive) what happens to the numbers?
  19. I get tired of dumb people who end their thoughts with stupid trailing words that don’t mean anything. WTF does “but democracy and everything” mean? Democracy is a form of government. Nowhere in the description/definition does it state how taxes will be done in a democracy. They can be as “fair” or “unfair” as whatever the people or the people they vote in decide. Also, Devo, do you not see any problem with the stat they’re sharing that makes it stupid? Income tax is progressive, which I believe is your problem, but the numbers they’re sharing make the problem look worse than it is. The proper numbers to share are the income compared to the income taxes, not the # of people vs. the income taxes. 23% of people pay 98% of income taxes. Okay, neat, how much of the income do they make? Here is what someone who’s not a disingenuous a$$h@!e would Tweet: The top 5% make 38.1% of income and pay 62.7% of income tax The top 25% make 71% of income and pay 88% of income tax. But sales tax is regressive.
  20. It's now safe to cancel my Hulu subscription until football season, because the last month of the sub will last through 4/13 which is after Nebraska's last game of the season, which I assume will be on 4/8.
  21. It wasn’t a dream. But the creators failed to explain it properly.
  22. A lot of people interpreted the ending to mean none of the stuff on the island ever happened. But it all did happen (and that's been confirmed by the creators). So if that was your take, maybe it'll help. I think I know why it was confusing but I don't want to spoil any of the in between stuff you forgot. If you wanna discuss when you're done, @ me.
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