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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. If we're "shocked at this change" why are we not taking a defensive time out?
  2. Moiraine

    Fo Fiddy

    How do you screw up the blocking that badly from your own 1 yard line?
  3. My goodness. Missed 33 yard FG... After letting 45 secs fall off clock from 14 yard line.
  4. You need a better name for your team than "my team."
  5. Spoken like a true resident of Colorado...you might be breathing too deeply. Continuing to work hard and humbly do so after losing 9 of 11 bowl games was a testament to his faith. His players? Forgiveness and giving them a second chance..yes what a horrible guy. Maybe he should have hung LP from a tree? Would you have preferred that? Get back in the closet Buff fan.... You're using the Buffs as an example? Have you heard of Promise Keepers??? Huge Christian organization focused on fathers. The founder was Bill McCartney. Maybe you forget where he coached? You need to take a good look in the mirror and pray about what a judgemental horse's behind you're being.
  6. Agreed. I don't have a problem with Trump saying they're liars, if they are liars. Where it gets ridiculous is with all the other crap he and his team have said: 1) Why did they wait until now? 2) Trump's a billionaire, they would have come after him right away 3) Trump's a billionaire, why would he need to do this? 4) Trump's a billionaire who's empowered women 5) Implied: she's too ugly to molest
  7. Then vote independent or third party to show your distaste for the institutions that have let you down. Naaaa....Johnson has proven to be a little loony toon. It's voting for nobody now for me. The funny thing is he's probably still less incapable than Trump.
  8. My point is we have no idea they've done anything wrong in anyway related to what Epstien does. Being friends with him doesn't make them guilty. We don't know how they're connected to him - or if they're involved in any of the activity he was convicted for. I'm guessing everyone on earth has known someone who has done something terrible in secret.
  9. There's an e-mail chain going around right now (which Donald Jr. posted on his twitter) saying that Hillary Clinton wrote that Blacks and Muslims are never do wells regardless of their circumstances. So I found it on wikileaks. Clinton did NOT write it, nor was she even copied on it. Podesta was copied on it but so were 20 other people. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1637
  10. In what ways do you think Democrats are ignorant and bigoted, in general. I don't mean a few people. Obviously there are ignorant and bigoted people everywhere. It's hard for me to see Democrats being as bad as Republicans in this regard given that Republicans are far and away more likely to think climate change isn't real, humans have no effect on it, evolution isn't real, and sex ed = abstinence. The one where I can see there being an equal number of ignorant people is the anti-vaccine movement. There are crazy Democrat hippies who are against vaccines. There are also probably more on the left who are anti chloride and believe things like this:
  11. I don't entirely disagree with you dbq, but being connected to horrible people doesn't make you horrible. There are good parents whose kids murder people.
  12. I've often wondered how Snowden could flee to Russia and be protected by them of all places. It always seemed very hypocritical. This helps answer that, a little bit.
  13. I like their fries They have pretty good burgers And their ranch is amazing. I've always hated their fries and I'm not much of a hamburger person. I like their mini corn dogs. Do you order from the kids menu? I dunno. Are mini corn dogs on the kids' menu? The moral of this story is I don't really like Runza.
  14. I like their fries… They have pretty good burgers… And their ranch is amazing. I've always hated their fries and I'm not much of a hamburger person. I like their mini corn dogs.
  15. Louisville up 17-14. Had a 4th and 22 and had to try the field goal. The field goal was out of range of either of their kickers but they tried it anyway. It was about 20 yards wide to the left. Some dumb a** Duke player ran at the kicker and landed on his leg and got a roughing the kicker call. He didn't even need to TRY to block the kick - the chances were so low of making it. Not to mention the fact that being down 6 wouldn't have been that big of a deal.
  16. Duke might need to start saving a little clock now. Edit: lol, scored a touchdown RIGHT as I hit enter.
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/14/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-appearance-debate/index.html Has this moron never watched a town hall debate before?
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