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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. Trump uses the nation's laws to save money. Trump wants to deregulate.
  2. I don't blame him. This happened in every debate with Trump
  3. Combined they have the worst hair ever seen on the presidential debate stage
  4. Trump is sniffing a lot. Clearly he has a terminal illness. Derp.
  5. It won't mean much if we lose to Ohio State the next week, unless we can win the conference.
  6. I hate the "but more Blacks kill Blacks" argument. Agree completely about it being a "different side of the same coin." Also, poverty is correlated with crime, as is age. And most Blacks live in neighborhoods with other Blacks, so when there is crime it's going to be committed mostly by Blacks. Blacks are more likely to be in poverty and they have a younger population due to higher birth rates and lower life expectancy, so the argument that it's some kind of Black "cultural problem" is a load of horse sh#t.
  7. There isn't any current research that shows this stuff works. The research is showing that icing injuries could be delaying recovery. I think all people are different. Some person may respond well with this type of therapy, while others won't. I don't think the entire team is required or doing this type of therapy. It's something that Kieron sees some benefit from. That's not a valid argument assuming the sample was random. Randomness takes those differences into account. (Didn't read the research so I dunno if it was random).
  8. I guess I am. Write me out a list of when and where I received all of these privileges. Do you get pulled over a lot less often because you're not Black? Is it easier for you to get a job because your name isn't Dwayne or Tyrone? Both of these things have been studied and the answer is yes for both. I could probably list 50 more things. People who think it doesn't exist are willfully obtuse. White privilege shouldn't be blamed because of their names. They have their parents to blame for that. Should I blame Sears because my mom dressed me funny? I hope to God this is some kind of joke. You're really saying that names typically given to Blacks are "funny"? Why is that? Because they're not normal? They should try to conform and be more like White people, right? Only name their kids Tim and John so they can meet White standards for names and have a better chance at getting a job. This is so backwards.
  9. Did Hillary invite Trump's rape victim? And who was that...his ex-wife who admitted she lied about that? There is no comparison between what Bill Clinton did to many women and Trump. What's worse is that Hillary led the effort to attack these women who were victims of her husbands. Earlier this year she made a statement at a rally that "every victim has a right to be heard," and when Juanita Broaddrick called out this statement that appears on Hillary's website, it suddenly was taken down from the website. Bill Clinton hasn't been convicted of any of these things. And you've just made a statement about something Bill Clinton did to women and say what Hillary did was worse? Excuse me? Defending her husband, who she thought was innocent, was worse than what Bill was accused of; raping/sexually harassing? Also, Trump has been accused of rape as well. Likewise he hasn't been convicted. Who today is standing by a story that Trump raped her? Please elaborate. As for Bill Clinton not being convicted, Bill Cosby has not been convicted to my knowledge, nor was OJ Simpson. Sometimes those with money or power are above the law as the Clintons have proven time and again. http://www.snopes.com/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/ To be frank I wouldn't be surprised at either being capable of it but it seems less likely with Trump since this is the only accusation. That said, no wife wants to believe their husband capable of that. If Hillary thought they were lying, and I believe she did, there is nothing irregular about her going after them for disparaging his name.
  10. Agree with this. I know ideally we would want them to go through all of the games that have occurred in the season and evaluate them and then come up with their ranking, but using the current polls as a frame of reference is so much easier. Anyhow, if we beat Illinois and there are no upsets we'll move up to 14th or 13th this week.
  11. Did Hillary invite Trump's rape victim? And who was that...his ex-wife who admitted she lied about that? There is no comparison between what Bill Clinton did to many women and Trump. What's worse is that Hillary led the effort to attack these women who were victims of her husbands. Earlier this year she made a statement at a rally that "every victim has a right to be heard," and when Juanita Broaddrick called out this statement that appears on Hillary's website, it suddenly was taken down from the website. Bill Clinton hasn't been convicted of any of these things. And you've just made a statement about something Bill Clinton did to women and say what Hillary did was worse? Excuse me? Defending her husband, who she thought was innocent, was worse than what Bill was accused of; raping/sexually harassing? Also, Trump has been accused of rape as well. Likewise he hasn't been convicted.
  12. Moiraine

    Fo Fiddy

    1) He either gets out of the way and lets the kick go (a common result for punts reaching that area of the field or so), or he makes a comfortable fair catch. He did the latter. 2) To give them a look that prevents any fake options being taken, right? Go ahead and try a coffin corner. Seems like an acceptable playcall, on that particular occasion. If, by the way, DPE had fumbled another one, are we asking why we're calling for returns and not fair catches to be set up given that this 450K ST coordinator should know his guy is still building into it? Or if he should know that this is a tight game where we don't need to be risking any more bad miscues, instead letting the offense do their work? I don't know. The Dude mentioned confirmation bias. And I think that's getting to be a thing. We're not really interested in Special Teams, not that much. But we are on board with the Fo'Fiddy chant. It's going to come out at some point in every game this year, from some corner. I can't agree that we aren't interested Special Teams when we have DPE and we've seen a very strong glimpse that he's still got it. I thought the complaints were nonsense last year (just like lots against Mike Riley) but now that it's happened 2 years in a row I don't think things will improve.
  13. Moiraine

    Fo Fiddy

    Yes he suffered a gruesome injury. Is it a good idea to have 6 of the opposing team's players running full speed at him, increasing the chance that he'll fumble the ball and get injured in the dogpile? Is it that hard to ask that we block a few of those guys? I just am not seeing any reason at all to block NONE of them and also NOT try to block the kick. I've seen no explanation for that.
  14. Far, far too many Black Americans also "know the difference between right and wrong and comply with the laws" yet are still arrested, still shot, still killed. It's this tone-deaf response that people in this thread are on about. The implication in this response is that Black Americans who have been arrested, shot, killed by the police did not know the difference between right and wrong, did not comply with the law. These protests are about situations where people complied, people knew the law, but are still dead. Ignore that basic fact and you're missing the entire point. He's also completely missing the point I was trying to make. He hasn't been arrested for his comments. He has the right of free speech. Nobody who matters is telling him he can't complain.
  15. Absolutely. And this is a fun thread. We do have a good chance of being 7-0. Wisky has a chance to stay undefeated, but they have a better chance, IMO, to lose a game before then. Brutal schedule. Would love to see it happen for sure! If they beat Ohio State I would be really shocked. I still think OSU beats Wiscy by 3 plus touchdowns, even if they beat Michigan next week. Wisconsin has two losses when we play them and they will be beat up by the time we play them- advantage Nebraska. I think it will be a close game and we prevail at Wisconsin because we are due for a win against them, but the D-line needs to play a lot better. Clement had 54 tough yards rushing last week, but if we turn the ball over they will score with short fields. Wisconsin does have 2 weeks off. I haven't ever looked into how that factors in though.
  16. Logical or not it has to do with the team's ranking and record when you beat them. The Oregon win looked better for us and we didn't slide after they lost again because that just usually doesn't happen. Peoples' memories are too short. Colorado will end ranked highly if they win out.
  17. Yep, this is a biggie for me: 12. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and fi nd the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair. So if somebody else doesn't arrange for what I want, then the country is racist. Got it! The other drop of the shoe is, if you get businesses that cater to your likes, make sure they aren't burned and looted next riot. I guarantee I wouldn't let that happen to Tweet's Sport Shop in Columbus, or Geno's Minnow Mart or the Hobby Lobby store. Some of this stuff you're laughing off also shows up in college entrance tests like the ACT and SAT. You seem to have no understanding of the difference between admitting White privilege exists and making accusations of overt racism. The whole point in mentioning White privilege is to say that, no, Blacks don't start off on the same foot as Whites do. They aren't down because there's something culturally or inherently wrong with them. You also seem to have no ability to empathize. You take those things listed for granted and aren't even trying to imagine what it would be like if it was the opposite.
  18. That sucks, sorry. Unfortunately I don't really have any advice.
  19. Well if we're gonna fall we might as well fall hard
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