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Everything posted by schriznoeder

  1. Nothing in particular. I was just trying to get clicks. Just kidding. Mostly it's around her insider trading scandal from last winter. I realize she was eventually cleared of wrongdoing, but it just rubbed me the wrong way (and reminded me how much congressional insider trading rules need updating). She's also welcomed the support of known white supremacists and QAnon conspiracy theorists, and she planned on rejecting the election results until all hell broke loose in the Capitol. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things, but that's my CliffsNotes version.
  2. I posted something similar in The Angry Violent Right. Thank God for the quick thinking of Officer Eugene Goodman. Had the mob been able to reach the Senate chamber while it was still occupied... I don't even want to think about it.
  3. Wow, I've seen these videos by Igor Bobic in their raw form a couple of times. But until now I never realized how close the mob actually got to reaching the Senate chamber while it was still occupied. Based on how many of these guys were carrying zip tie handcuffs, you know they were hoping for a hostage situation. And they came really, really close to having one if not for the heroics of Officer Goodman. This guy is a national hero.
  4. That's great news! Keep us posted on your progress.
  5. I don't know what's more frightening... The fact that so many ex-military folks who used to be officers and/or had high security clearance were involved, OR the fact that many of them carried zip tie handcuffs. I have to assume they were planning for a hostage situation. I mean, WTF?! I'm trying not to go there, but dang, it's really hard not to....
  6. Right? I was thinking the same thing about lack of arrests. I was fully expecting to see a bunch of prison buses lined up waiting to take these insurrectionists off to be interrogated once they existed the Capitol.
  7. *NOTE: Contains adult language.
  8. I'm still fully expecting both seats to go to the Rs, but news like this this sure is promising.
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