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GOP Congressman Walks out on Obama's National Prayer Breakfast speech

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But the rich spent millions lobbying for these tax breaks. They didn't just fall into them. They aren't just benefiting from random rules . . . they are benefiting from the rules that they supported and fought for.


Like Buffet said (probably paraphrased): "There is class warfare. My class is winning."


It's hard to argue that his sentiment isn't true. Middle class and lower class incomes have stagnated or fallen . . . while the wealthiest of Americans are gobbling up an ever bigger piece of the pie. If that sort of talk is class warfare, so be it. It also happens to be factually correct.

I don't disagree with you in theory. But, can we really attribute the fault solely to those who play the game, lobby, and push for legislation in their favor? I don't think we can. I think we need to fix the system that allows it to happen and continue. What makes more sense, blaming Buffet and others like him or fixing the system and making the politicians accountable? Splitting the country into the 1% & 99% is disengenius, counterproductive, and destructive. It needs to be fixed not just have a bunch of finger pointing, name calling, and talk. We don't need class warfare, we need solutions.

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Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., left during Obama’s speech because “he was disturbed and offended by the president’s use of prayer and reflection time for partisan politics and class warfare.




During the National Prayer Breakfast speech, the president compared his economic policies to the teachings of Jesus.

“And I think to myself, if I’m willing to give something up as somebody who’s been extraordinarily blessed, and give up some of the tax breaks that I enjoy, I actually think that’s going to make economic sense,” the president said. “But for me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’”




My thoughts...What public service was this guy doing? Walk out on your boss the next time you are in a meeting because you disagree with what he/she is saying and let me know how that goes. I'm sorry but if I am a congressman, rather I was in the same party or not as the president, the office deserves respect whether I like what he is doing or not. Just go on TV and bitch about it like the rest of them do after the fact.


What did the one dude yell out during Obama's health care speech? Was it "Liar"? What if some moron would have yelled that out when GW announced that we were invading Iraq becasue of WMD's? HOLY CRAP!!!!! I have no love for these ding dongs....

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They aren't playing the game. They are writing the rules. There is a HUGE difference.



I agree, they are writing the rules. There are a few courses of action. 1 is to run about wildly, arms flailing, and blame them and call them names. 2 is to introduce some legislation that levels the playing field and prevents them from writing the rules. 3 will be needed if they fail at number 2. I have seen a whole bunch of #1 happening. Like I already said, we need action not divisive rhetoric. If your house is on fire, do you stand out on the curb and point your finger at the arsonist or do you put the fire out?

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What some are labeling "divisive rhetoric" is what others are labeling "making the problem known." I suppose Paul Revere could be considered one of the nation's first spreaders of "divisive rhetoric" if you want to look at it that way.


Personally, using a term like "divisive rhetoric" to describe how most people feel about this topic is the very definition of divisive rhetoric. Only a few are being divisive. The majority just want what's right.

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But the rich spent millions lobbying for these tax breaks. They didn't just fall into them. They aren't just benefiting from random rules . . . they are benefiting from the rules that they supported and fought for.


Like Buffet said (probably paraphrased): "There is class warfare. My class is winning."


It's hard to argue that his sentiment isn't true. Middle class and lower class incomes have stagnated or fallen . . . while the wealthiest of Americans are gobbling up an ever bigger piece of the pie. If that sort of talk is class warfare, so be it. It also happens to be factually correct.


You are right that is why there should be a law against any lobbyist being around elected officials. And elected officials should NEVER be allowed to be a lobbyist for any company once they are done with their service.


And skip the tax breaks for everyone a fair tax would be a great solution. :wasted

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Where does Obama talk about the "evil rich?" That's the point I'm making - he's not warring against the rich, he's trying to make tax levels fair. It's not a coincidence that the people who are labeling this "class warfare" are the rich and super-rich.



What is fair, how much do they have to pay to be fair? Some pay none how is it that they are paying their fair share? This drives me crazy that they somehow are cheating this country. The top1% pay 38% of federal income tax. The bottom 50% pay 3% of the fedral income tax. What are you talking about witht his fair share crap, that is Bo talking points and his class warfare. :angry:




That chart is misleading. The top 1% pay 38% of total taxes, but they don't pay an equal portion of taxes compared to you and I.


And why is that? If you are referring to billionares paying 15 % in taxes that is misleading. That is for capital gains taxes, not for regular income. And the money they put into the stock market is already taxed once, you know that, right. Now, 15 % of their profits is not enough and you want more. They risk their capital, that is alot different than getting wages that are guarenteed. And the flip side is they can loose three or four hundred thousand dollars in a year. You know how much they can claim for a loss, 3,000 dollars. Now, would you be willing to take that chance with your paycheck? :ahhhhhhhh

Capital gains should be taxed at least as high as income. They did nothing to earn that money. Nothing. Writing a check is not work. Before the 90s it was taxed at a might higher rate than it is now. It needs to go back to that.



They did nothing to earn that money? Who are you to say that? First have you ever looked into stocks and tried to figure out a winner? The money they put into the stock market has already been taxed and now they take a RISK with that money and you say they did nothing to deserve it. I am not sure you are aware of the amount of time and effort put into taking that risk. And this is America, they should be free to use their money whatever way they choose especially considering they paid taxes on the money already. Would you be willing to lose your paycheck to make 4, 5 or 10% profit? And then have the govt take 1/3 of it, I know that would fry me!! And if it is so easy to do why aren't you making millions on the market? eyeswear2allthatsholy

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What some are labeling "divisive rhetoric" is what others are labeling "making the problem known." I suppose Paul Revere could be considered one of the nation's first spreaders of "divisive rhetoric" if you want to look at it that way.


Personally, using a term like "divisive rhetoric" to describe how most people feel about this topic is the very definition of divisive rhetoric. Only a few are being divisive. The majority just want what's right.

Maybe my problem is that I assume the vast majority already understand and are aware of what the problem is. I just want to see solutions rather than blame placing. I think Obama could help facilitate that by showing some leadership in that area. The time for identifying the problem is long past. It is time for action. Unfortunately, this is an election year and the jagoffs in Washington are more concerned with getting re-elected than they are with fixing any real problems. It's not a republican or democrat thing, it just seems to be the way it is anymore and I'm sick of it.

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