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This is what separates Tebow from most Religious "Leaders"

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As a non-religious person, though, I will object to the suggestion that I ought to be, or that it would be better for the country if there were less people like me, every time and by whomever it is expressed.


Do you think this country would be better off with more non-religious people? When you answer "yes" to that question, you'll understand where Tebow is coming from.



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You make a good point.


Although I think that neutrality is more important than increased numbers.


I think answering 'yes' to the equivalent question has a different meaning when you are talking about a 6% demographic, versus one that is 78%. I'm not sure how accurate the figures are, but at least it should not be radically off. One is 'everybody ought to be religious' and the other is not 'everybody ought to not be religious', but rather 'it should be viewed as OK by more people to be not religious.' Mavric raises an interesting point -- for religious people, is it central to one's religion to consider it not OK for people to not be religious? I don't know the answer to that.


In considering the flip side of that -- I consider it OK for people to be of any religious belief insofar as they are also OK with me not being of any. So I can see why one might think that this necessarily is anti-religion.





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I don't think that's anti-religion at all. I think that's a really healthy way of looking at things. It's also the way I look at life, coincidentally. :D


Almost all of my friends are Christian. Some are agnostic, some atheist, one Muslim that I know of. Mostly I don't talk religion with people. I just don't care, and as long as they don't care about me/my beliefs, it's good.

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I'm certain that those aren't his intentions.


I am certain that are those his intentions.


He is a religious man and he wants to give God all the praise he thinks He deserves for his accomplishments. The fact that he happens to be a media attraction isn't his problem.

I know devout christians and they talk about God less then he does. Yes it is his problem. He knows cameras will be followed everywhere he goes and he know this. The only reason he garned attention at all in the NFL was due to him being outspoken of his faith and nothing to do with his football skills.


Really? How do you know that his football skills would not garner attention. He won a national championship with his skills --- and a Heisman (I think he won a Heisman, right? If not... he was certainly considered). He won a starting position in the NFl and led his team to multiple victories. He did this with his football skills, right?


He is not w/o skills.


Ok First the Broncos became a run oriented team because Tebow can't pass worth a damn except sometimes being able to throw one on target every now and again. Sometimes he only threw it 7 times in a game. College is different. he was very good at college but not NFL caliber. He is w/o NFL caliber skills.

Second he mostly beat terrible teams he only beat a team with a winning record once. Every time he faced a good team they got smashed. Playoffs, against the Steelers he got lucky. Patriots he got destroyed and exposed against a real defense.

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