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Pres. Obama and Jinping strike deal on carbon emissions

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Does anyone think it's a bad thing that we got China to cut emissions? Prior to this deal, they were never going to. This is good progress, right?

Of course it's a good thing but we'll have to forgive the people who aren't dancing in the streets over it.

It is sort of like.....Before- they raped our wives and daughters at will. Now- They may rape our wives a bit less.

Progress? yes. Something to get overly happy about? meh, only relatively speaking.

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  • 4 weeks later...



U.S. exports of diesel and gasoline have doubled since President Barack Obama took office, and the carbon embedded in them has meet political goals by taking it off America's pollution balance sheet. But that does not necessarily help the planet.


The U.S. is sending more fuel than ever to other parts of the world, where efforts to address resulting pollution are just getting underway, if advancing at all.


Under Obama, the U.S. has reduced more carbon pollution from energy than any other nation, about 475 million tons between 2008 and 2013, according to U.S. Energy Department data. Less than one-fifth of that amount came from burning less gasoline and diesel.


Despite these efforts, pollution linked to global warming is rising worldwide.


U.S. exports of gasoline and diesel more than made up for the savings at home in pollution abroad, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. Those exports released roughly 1 billion tons of carbon pollution into the atmosphere elsewhere during the same period.

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