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HuskerShark last won the day on September 30 2013

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About HuskerShark

  • Birthday 02/25/1990

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    Somewhere in the state
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    CFB, NFL, NBA, being active, weight lifting, frisbee golf, friends and family, and on occasion, beer.

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  1. Sorry, knapplc, I'm going to pass on spending time providing you with links when all you have to do is open your eyes to what's REALLY going on in our country. I've got MUCH more important things to do. I just thought I'd drop in and let all of the Hillary apologetic people and enablers know that they're a bunch of flaming ruh-tards. That's all I've got for today. Thanks.
  2. You tell people to turn off CNN and MSNBC, but you spout off all of the right wing media talking points. I don't watch the media. These are all verifiable facts if you do anything other than watch MSNBC and CNN. So there's probably a reason that Fox News talks about it if they are. BECAUSE IT'S TRUE...
  3. "Should I continue?" You could start by providing verifiable facts for each of these allegations before continuing. Then, for fun, you could do the same research on Trump's foundation, his bribery of Attorneys General, his income taxes, his constant flip-flopping on every topic, his failure to pay contractors for work provided... Should I continue? I mean, you want to decry Clinton, fine. She's a crummy candidate. But you push Trump like he's better, but he's done everything you hate about Clinton and worse, yet here you are, still Trumping it up. It is to laugh. I'm not talking about Trump right now. That's a totally different subject, and what you're claiming against him is seriously laughable. Turn off CNN and MSNBC. I've said multiple times, if someone doesn't like Trump, they've got a team of Governors to vote for who have tremendous history as politicians of economic progress in their relative states, as well as tax cuts for their citizens. Go vote for them if you don't like Trump. The whole "I won't vote for a 3rd party because they can't win" is so totally and completely bogus. If more votes are cast for Gary Johnson than the rest of the candidates (assuming he wins the electoral college) then he can win. As for the actual subject of what I'm talking about, have you purposefully ignored everything around you? The email leaks? The multiple movies made by former Clinton insiders who know exactly what's going on? Have you not dug for information on the DNC/Clinton staffers who have been murdered at their homes and had it blamed either on natural causes or on robberies when there was nothing stolen or broken in their homes? No investigation, no media coverage. And then we learn from their loved-ones that they were about to go public with info regarding HRC. Then there is the fact that everywhere Trump goes, he fills stadiums with 10,000+, 20,000+, even 30,000+ people on a daily basis, while Hillary speaks maybe once every other week and can't even fill high school gyms. Yet these polls that we are supposed to take seriously are showing her either leading or very close with him. If those are actually accurate as they claim (which I don't believe), that speaks volumes as to which voter base is informed and which is extremely uninformed. Seriously. Do people intend to be idiots, or does it just come naturally?
  4. If Hillary Clinton were worth even considering for POTUS, her health issues might be of importance. But as it is, people ought to be more concerned about: -her foundation being a ponzi scheme for self-enrichment -her pay-for-play as SOS (which is proven) -her working with the DNC establishment to rig the primary (proven) -stealing billions from Haiti that was meant for disaster relief (well documented and true) -smashing a dozen phones and ipads which contained info from her email scandal which obviously is an enormous red flag that she's hiding something terrible -the fact that whistleblowers to the DNC and the Clintons keep getting murdered and their deaths blamed on natural causes -The fact that her campaign is not only funded primarily by big donors such as Goldman Sachs, but also by terrorist organizations and foreign nations that commonly practice Sharia Law. -The fact that as SOS, she routinely flip-flopped on issues, and the timing of those flip-flops were very conveniently timed - right after she or William made a "speech" to these groups for insane amounts of money -The fact that she is legitimately a war-monger who has as recently as the last week threatened military action against Russia for hacking into American servers (which no one has proven btw - who's the conspiract theorist now?...) -etc. etc. etc. Should I continue? How stupid and blatantly purposefully ignorant does one have to be to even consider voting for this woman?...
  5. Yes that is what got the hair on the back of my neck to stand up long ago- his 'solutions' revolve around unconstitutional, authoritarian actions. Like tearing down the unconstitutional and over-reaching policies of the Obama admin? Bringing power back to the states? Reducing taxes and government spending, corruption, and wasteful spending dramatically? Auditing the federal agencies? Supporting law enforcement? Actually taking action instead of using political rhetoric to dance around issues? It's more alarming that in the times that we're in currently of extreme government corruption and wasteful spending that ought to be extremely apparent to everyone, especially with the establishment's resistance to DJT that ordinary people pile on to the horsesh*t that's spewed on a daily basis by liberal media and liberal politicians. If you don't like Trump, whatever, that's fine. Vote for Johnson.
  6. There is such a thing as "tongue-in-cheek" in case you people don't get that. It really doesn't matter what Donald Trump says, people will spin it the wrong way and try to bash him for anything. It's gonna be painful for all of you when he's elected.
  7. And I heard most people on this board deflect credible information that would be inconvenient for them to believe with jokes and hyperbole.
  8. LOL! Media classic. Post a ridiculous article, people take it as word, they gain views, and money comes rolling in. There is absolutely no way that actually happens, even though Ivanka is impressive. Trump has been very clear and consistent from the beginning that he wants someone as his VP who has experience in law-making and politics. I believe it will be The Newt, but who knows...
  9. Can you prove this is true? Can you prove it's not? The "Proving Non-Existence" fallacy. That's swell. Sorry, didn't have time to respond and go hunt down proof, and still don't. Gonna have to pass on that one, and you all can do your own due diligence to learn this yourself. It was apparently the first time you've heard it, so at least now it's out there.
  10. Such as secret service members writing about their personal accounts with them? I'm not sure if you've read those or not, but if not, you need to. One (maybe more) even wrote a book about what he saw and heard during the Clinton presidency, and it paints an ugly picture. For all the people who call Trump the egomaniac and the one who lacks temperament (which I disagree with personally, but whatever) between the two, Hillary is WAY worse than anyone would care to believe...
  11. Can you prove this is true? Can you prove it's not?
  12. You gonna answer the question? Or try to prove to me that it's not true? Because it is.
  13. Never once did I say that or make any reference that would hint of that. Yes, you absolutely have. How else would we "protect (not harm) American businesses so they can compete."? Meaning if we trade with Mexico on products that American companies also produce, and the difference in labor costs, currency exchange, etc. figures up at 23%, then there ought to be a tariff or trade tax on those goods of 23% in order to protect our businesses. I'm not worried about passing a little cost onto consumers, because the strengthened economy and job market that will result from this trade arrangement, as well as lowered taxes that Trump is proposing will more than make up for the slight increase in cost of goods. We're a country that is spoiled with unnecessary goods already. Most welfare and unemployment collectors already have iphones and Xboxes, so people really can't complain.
  14. I'm taking the wait-and-see approach. I HIGHLY doubt Trump will bring Christie along for the ride because he offers him nothing. Right now, I'm thinking Gingrich, but I could see Trump pulling a name that no one has talked about so far, as he has been really tight-lipped up to this point.
  15. That is absolutely inexcusable. If people are not a fan of Trump, there is a perfectly viable candidate representing the Libertarian party who would represent the country with integrity and intelligence, and would stand up for the constitution. Gary Johnson deserves peoples' votes a million times over above Hillary Clinton.
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