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Everything posted by Undone

  1. Would you care to expound upon what exactly was wrong with our offense this season, then? The offense that only scored 16 points of offense against Michigan State and 17 points of offense against Minnesota? I'm genuinely curious to hear your take.
  2. I know. That's why I specifically typed "lol."
  3. Those stats are outstanding. For me, it reinforces the buzz that Riley adapts a system to what he's got. If he's got ultra-talented backs to work with, those numbers from 2013 & 2011 indicate that all of the people caught up in a hissy fit that "Riley passes too much" should probably calm the **** down. And, let's just be honest with ourselves - Ameer graduating puts a huge question mark over the I-Back position anyway. Passing a little more may end up being what *next year's team* needs. I think I like what I'm seeing.
  4. I lol'd. I haven't read all of the replies. The one thing I'm hoping for is to use Cross downhill. "OH NOES, BUT THEN THE OTHER TEAM WILL KNOW WHAT'S COMING!!!1" It works for Iowa. I'm using the term "works" loosely, but this is the B1G. Do what works - run Cross downhill situationally. Could go a long ways.
  5. Haha, this was a good one. Kudos to you OP for a pretty decent troll. So post, much wow.
  6. I agree with the majority of what you're trying to say. Michigan State had defensive talent last year that probably only aligns once in every 5-10 seasons. That's mainly what allowed them to get the best of Urban in the title game last year. But I disagree with the assumption that Ohio State is that far back from the other schools in the playoff...at least had Barrett been 100% healthy when they face Alabama. I think the score easily could have been 70-0 if Barrett had been 100% on Saturday night.
  7. I'd like for coach Riley to bite the head off of a paper mache cat with the most bloodthirsty look ever shown on the face of an NU coach.
  8. Chris, you're uncharacteristically positive about Riley and his staff! Are you feeling ok?
  9. This is a safe place, Dude. We've known about your yoga pants for years now.
  10. I haven't even once *thought about* there being the slimmest chance Papuchis/Beck stay. If they do, I'll be in the fetal position in the corner if you need me.
  11. I think the bottom line is that most of us on this board will be excited if we see a proven pair of coordinators. That this was lacking by Bo is undisputed by probably, what? 98% of our fan base? So if Riley gets that far, he'll have my backing for sure.
  12. Inb4 "you're firing the guy before he's coached a single game."
  13. Stay the course my man!!! I +1'd you, but I have to say that the players having a coach's back means absolutely nothing once the boosters are done with a guy. Bo is quite possibly the best example of this.
  14. These are just my raw emotions. Please, don't flame. I feel like Eichorst just hired a guy that is un-fireable due to his niceness. Like, he's fire-proof. This feels like an admission that domination on the field is a thing of the past, and the only thing left to cling to is some kind of ethereal spirit of Tom Osborne's "niceness." It was like Riley forced himself to say "...and win championships, too" in the presser. For the record, Mike - The booster illuminati will eat you alive, one way or the other. <---Those are not MY feelings towards Mike, but is the reality of the situation if he doesn't win conference titles.
  15. This is all that really matters to me at this point. Like someone else said earlier this week (not sure who), pay the best (read: experienced) coordinators .8 - 1.2 million per year. Bo didn't try that. At all. Please, new guy - try that.
  16. ROFL, I know one of you crafty bastards just tweeted this at this DustinFox37 broseph: Tony Gerdeman ‏@GerdOZone 15m15 minutes ago @DustinFox37 Dustin, no offense, but have you even ever directed the marketing at a casino? I didn't think so.
  17. It's all coming together now. This guy from Walthill. The plane from Indy to Youngstown. The press conference. The black light test on The Sock that revealed critical DNA evidence. Only a matter of time.
  18. That guy definitely knows where the bodies are buried. I don't know who USC is, but you can tell her thanks from me for this confirmation.
  19. Confirmed. Bert Bielema is Nebraska's next head coach. Thank you for this confirmation.
  20. lol, you have to love all of these throw-away accounts jumping into the wood chipper that is this thread.
  21. Good Confirmed as good by Po. Confirmation accepted.
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