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  1. If this is the bud bowl we are Iowa lite He picked a tard
  2. Hundreds have let bra
  3. You are hell bent in running off the last few people that are willing to discuss Husker football so be it have fun talking to yourself and the mods. It’s been heading that direction for years
  4. Same s#!t different year
  5. Fine then you will have 5 left on this board everyone is thinking the same
  6. f#&% this team
  7. f#&% Nebraska
  8. Difference between Frost and Rhule year one not a god damn f#&%ing thing
  9. Where was the holding?
  10. That’s game Nebraska can’t win in OT
  11. At what point to we admit Alvano is trash?
  12. Unfortunately I think we all know deep down how this is going to end
  13. As much as I agree with firing this crap coordinator I feel like we don’t yet have justification to fire this pos
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