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Everything posted by Ulty

  1. Seems pretty obvious, right? http://www.theatlant...nd-photo/61160/ Side note: Diane would get it. O'Meara? So now we have an Irish name directly connected, which correlates with my connection between the Irish and Samoan mafias as stated above. Irrefutable!
  2. Here's another theory that is totally plausible, and if it turns out to be true, I get full credit: Lennay Kekua is real, and she's still alive! But she's a middle-boss type figure in a vast conspiracy that involves the Irish Mob, Samoan drug lords, the Church of Latter Day Saints and the CIA. This thing is huge. It's all part of an extortion ring to elevate the public persona of Manti Te'o and put Notre Dame back at the top of the world of athletics. The above mentioned organizations were all involved in promoting Te'o and fixing many of Notre Dame's games. The LDS church also wanted to use Te'o's rising stardom to boost its own image and further its influence, which would have come to fruition had Mitt Romney won the presidency (more on that later). Lennay's family and the Tuiasasopo's have been involved in or indebted to Samoan mobs for years, and the Samoans have been trying to gain a foothold in the international drug trade. The Samoans finally struck a deal with the Irish Mob, based on the east coast, to work the drug trade together and take over the American drug market using a two-front pincer movement. Of course the Irish Mob have been runing Notre Dame University for years, and as part of this new drug coalition, have been funneling in steroids to the university, and helping Somoan recruits (like Te'o) get in there. Now, Te'o was coerced by both mobs to go to Notre Dame, as they recognized his star appeal, his intelligence, good looks, boy scout image, and athletic talent. What a perfect pawn! If this kid becomes a star, even a Heisman candidate, his notoriety could vastly increase the already notable wealth of Notre Dame University and both mobs. This is where Lennay comes in - she is real, but actually in her 30s, not early 20s (she just looks young) and is a major player in all of this. She was used to seduce Manti Te'o to further gain his cooperation in this whole scheme, and he fell for it. The Tuiasasopo's were coereced into being a part of it as well. However, as his senior year began, and all the drugs and resources pumped into Notre Dame by these mobs finally started to produce a contender, a compelling story using Te'o would all but guarantee a stranglehold over the drug market by the Samoans and the Irish. Te'o saw what was going on and became uncomfortable with it. He wanted out. So what did they do? They wacked his grandma and his girlfriend, and threatened even worse if he didn't comply. Once Te'o was a huge star and bringing in NFL contracts and endorsements, the true extortion would kick in. Now the CIA was secretly backing Romney for president for their own twisted behind-the-scenes political agenda, and they had been secretly working with the LDS church to promote Romney. The CIA, no dummies, were aware of the activities of the Samoans and Irish but were waiting to see how it played out. The CIA figured they could stand to profit from the mob's activities but could take them down once they got too powerful. So they even helped nudge them along for the time being. At the same time, as Te'o's star-power started to become evident, the LDS wanted to promote him even further as well. A Mormon President and a Mormon Heisman Trophy winner with a heart-warming story? Mormon missionaries were drooling at the thought, and Mormon HQ in Salt Lake City was planning a full-scale campaign to take over American religioun beginning in 2013. So all of these groups were working together in earnest. Teo's grandma really was killed, but Lennay, with whom Te'o was in love but didn't realize that she was involved in this whole operation, was kept alive. Te'o didn't know it - the mobs directed the whole story to further promote Te'o and Notre Dame. Along with the fixing of games, it was working perfectly. Shortly after the real death of grandma and fake death of Lennay, Romney dominated the first presidential debate, thanks to the CIA feeding him answers via remote. The plan continued, but when it turned out that Romney was going to lose the election after all, things started to unravel. After the election, the LDS got cold feet. They were a little too entrenched with the whole plan. The church was not afraid of the mob, but was afraid of it's legacy and reputation should the public find out their involvement in this vast conspiracy. But they knew too much, so the charade couldn't continue. LDS pulled out, and the CIA began working with the mob to remove any records of Lennay's existence. This involved purging records, silencing witnesses, etc. Lennay and the Tuiasosopos were kept alive because they were still useful cogs in the Samoan mob's drug trafficking operations, and they were going to need all the help they could get now that the plan was falling apart. To top it off for the CIA, the mobs helped to create a scandal which led to David Petreus leaving the CIA. And with Petreus gone, so were all of the secrets of this nefarious plot. The woman with whom Petreus had the affair became involved with the Irish mob during her time at Harvard. The mob began working with her to seduce Petreus as soon as he took the head role at the CIA. With the LDS and CIA out of the picture, the mobs tired to continue their operation and kept Te'o in the limelight as a desperate promotional tactic to further the drug operation. The story of Lennay continued to be a national sensation, even as her records were wiped clean. Lennay herself faded back behind the scenes. Without the safety net of the CIA's involvement, though, tensions rose between the Samoan and Irish mobs, and the partnership fell apart altogether. That's about the time that Te'o received a call from Lennay's number - the Tuiasasopos were trying to send him a message to protect him, but they couldn't really say anything without jeopardizing their own lives. Te'o won't come out with the truth now, for the same reasons - he looks like quite the fool, but to speak the truth would mean certain death for him and his family at the hands of the mob. Of course Notre Dame got rolled in the NCG because the mob was no longer fixing it. ESPN and other institutions of journalism never dug any deeper because their own ties to the mob prevented it. But Deadspin is not yet mob-controlled and broke the story wide open. So Lennay is still alive and in hiding. Te'o was duped and was a pawn in this whole devious game all along. The Tuiasasopos aren't talking because of the Samoan mob. The CIA is now waging an underground war with the Samoans and Irish. And the only ones paying the price for all of this are Manti Te'o, his grandma, Mitt Romney, and David Petreus. Everyone else gets out with their hands clean.
  3. Tyrone Hughes was an awesome returner in the NFL - but I don't recall much about his Husker career.
  4. Kris Brown was better than Josh Brown (although Josh had a much better pro career).
  5. https://twitter.com/LennayKay Meh, whoever is hacking that account can't be more creative or amusing than that? Come on, man, the whole sports world is watching, troll us better than that!
  6. Absolutely - we have yet to hear actual motives, who all was involved and to what extent, and other embarassing details behind it all. In comparison to other scandals in which dark secrets and cover-ups became unraveled before our very eyes (like Jerry Sandusky, Bernie Madoff, Trayvon Martin, Charlie Rogers, etc.), this one is not about lives being ruined by murder, abuse, grand theft, or other criminal activity. This is just pure entertainment (except for those directly involved, of course).
  7. I remember that. The dad did time for that stunt, didn't he? Yes, but I think it was mainly because they had so many government agencies involved and he racked up a nice bill with them. I mean other than lying to the authorities that is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_boy_hoax Did a little time and some restitution for all the police services. I remember watching the balloon's flight live, and after it landed it was empty!!! Then the circus afterward was a lot of fun. That won't even compare to the Manti Teo circus if this story takes off, though. He'll probably wish he had his own weather balloon to escape in.
  8. I haven't been so intrigued by a developing hoax story since the balloon boy in Colorado a couple years ago. Remember him?
  9. http://deadspin.com/5976517/manti-teos-dead-girlfriend-the-most-heartbreaking-and-inspirational-story-of-the-college-football-season-is-a-hoax?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow Is the whole story a hoax? This seems reeeeeeally weird.
  10. I have been following Oregon and NCAA violations - what are they looking into and is stuff that would fall directly on Kelly's shoulders? If it does fall on Kelly's shoulders, how does that effect his job in the NFL? The Eagles HC position? The NFL has already set the precident that they can and will punish for actions prior in college with the Tressel and Pryor situation. I don't think Pete Carroll didn't suffer any repercussions when he bolted for the NFL as soon as USC was getting hammered.
  11. Or disease and starvation due to overpopulation. Much more humane!
  12. So your thesis of this post is that you gave up possibly getting laid by a "smoking hot" bartender, just so you could enjoy your burger at that particular moment?....Might not be the best decision of your life....But good work nonetheless.. Nah, I didn't have a shot at getting laid on that date. Had that possibility been there, I would have played it a little differently. She was out of my league in terms of hotness, but not worth pursuing a relationship for just for the chance of getting laid down the road. I mean, she was a vegetarian.
  13. I love McKewon's articles, and I love comparing stats, but I don't think we needed this article to know that we'd win more games if turnover margin and defense improve.
  14. In college, I managed to score the digits and get a date with a smokin' hot bartender, which was noteworthy because she was always getting hit on by college dudes every night and was used to ignoring such flirtations, and my friends said there was no way she would even give me the time of day. When I took her out, it came out during the conversation that she was a vegetarian, and when I asked why, she said that she couldn't eat anything with a face. I was at a loss for words. I looked down at the burger I had ordered, and seeing no face on it, enjoyed eating it and never called her again. The point is: beauty is only skin deep, but meat is always delicious.
  15. I agree that the best is (in Dan Hawkins voice) DIVISION ONE COLLEGE FOOTBALL. The diverse styles, the strategy, the pageantry, the bands, the recruiting, the controversy, the traditions, the loyalty, young athletes becoming grown men, the scandals, the iconic uniforms, the ugly uniforms, the college chicks. It all beats what you get with the NFL, and there is much more of it. It is more interesting and more dramatic. The only thing the NFL has is more parity and a higher level of competition. The best of the best are on display, and they all go head to head against each other. Both are enjoyable, but college has far more going on and more to get invested in, especially if your alma mater is involved.
  16. I'm a pretty laid-back fan and don't react too emotionally to wins or losses - but the one moment that had me whooping, hollering, and jumping was Turner's catch at the end of the MSU game. In all, I thought it was one hell of an entertaining season. Except for Ohio State, Idaho St, and the CCG, every game contained 4 quarters of intrigue, if not outright excitement. I haven't had this much fun watching Husker football since I got out of college (2001). I'm disappointed at all the angst and hand-wringing on the internet over a couple of lopsided losses, when we just witnessed week after week of fantastic entertainment apart from those two losses.
  17. wait a minute...How did John Smith break his tibia? How soon until he returns?
  18. I was in the marching band at UNL from 1997-2001 so had soem good trips, bookended by National Championship games in the Orange Bowl (yay!) and Rose Bowl (boo!). But my favorite bowl trip was the Alamo Bowl against Northwestern in 2000. That was the year I had turned 21 so I finally got to let loose during the trip, and the Riverwalk in San Antonio had a lot of awesome things for a young lush to do. We also had a lot of Northwestern fans in our hotel who talked a lot of shite before the game (which I didn't understand - I mean, you're Northwestern for cripes sake). of course we beat the holy hell out of NW in the game, which is a really good feeling when people have been flapping their gums.
  19. That's a great story, but we'd all still like to see your wife win that elusive conference championship before we judge her.
  20. 9 wins is no longer a measuring stick for greatness, but neither is it a barometer (on its own) for whether or not a coach should get fired.
  21. I wonder if Borland's tackle of Martinez was just a perfect storm of Borland wrapping up well and popping his hips in order to take down the runner, along with Taylor standing up straight and still trying to move his feet. What turned into a suplex probably wasn't more than what every good tackler tries to do on every play, you just usually see the runner go down instead of on a high-flying ride. Even if Borland meant to do it this way, even in wrestling or judo, it's difficult to get such a perfect takedown, and I bet Borland never would have expected Matinez to actually fly up as he did. I bet he couldn't replicate this tackle on another runner if he tried, even with a smaller dude. Having said that, he still should have been flagged, based on the precedent of flagging other guys for cleaner, faster hits, that the tackler often has no way of controlling. From a football perspective, I'm not really concerned about the Borland tackle. But from a safety perspective, I don't know why the refs would look at this any differently than any number of other hits that get penalized. I do appreciate that Borland walked over to Martinez afterward, though. ...and Ochs grabbing Crouch's facemask was much worse than this.
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