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Everything posted by mabrown310

  1. I'm not saying that RR is a bad thing. Far from it. I certainly don't miss walking beans. That said, if you aren't already dealing with RoundUp resistant weeds . . . you will be soon. This is true but we (my family farm and the local COOP) generally don't use them interchangeably. Specificity also matters. Edit: The real fun will begin when we mix and match and throw BT corn into the mix . . . a GMO plant that produces toxins to kill insects. Then the sparks will really fly. Oh man thats a whole new can of worms haha. BT attacks specific sites on insects that aren't present in humans though, correct? I don't know a whole lot about BT. You seem knowledgable on the matter though
  2. As far as I know there isn't much in the way of definitive answers. Agreed. There is no definitive evidence either way. Most studies conclude by saying they don't know the effects yet. Hell, there might not be any! My problem is with the food labeling. We have a right to know what we are purchasing and consuming
  3. Several things. First, plants do not have to be altered with animal or bacterial DNA in order to be called GMO. For example, if I studied drought resistance in plants and was able to identify 3 genes in millet that make it so exceptionally drought tolerant, I could theoretically integrate those genes into the genome of corn and make corn exceptionally drought tolerant. This would be a GMO crop, but almost certainly would be a good thing. So the scare tactics about GMOs are meant to bypass reason, and ignite hysteria. Second, we have been genetically modifying organisms for thousands of years, by selecting the most fit crops or livestock and mating. Creating new, stronger breads of horses, for example, or increasing yields on corn. This is the high tech version. And yes, there are drawbacks at times, round-up resistant weeds are a fine example. However, the issue you listed is with the new herbicides being used, not the GMO crop itself. Third, always, always, always cite the study you are referring to. Fourth, a real world example of a GMO fish, where the only thing done was to alter Atlantic salmon with a gene that helps production of a growth hormone in Chinook Salmon, in order to decrease time to market: http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=all&_r=0 Those are all good points to keep in mind Junior, but as mabrown pointed out genetically modified can also mean splicing genes from other plants and animals. That's were the biggest concern is with GMOs. There just isn't enough research out there right now to make any kind of conclusion about the safety risk of eating those types of foods. However there are some personal accounts from people having reactions to food they have no business being allergic to only to find out it was some kind of GMO. Sorry meant to get to that last post. I am an agronomy major, so yes I realize that different species of plant DNA is also used in creating GMOs. Those arent concerning though. Crossing different breeds is pretty natural. Adding animal DNA and bacterias are not as natural, and there are people who would want to know those things next time there at the grocery store. But Monsanto will not allow their GMO info to be on food labels. I personally don't believe that they should be able to do that
  4. No disrespect intended, but you need to learn what genetically modified means. This statement is entirely inaccurate. I know diddly about GMOs but when he said that specific sentence every skeptical neuron in my brain fired red. What I do know is every time I even glance at non far-left sources about the state of modern farming, it's difficult to figure out a way to feed seven billion people without some kind of pesticides or mechanism to increase yields. Add onto that the fact that our lifespans have practically doubled in the last decade (DDT and all), am I missing something here? Ill say it again. I am NOT against GMO crops. But the fact is there have been studies that have said "we don't know the health consequences of this yet" . So should consumers be denied the right to make informed decisions about what they buy at stores?
  5. Here is one study on repeated exposure to GMO corn in lab rats http://www.scribd.com/doc/106438581/Long-Term-Toxicity-of-Roundup-Herbicide And again, I am NOT against the production of GMO crops. But shouldn't consumers be able to know what they are eating?
  6. Still not quite accurate. ^^^^This is mostly correct but you mean herbicides. Not pesticides. For which allowed farmers to use FAR fewer herbicides. I would think that would be a good thing. BTW...Herbicides are pesticides. Pesticides can be either herbicides or insecticides. In other words....both a weed and a bug can be a pest. Yes that was the case in past years. RoundupReady has been used so frequently though that weeds are now becoming resistant to it. Producers now have to incorporate other herbicides/pesticides to have the same effect
  7. And to be clear I am not against GMO crops. I do have an issue with how they are marketed though. Consumers should have the right to know what they are buying and it is there choice to eat GMOs or avoid them. And why does Monsanto get legal protection when the public doesn't?
  8. Your right I worded that wrong. I tried to dumb down the science part. GMOs are seeds whose DNA makeup is altered by incorporating other animal DNA and bacterias. The major breakthrough was RoundupReady crops, which enabled farmers to spray crops with glysophate to kill all sorts of weeds without killing the crop itself. Problem is Roundup Ready is used so much that it has lost alot of its affectiveness. Weeds are now becoming resistant to the same pesticides. Now farmers are resorting to other pesticides and herbicides, which are much more harmful and studies have shown that these new pesticides can get into our crops. A study last year showed that rats exposed to these same pesticides started to develop tumors, but no official study has been done on the human effects (for obvious reasons)Thats what I was trying to get at.
  9. http://rt.com/usa/monsanto-bill-blunt-agriculture-006/ Wow. In my opinion this is the most disgraceful piece of legislature from Obama & Congress. GMO (genetically modified foods) will no longer be regulated. GMOs are banned in several countries and have been heavily scrutinized for being potentially hazardous to consumers. GMOs are seeds that are genetically modified by being injected with pesticides which are passed onto consumers. Monsanto has already threatened to sue states that print GMO information on food packages (Im sure its because theres nothing to worry about). So in addition to not being able to see what you are consuming, Congress also thought it was a good idea to not make Monsanto liable for any health issues or deaths in the future caused by their products. And this bill was written by Monsanto itself. This stinks of crooked backroom dealings and puts priority on Monsanto's profits over the health of consumers. Anybody else outraged by this?
  10. I really hope so, but I doubt it. We all know that Bo is a great human who emphasizes the bigger things in life. Extremely high graduation rates, record team GPAs (I believe?), very few occurences with the law, building character and producing exremely well rounded individuals for after college, etc. ESPN could mention those things at any time, but sadly it does not generate as much interest as ESPNs Bo cam on the sideline. If they had the same camera on Saban, Muschamp, etc. all game I guarantee they would look much worse than Bo
  11. Agreed huskeraddict. Sadly most people need to hear the lesson "if you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all" again. Last time I checked this is still a free country, which means these kids can go to school wherever they damn please. You can't fault a kid for choosing a school over your own. They have their reasons for their decisions. Doesn't mean you have to like it, but everybody should respect it. Calling them out with insults just makes a fanbase look childish. Besides, you know these high school kids are gonna retweet the negative comments. Didn't you know your popularity is directly coorelated to your number of "haters"?
  12. If anybodys looking for a time killer this weekend HBO is having a free preview weekend. Which means all of season 1 of Game of Thrones is free on demand. And the season 3 premiere will be shown on Sundayt

    1. husker07


      I will be checking that out. Missed most of season 2. Have all the books just sitting on my shelf, but who has time to read.

  13. Anybody here checked out that new documentary The Imposter? I would highly suggest it. Probably the most engrossing and thrilling documentary or film ive seen in a while full of twists. Its a story that is so unbelievable it is hard to imagine that this actually happened.
  14. Wow... highly suggest anybody with Netflix watch the documentary The Imposter. It will blow your mind

    1. onlyHskrfaninIL


      whats it about?

    2. mabrown310


      In 1993 a 13 year old boy from Texas went missing. 4 years later the boy's family gets a call from the police in Spain saying that they found their son alive. The family is overjoyed and they go to pick up their son, but sure enough there is just something "off" about him. That is all ill say because the less you know the better. True case of life being stranger than fiction. It is a hybrid between a movie and documentary. Probably the most engrossing and thrilling movie ive seen...

    3. onlyHskrfaninIL


      sounds interesting ill have to check it out

  15. Agreed. This whole staff seems very commited and invested in this team, especially Fisher and Joseph. Tim Beck is the only one im worried about leaving soon. Unless big names start throwing Terry the DC job
  16. Alabama and Mississippi St. for lateral move as DB coach. Not sure about the third
  17. Was thinking about taking more Supply Chain Management classes. Then I took my test. Safe to say ill be resorting to lowly Agribusiness yet again

    1. HuskerShark


      It's okay, man. There is more demand for jobs in the ag industry than any other industry right now.

    2. mabrown310


      That is very true. I was half joking I love the ag and food industry. I am just also really fascinated with Supply chain management. But wow those guys gotta know there stuff

  18. I believe thats correct Saunders. I remember reading that Shawn wasn't told anything before he went down there and got thrown into the sh#tstorm. Probably the reason why he took the first opportunity to get out of there
  19. Ok ya I remember that one. It got a little crazy there right at the end. Good thing we started kicking people out cuz the cops showed up right after everyone left.
  20. Oh nice I probably ran into you at some point then. Was it second semester? We use to have people over a lot first semester but it was getting to be to big of a hassle so we only do once a month or so now
  21. Well were just down the street! Right on the other side of 10th and Claremont. We usually get alot of people and we have had halloween parties and such, so getting people to participate isnt usually a problem. I like the high school party that could be pretty fun. That other idea sounds awesome to, ive never heard of that. Thanks. Ive been to a couple of ABC (anything but clothes) parties and those are always a letdown. No one ever gets creative and dresses up
  22. Haha alright were right in the bottoms. Were gonna have one the second weekend of March. We usually just do blacklight but we want to do a theme party sometime. We were thinkin a 70's or 80's party but those are sometimes overdone. My roomates weren't crazy about Golf Pros and Tennis Hoes idea. Anybody got any good ideas? And yes I agree, Im a marketing minor and social media is and will be a major marketing tool for years to come. It is crazy to think about how big twitter has become to many companies
  23. My house (not a frat, just a couple of buddies) made a facebook page for our house so that we can let people know if were having a party. Its set on private though, so only the people we want to see it actually do. Alot of people make pages like ours, but almost all are kept private. I hardly ever see public notices, too many weird and random people show up. But social media is a very interesting thing. Literally reshaping the way people communicate- businesses, professors, friends, etc. I have pages for some of my classes. Teachers seem to think it is the best way to keep in touch, especially for reminders or telling us class is cancelled. Businesses use twitter and facebook a lot for connecting with customers. If you complain about a business on twitter, oftentimes you get a reply from the company within a few minutes. It also provides a mass market for them to promote specials and sales. Also, any breaking news story you can find on twitter before it hits the mainstream news stations.
  24. We had 2 snow days my freshman year 3 years back. Those were a fluke tho. It snowed a ton the say before second semester started and it made traveling to lincoln very difficult for out of town folks
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