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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I used to drink so many of them at the Side Track they the bartender would see me coming and have it made by the time I got to the bar. I think I was there quite a bit.
  2. Toquilla sunrises were my drink of choice along with the upside down margaritas.
  3. I’m guessing Pierce Morgan is part of the deep state.
  4. We all know how it turned out and it doesn’t look good. Problem was, back then, people were saying WTF? Too. it’s not just hind sight is 20/20.
  5. Is this what Giuliani dug up on his trip to China? You know, the guy who thinks cancer is contagious like the flu? Question, is it frustrating that your political hero is such an idiot and surrounds himself with such idiots?
  6. It must just really suck having your political hero be such an idiot.
  7. Thanks. I was thinking that's the way it worked, but wasn't sure. I'm assuming there were players that played on the freshman team, then took a year for redshirt...then played 3 years on varsity. Probably quite a few linemen.
  8. I have the feeling Burrow is fostering this narrative in the media over the last year. And, quite frankly, I don't blame him. He really wanted to play for Nebraska and we thumbed our noses at him. He's on top of the world and has no problem throwing it back at us. I think he has a chance to be a very good QB in the NFL. However, his WRs and OL made him look great last year. Cincinnati better invest in some good ones, or his talents are going to be wasted there just as much as they would have been at Nebraska.
  9. Cuomo is on fire right now in his press conference.
  10. Some of our local Nebraska students. Midlands Voices: Let's flatten the curve on climate change
  11. LINK And....how many of those homeless people provided the IRS with direct deposit information last year when they filed their income taxes? I'm guessing it's a pretty slim number. So....that leaves the chance they maybe got them in the mail. I'm not quite sure there's enough homeless people who have received their checks in the mail to cause an epidemic of $50 bottles of scotch flying off the shelves.
  12. It's been widely reported, and I've not disputed it, that addictions are a serious problem during this time. People are home alone and not getting the support they need. This is a problem along with depression and a rise in domestic abuse. However, your post claimed that homeless people are drinking $50 bottles of scotch because they received a payment from the government. Can you tell me how that's possible? And....I looked through the first two links and didn't see it. In these links do they mention how homeless people are taking the assistance checks and buying $50 bottles of scotch?
  13. You may be right. It took electing him to realize that elections matter and electing someone who is a corrupt, narcissistic, incompetent, con man is a bad thing. Hopefully we move forward from here with this lesson learned and never do it again. It just took electing the mostest greatest one of all those the world has ever seen.
  14. Soo...you post a quote from a random message board person that literally has no way of being within the realm of reality.....and I'm being unreasonable for calling it BS. Also, I skimmed the article you posted. I didn't see it. Could you please point out where in the article it talks about drug use and overdoses have increased because they received an assistance check?
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