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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I'm beginning to become OK with term limits. However, I think it needs to coincide with Presidential terms somehow. In my perfect world, a justice would leave the court every 4 years. So, a Presidential election is in 2024, so in 2025, that President gets to nominate one justice. It's early in his/her term and not in an election year. The only way one party can stack the court is if, for some reason, a second justice also leaves in that term. OR....one party maintains the White House for an extended period of time. The problem with that is, that means a justice is on the bench for 36 years. So, maybe my idea needs to be modified so that a justice steps down every two years, so in 2025 and again in 2027, giving that president two nominations. (your 18 years) Also with my idea, each justice would know exactly when their term is up. There would be much less game playing on when they are going to "retire". That is, unless the justice wants to retire early....which, I don't know how to fix.
  2. I don't. I'm saying that's what I've seen some people predicting.
  3. Yeah, I've seen that. The conservative justices want to delay it as long as possible so it further delays some of his trials so they aren't decided before the election. Yes, this should be the most important decision they are deciding and it should be done immediately. Watching the SCOTUS recently drills home the opinion I've had for a long time. The SC is best when it's a 5-4 split. One side having a large majority on the SC is a really bad thing.
  4. Last year, teams knew we couldn't throw the ball effectively. I think Rhule wants to use the spring game to send a message to early opponents that, that's not the case this year.
  5. So, I wonder if we are going to get a ruling on this today.
  6. Hmmmm…..my son in law just graduated from there.
  7. There are examples all the time where defense attorneys either turn down cases or refuse to make a certain argument that the client wants because it's just wrong.
  8. Republicans in congress are his personal lawyers? Sure, his actual lawyer can make that case during the impeachment hearings, but MAGA congressmen were making the case right along with them.....it was all total BS.
  9. That doesn't excuse them from falling into a pile of crap supporting a terrorist group by protesting on US campuses against jews now.
  10. After the last 10 years, I fail at feeling sorry for people who fall for pathetic frauds and political scams. Open your f#&%ing eyes and wake up.
  11. That man and millions of people who fell for a complete fraud.
  12. And to think, if that's the way the SCOTUS goes, it's all in the name of protecting Trump.....nothing else.
  13. I'm old enough to remember Republicans arguing that they shouldn't impeach Trump because it's a legal issue and we should all let the courts decide this after he leaves office. NOW....they argue that he can't be held accountable in court unless he was impeached. Amazing how this works.
  14. And, that ex President has a hand picked court to hear the argument. I'm holding out some hope that these arguments are so absurdly ridiculous that even the right wing court realizes it and rules against it. But, I question my sanity for holding out that hope.
  15. Absolutely baffling. What these blubbering idiots don't realize is that if they give Trump this freedom, they ALSO give a Democrat that same freedom.
  16. Reading some of the arguments that Trump's lawyers are making are amazingly laughable....well....if it wasn't actually such a serious issue. These people are f#&%ing nuts.
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