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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I don't care for it, I don't like that he may have interfered with a criminal investigation and didn't allow it to go the direction it needed to go. He used the power of the office to stop that investigation from continuing and fired the FBI director because of it. He has shown law enforcement support, he's stated he supports law enforcement, but I wonder if he has just used us as a puppet to help drive his machine that eventually got him elected. That's where I'm at professionally at the moment. Do your go workers have the same feelings? Btw.....I agree. I think he used that to get elected. He has done so much since then to show he really doesn't give a crap about them unless they are supporting or worshiping him. If they happen to be investigating him, they are trash.
  2. It's accelerating... https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/885251664713834498 Wow...wow.....wow....
  3. I slept with a co-worker 10 years ago. There.....now that I've admitted it....it now is ridiculous if my wife gets mad at me.
  4. I agree, this is way too early. If/when this does go through, Muller's investigation needs to be complete and the evidence so clear that even many of his supporters realize he needs to go.
  5. Almost every single time I mention to people that I don't like Trump and didn't vote for him......everyone says...."Well, there was no way I was voting for Hillary". It's like people instantly go from either you support and voted for Trump or you're a Hillary lover. They just can't fathom that there are other options.
  6. BIGRED.... As a police officer, I have wondered about something. Trump won quite a few votes because he put himself out there as the candidate that supports police officers in an era where there were lots of tensions between the public and police departments. How do you feel then, as a law enforcement officer, about how he treats intelligence officers and departments for the US?
  7. Boy, that's tough because it's several things lumped together that has done if for me I think. 1. His general demeanor 2. His social media use and the negativity it brings 3. His constant battling with the media 4. His completely incompetent selections to assist in running our government 5. Poor foreign relations 6. Lies from the campaign trail, which isn't unique to him necessarily, but it's a mess 7. His position in reference to the environment I could go on and on, it's a giant circus and the entire world has to be laughing at us. Thanks for being honest. I'm just praying that more and more of his voters start seeing this.
  8. Most linemen I see anymore all wear large knee braces to protect them from injury. I haven't found a picture yet of one wearing the brace and a knee pad.
  9. BigRed....I'm glad your honest about that and I'm glad you have had an open mind. Question....what was the straw that broke the camel's back for you?
  10. When you look at the map, it's not noticeable. But, reading that, it's pretty clear what they did. I want to repeat this because I don't want any misunderstanding of where I'm coming from. I am not for gerrymandering and I really hope the SC makes a good ruling on this and a solution is found. I highly prefer a third party do the drawing of districts. That said, I want to ask this. Let's say the third party idea comes to fruition and they start from scratch. How do you not draw lines with projected outcomes in mind? Meaning, obviously the Republicans redrew this to hopefully not have the Dems get that one electoral college vote. So......now......if you go back to pre 2011 maps, you are then doing it so that the Dems DO have a much better chance of winning that electoral vote. See what I mean? My question is, why is Sarpy county split in half in the first place? Why not just have Douglas county and Sarpy county all in one district? It's a natural governing border. If you are the third party drawing lines, what do you use as criteria to decide where the line goes?
  11. Not disagreeing with you and I hope that the SC rules harshly against gerrymandering and a solution to the problem is found. But, talking about Nebraska. How would you draw the districts differently than they are now?
  12. TMs injury was very severe. I was told by a team mate of his that he actually broke the arch of his foot. Extremely painful. When I watch clips of plays like the long run against Wisconsin, I am just amazed. You are correct, it greatly affected his cutting ability....but, even more so, it affected him mentally.
  13. Another odd thing about blaming Joe for Trump being elected. How many Trump voters do you think watch MSNBC?
  14. You don't think Joe and CNN having Trump call in every morning played a factor in getting the nomination? He's a Presidential candidate that was more than willing to call in and talk to them. Any news network would have done it and would do it again. Criticizing any of them for him getting nominated is quite odd. Do you think they would have taken Rubio or Jeb calls everyday for months? Hell no. That would have tanked their ratings during those segments. So, they had Trump on saying loony toon wacko things. The voters heard these things over and over again. They should have viewed him as a total nut job and not voted for him. And....it's the news network's fault.
  15. I remember when the shoulder pads were shrunk down. Nebraska went through a time when they had a bunch of shoulder injuries. I always wondered if this was the cause.
  16. King is a special breed all to his own.
  17. You don't think Joe and CNN having Trump call in every morning played a factor in getting the nomination? He's a Presidential candidate that was more than willing to call in and talk to them. Any news network would have done it and would do it again. Criticizing any of them for him getting nominated is quite odd.
  18. In other words.... "Don't let them kick me out of office because of my idiotic son (who is totally innocent) or MS13 is going to take over the country and kill all of us."
  19. Wait....I thought the Dems didn't use "class warfare."
  20. Wow....I guess it's time to turn on Joe. So....they have a morning news show. They aren't supposed to have a guy on that's running for president? It's now MSNBCs fault he won? That's a new twist.
  21. He really is going to keep going down this path.
  22. Wow....OMG.....I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this now. I want to puke.
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