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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. Can someone explain this? Is it that the Huskers made more money for the BIG than any other school?
  2. Wow.....our defensive backfield could really be something special.
  3. This is even a bigger reason why it won't be brought up.
  4. Don't be pissed at the brick wall. You knew it was there and it didn't move.
  5. Knapp.....I'm not arguing anything different. Trump has already showed what a pathetic statesman he is in the speech this morning when he mentioned "Russia meddling...........................and then had to add.......and other countries.........nobody knows for sure........."
  6. There is one hell of a lot of crap that Trump is doing that if any Democrat tried to do Republicans head would explode.
  7. I don't understand this. Syria is small potatoes compared to a foreign national power meddling with our elections. Not arguing that one bit. If I were President, I would not have that attitude. However, I'm just stating that if the goal of the administration is to get Russia on board in Syria, they probably aren't going to bring this up now. And...again....even if you chew his ass in a private meeting about it.....it's not going to stop him.
  8. yeah.....I don't think that's going to work out like how he intends it to and how the miners want it to.
  9. I find this interesting. So....we have a rule that makes it easier for the government to forgive loans for people who spent money at a fraudulent college. I cringe at that simply for the fact that it takes the personal responsibility away from these people to do what they can to make sure they are paying to attend an actual college. Did the federal government somehow sanction these fake colleges? Did they license or advertise that these colleges were legitimate? What part of this gives us the cause that the US tax payers should be footing the bill? Does the government then go after these fraudulent colleges for the money? However, at the same time, you have this rule postponed by an administration lead by someone who is in major lawsuits for actually running a fraudulent college. Was this rule somehow helping the plaintiffs in the Trump case?
  10. If you met my father right now you would think...."wow...he has a strong mind for his age". That isn't the same as him having the mental capacity to manage the free world. And...no....he has not been diagnosed with dementia.
  11. I wonder who appoints the replacement for an office that enforces ethics in government.
  12. If you are serious about that comment, I don't see one being better than the other. 1) Trump in current condition. 2) Bernie with onset of dementia or Alzheimer's. Now, the REAL scary idea is if Trump stays in office for 3-7 more years and suffers from dementia or Alzheimer's.
  13. It's always been interesting to me that this has been fairly consistent through a number of coaches.
  14. If the administration is serious about getting them to cooperate in Syria, this would not be a meeting to bring up the election meddling. Even if Trump was fully committed to admitting Russia did what all US intelligence says they did, confronting him in this meeting isn't going to stop Putin from doing it again. Now, if Putin is Trump to commit to something big, THEN is the time to bring it up.
  15. Agree. Good luck to him in every game except against us.
  16. I'm dealing with aging parents that are the same age he would be while he is in office or towards the end of his term. My father used to be an extremely smart person that could think through very complicated subjects. It's very easy to see that he just can't do that any more. Call it whatever "ism" you want. We are electing someone to be the leader of the free world (if the POTUS is still considered that when the current 71 year old leaves office). Pardon me if I really don't want someone with diminishing mental capacity in that office.
  17. That article basically sums up what you see when you register as an independent and back and look.
  18. If this group gets their message together and sells it well, it might be bad for republicans.
  19. Yeah,....I'm not giving them the dignity of watching them. But, from what others have said, I would say this scholarship is open for next year's class.....no matter if he does qualify or not.
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