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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. He has a very strange way of trying to look innocent.
  2. That's why I follow it with interest but I don't get emotionally tied up in it. I figured out a long time ago I'm not going to allow decisions by a 17-18 year old kid affect my happiness.
  3. I'm not going there. I'm just commenting on where we are at now.
  4. What if the big surprise in the video isn't Joshua committing to us but that Jordan commits with him?
  5. Ellis just switched from aTm to Nebraska. That makes it 4 for aTm and 6 for Nebraska from yesterday and today.
  6. Well, we now have 6 CBs for aTm and then now we have 5 for N. I believe one of the original aTm CBs switched to Nebraska making it 5 and 5. Interesting.
  7. Have to admit, there is part of me that wishes this guy hadn't been killed. I think the issues behind him doing this would have been discussed more than now that he is dead. Usually, I wouldn't say that about this type of situation.
  8. I wonder how much of that 2 billion was to an actual legitimate need.
  9. I know it's been said before many times. But, it sure is nice to repeatedly see us listed with that group instead of Dayton, ISU, Kentucky, North West Missouri State and Purdue.
  10. I am someone with mental illness in my family with multiple people. I know what mental illness is and I have had to deal with it. Now.....the guy is normal.....I've said that..... Now....can we get back to discussing the shooter and how we can stop these from happening in the future with our political rhetoric????
  11. YES!!!!!! Someone complained about the tire tread......that can't be seen from the stands or on TV....... THAT'S when you know you're in the heat of the off season.
  12. Nobody said that he was perfectly normal. Life doesn't work in the binary paradigm you are presenting. Wait....you're now going to offend.....not normal people.
  13. OK...the guy was perfectly normal. Yep...normal people go out and shoot congressmen in a park.
  14. Of course it's not that easy and I'm not saying it is. But, a million people can listen to the same propaganda over and over and over again. 999,999 will still understand going out and shooting congressmen in a park is wrong. One will believe his duty is to go shoot the congressmen in the park. You don't think there is something different mentally with that one person than the other 999,999??? Now, those people will always be there in the crowd. What the discussion (in this situation) needs to be, is how do we reduce the propaganda that is put out that convinces people like him to do what he did? And.....when is there a way to identify someone like this prior to him acting and, if we can......what do we do about it?
  15. For some reason many Husker fans have this strange sense that any team who someone considers being a rival isn't worthy of it with us. It's kind of a really strange thought process.
  16. We HAVE to talk about how to combat it and saying someone who does this has mental issues isn't using it as a scape goat. If this guy would have survived this, he should have had the total power of the law thrown at him to lock him away for a long time without some insanity plea. However, people with normal mental capabilities don't all of a sudden decide to take a rifle and go shoot congressmen practicing softball. There is obviously something out of whack within this guy that allowed him to cling to words and propaganda that convinced him this is what he needed to do.
  17. Good Lord....I know most people with mental illnesses are not violent. Stop with the correcting of statements on this. But, someone that does this and thinks this is an appropriate action has serious mental issues upstairs and the rhetoric going back and forth influences people like that to do things they shouldn't. So....yes...the vast majority of mentally ill people are not violent. But, it would take a person with mental issues to do this. That is....unless you think this is a normal American who just woke up and decided to go protect America.
  18. I find it interesting that the House and Senate have overwhelmingly passed legislation that puts new sanctions on Russia for meddling in our election....meanwhile....we have a President who has not supported the investigation, constantly denied it was happening during the election, has constantly said it's nothing more than Democrats making excuses for losing the election and....to my knowledge....has never acknowledged that it actually happened. He is doing such a bang up job at leading this country in a manor that protects it from foreign enemies. So...does he sign the bill????
  19. I'm pretty sure this is NOT what anyone says we need guns for. Protection from an armed tyrannical government doesn't really apply to a baseball game, no matter who the attendees are. The statement by LOMS is wrong. However, it's easy to see how the rhetoric from some on the gun rights side can be taken by a mentally deranged person as this is an appropriate thing to do.
  20. Very interesting that we are still a 69% favorite for this kid.
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