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Everything posted by Fru

  1. Sorry, but reality is reality. I have a lot of respect for JFK as a politician and what he tried to accomplish. Personally??? Not so much and I have absolutely zero respect for his drunk brother (Teddy boy) But, you are correct, they are like that Norman Rockwell painting of the family at Thanksgiving table. Problem is, pictures like that never tell the entire story. OK? I'm not arguing anything, I was speaking to the image that was portrayed, rather than the indiscretions that surrounded their personal lives. Teddy had his demons certainly. You probably would too if you had 2 older siblings killed in WWII, two older siblings assassinated, survived a plane crash, had constant death threats against you and your family, had a son with cancer, and was thrust into being a father figure for your two dead brothers children. Certainly not excluding his behavior or demons, but who on earth could have possibly weathered that storm unscathed? Yeah there's been plenty that's come out about them that hasn't been pretty. No question. But again to the point of the OP, if there was any kind of representation of American Culture, it was likely them from 1960-1963.
  2. Took longer than I thought for the Kennedy haters to come out. I was speaking more thematically. How the image and the mystique represent what the "American Dream" is or at least was.
  3. Rubio accusing Warren of dividing the country is pretty weak sauce. Now that the Repubicans are in power, we should start getting along? Where was this the last 6 years when the Republicans focused on nothing but obstruction? The Republicans have essentially signed up for years of obstruction by the other side, and now that they're reaping what they sowed, they don't like it. And even the article itself is divisive by leading with this line, "In a speech you didn’t hear because it doesn’t make for good TV or reaffirm the liberal narrative". Yep, let's blame the other side, then say we need to get along. And this follows closely on the heels of silencing Warren during debate about the Sessions appointment. Silencing the opposition clearly sends a signal for honest and open debate. TGHusker, I agree with your sentiment that we need to be able to debate and should have less partisanship and hate on both sides, but the Republicans and Rubio can hardly expect me to be convinced by their empty words. When Rubio comes out and denounces specific members of his own party for their part in this, then I'll take him seriously. This.
  4. Very much an anomaly. It wasn't just JFK the candidate and that's it. It was the entire family, the older gen, the siblings, the dozens of kids, the lawn in Hyannis Port, the sailing, the Ivy League degrees, the football on the lawn, the accent, the Hollywood connection.
  5. Trump and his campaign have been colluding with the Russians for months. "Give him a chance" some still say. Good. F#cking. Lord.
  6. McMullin and Kasich are the kind of candidates that not only the GOP needs, but the country needs.
  7. Russia really does sound like a paradise for the GOP http://www.businessinsider.com/the-daily-show-russia-sochi-conservatives-2014-2
  8. The Sec of State is next in line after Ryan - thus Mr Exxon would be next to step into the fray. Remember when Reagan was shot and GHWB was out of DC - I think in Texas - flying on Air Force 2. Alexander Haig, the Sec of State, infamously grabbed the mic and said 'I'm in charge here'. http://adst.org/2014/03/al-haig-and-the-reagan-assassination-attempt-im-in-charge-here/ However there is more to that story as you read this article . Maybe Haig averted WW3 http://www.worldtribune.com/behind-al-haigs-1981-im-in-control-here-statement/ Flynn, & Felony charges: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-14/mike-flynn-may-face-felony-charges-lying-fbi I do not recall that as it was 8 years before I was born. However I'll take your word for it. According to Wikipedia, the succession line goes from Trump to Pence to Ryan to Orrin and then to Sec of State. How is it that he would jump Orrin Hatch? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession
  9. Hypothetically, say Trump is removed and Pence is found to be complicit on some level and is ousted too, could Ryan "pass" it on to Orrin? Or is he obligated to take it?
  10. What’s the difference between the US and yogurt? If you leave yogurt alone for 300 years, it develops a culture. Personally, I've always thought that the closest representation/personification of American Culture was the Kennedy Family, or more specifically JFK. Comes from a lower class immigrant family that came to America, amasses a great fortune, and ultimately achieves the highest office in the land.
  11. Props to Evan McMullin! Sometimes I wonder what would have happened had he entered the race a few months earlier... Had he entered the race earlier, and had the GOP not ran two dozen candidates, I don't think Trump would've ever gotten the nom. He was able to get the a decent percentage of the rubes that his brand of campaigning appealed to in each state, however Jeb, Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Etc diluted the field.
  12. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/319410-gop-chairman-oversight-wont-investigate-flynn
  13. Actually, it's completely believable. I wish some GOPers would grow a spine.
  14. This is my expression pretty much every time I get a chance to look at the news.... You and me both brotha.
  15. The backflips people do are pretty remarkable. What will it take for people to realize that this was a colossal f#ck up?
  16. Sometimes we need to put the security of this nation before other countries. I lock my doors at night not because I hate everyone outside of my house but because I love the people in my house. Guaranteed had Obama gone through executing this 90 day ban on the 7 countries HE had addressed as having terroristic ties 2 years ago, people would be praising him. But no since it's Trump, he's a psycho, bigot, racist, ex..... Why didn't Obama do it 2 years ago?Cause he bombed 5 of the 7 countries instead How come his Iraq ban for 6 months not criticized? This isn't a Muslim ban that so many knuckleheads think it is and it's only a 90 day ban to figure things out....it's not for eternity. Because a situation in Bowling Green Kentucky (not a massacre, rather a threat that was mitigated) warranted the review and implementation of stronger vetting processes.
  17. Trump missing Intelligence Briefings isn't a fabrication of the media.
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