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Everything posted by nic

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/media/state-department-mandates-support-dei-ideology-prerequisite-promotions-judged According to Abercrombie-Winstanley, State created a policy under Biden that conditions promotions on whether employees are able to demonstrate through documentation that they are actively involved in DEI practices. "We made the change that if you wanted to be considered for promotion at the Department of State, you must be able to document what you are doing to support diversity, equity and inclusion and accessibility. This is how you are judged for promotion," she said at a City Club Forum event in April 2023. "So that means my allies who are not female or minority are also interested in being able to show 'I'm doing good work on this.'"
  2. See Cali....it's not so hard. https://floridapolitics.com/archives/668442-desantis-theft-crackdown/ "Those policies are dead on arrival in Florida. We catch criminals and prosecute them," DeSantis wrote on X, following a news conference he hosted at a Walgreens in Stuart, Florida, where he signed legislation known as HB 549. The new law increases penalties for retail theft, porch piracy and inciting looting via social media.
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aclu-threatens-sue-georgia-election-bill-conservatives-praise-commonsense-reform "The bill also makes ballots, once certified, immediately available as public record in an effort to increase the scope of poll watchers on Election Day. It also makes audits of voter rolls easier, to ensure deceased residents or those who have moved out of state are no longer eligible to vote. " "Among other things, the NVRA, signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, bans states from removing registered voters from voter rolls unless certain criteria are met." It seems like dying and moving away are valid reasons. Do they want Chicago style voting? "The majority in the Georgia General Assembly persists in passing laws that will undermine our democracy," Young told local news station FOX 5. "This is a recipe for election chaos, and we strongly urge the governor to veto it." I remember the angst over the last Election reform bills, nothing bad came of it and there was record turn out. Sue away. I bet they lose.
  4. I am not sure you can leave that to the students. I think some kids think they are gifted in certain areas, or their parents tell them they are, and they are not. Others are gifted, but are too unmotivated or shy or humble to do anything about. I think teachers and parents working to figure out where their students gifts are and encouraging them in those areas is a great idea. They may suck at writing and be great at music and math, for example. Either way you should always have advanced classes for kids that are ready. Don't cancel them because of the class make up. That is just stupid. Instead go seek out and find minority kids that have the talent, but don't display it because of whatever circumstances they are in. Then give them a class that helps get them to the advanced level.
  5. Wasn't sure whether to put this in Democratic Utopia or education... but i guess the Dems own education now. https://www.google.com/amp/s/komonews.com/amp/news/nation-world/seattle-public-schools-decision-to-replace-gifted-program-ignites-debate-on-inclusivity-parents-defending-education-alex-nester-students-classrooms-race Seattle closes gifted and talented schools because they had too many white and Asian students, with consultant branding black parents who complained about move 'tokenized'
  6. "Indeed, if we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the rolls, we would be distinctly aiding Trump’s quest for a personal dictatorship," the memo explained, casting doubt on the longstanding Democrat voter registration push that typically has resulted in favorable results in previous elections. The memo argues that Democrats should focus their registration efforts only in "specific, heavily pro-Biden populations" and the Washington Post explained that "the rise in Trump support among nonregistered voters has run up against a long-held Democratic policy priority of growing the voter rolls."
  7. There was a topic posted on an M board today: "Let’s Speculate on Harbaugh first draft pick." The first answer was...Connor Stallions.
  8. https://tarheeltribune.com/2024/03/30/alabama-grad-assistants-in-stands-tipped-off-tide-players-on-what-unc-was-about-to-run/?r=tht Grad assistants in the stands stealing signals and calling out the UNC plays to the Bama players. All legal. Nate Oats was proud.
  9. Yup. pansies. The anchors would have a perfect forum to challenge her if they are so confident. It has to be much more difficult for a lone conservative to join a liberal network. Just ask Megan Kelly how that turned out....although she probably got 10s of millions, out of her short stint.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/26/media/nbc-news-ousts-ronna-mcdaniel/index.html "NBC News ousts Ronna McDaniel after network’s anchors launch unprecedented on-air rebellion" I know very little about Ronna McDaniel, but the anchors are pansies.
  11. Why did the appeals court disagree with the amount? I am not an accountant or an appraiser. If he loses the appeals, fine. Skewer him. Did this trial have a jury? He has so many trials going on, I do not remember. If it's just the judge making the decision and punishment...ya, I'll wait and see. I don't mind Trump , or anyone in power, getting justice when they deserve it, but the court better be objective. It's funny how the media makes it a point to say whether a judge hearing a trail was appointed by a Republican or Democrat. No one trusts anybody anymore. It's all political. Maybe I needed to pay more attention to the trail so I can be as sure as you are that they got it right. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/25/nyregion/trump-bond-reduced.html David B. Saxe, a former judge on the appeals court that ruled on Monday, said that the court’s decision to short-circuit Ms. James’s collection efforts suggests that some of the judges were uncomfortable with Justice Engoron’s ruling. “My view is that the court indicates it has difficulty with the breadth of the lower court’s decision,” said Mr. Saxe, who retired in 2017 after 36 years on the bench, 19 of them on the appeals court. “They had other options available to them, and they issued a broad-based stay,” he continued, which he said suggests “that there is a view that they’re going to need to take a hard look at the lower court’s decision.”
  12. Honestly I haven't been following the NY fraud case against Trump very closely until the verdict was reached. Other real estate business leaders have expressed concern at the ruling and even threatened to no longer do business in NY because of it. Being a cynic, I figured maybe they were corrupt. I have also read that some have testified that the accounting and evaluations were sound. If NY seized property today i would have been concerned with those actions. Now the appeals courts moves the bond down to 175M (less than half) and leaves the appeal open for reversal. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/appeals-court-slashes-bond-trump-civil-fraud-case-to-175-million/ Honestly, I do not have anymore trust in the judge and prosecutor than I do in Trump. Do they realize if they do not execute this justly it's going to strengthen Trump?
  13. No CVHS in Castle Rock, so about 50 kids. It was the third highest college selected behind CSU and CU.
  14. They are playing like dirt right now...no spacing and can't hit free throws. 10% of my kids graduating HS class chose GCU. Their high school is in CO.
  15. My kid attends GCU and turned me on their team. They are fearless and play hard. Good D, which I like. They built the team with other Div1 program transfers. They do not always play smart, but are entertaining. After watching their season finale and tourney game I picked them to the sweet 16. Since the SEC is looking a bit overrated, I think they have a shot at Bama. https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/39791374/grand-canyon-1st-ncaa-tournament-win-ousts-saint-marys
  16. https://www.statepress.com/article/2024/03/lawsuit-goldwater-anderson-dei# The lawsuit references a state law that states that a state agency "may not require an employee to engage in training, orientation, or therapy that presents any form of blame or judgment on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex." I wondered when DEI program lawsuits would start. The interesting part is that this law was probably put in place to protect minorities and LGBTQ.
  17. https://www.thecollegefix.com/marriage-promotes-white-supremacy-george-mason-professor/ why do we pay these people? “I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy,” Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family. “Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family,”
  18. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2024/03/08/florida-lawmakers-unanimously-pass-bill-to-combat-squatting-giving-property-owners-positive-hope/ Seems like a positive step.
  19. https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2024/3/6/1_6797025.amp.html Canada is going off the cliff. No way this doesn't shut down protests. Bill C-63, also known as the Online Harms Act, seeks to introduce harsher penalties for existing offences. It would allow sentences of up to five years behind bars for hate propaganda, up from the current two years. It would also allow a judge to impose lifetime imprisonment for advocating genocide. Such moves are "draconian," the Canadian Civil Liberties Associated has warned, adding that they could stifle public discourse, including through "criminalizing political activism." Is using the term "from the river to the sea" advocating genocide? Time to elect a new government up north.
  20. I see no reason pay attention until October ... maybe November. Ignore all social media to maintain old friends that didn't already fall off in 2020.
  21. Google is "fixing" Gemini. Everyone knows where Gemini started out. Its too late for that. Maybe Google should leave Gemini alone, let it learn and evolve, and see it becomes conservative? Ba Da Bum. https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/google-releases-new-gemini-update-give-users-more-control-ai-chatbot-responses
  22. He was right the first time, and the second time. Why is this such a big deal?
  23. it seems like Colorado would get picked over Utah. Or maybe pick both and leave out Pitt. Edit: I see he was looking at four 6 team divisions by region.
  24. https://apnews.com/article/new-york-city-subway-national-guard-crime-f046ecaac79601f6113efa8a0c8f25 Who’s in charge of these cities?
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