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Born N Bled Red

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Everything posted by Born N Bled Red

  1. He cancelled a permit that was moot because they could not get other necessary permits due to the Supreme Court ruling. That is no different than a judge throwing out a court case because both parties settled out of court. What the judge did was administrative in nature, to not leave open cases on the docket. The judge had no role in the outcome of the case.
  2. Please quit repeating that "Biden killed the project." It's not true and its reinforcing their talking point. The pipeline was killed by the Supreme Court during Trump's presidency.
  3. You're wrong on one piece here. The Supreme Court (with the stolen Republican seats) shut down the Keystone Pipeline. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/06/politics/keystone-xl-supreme-court-pipeline/index.html The Supreme Court ruling here, meant that the TC Energy could NOT get the permits they needed in order to move forward with the project. Note: This was under Trump, not Biden. Biden pulled the "presidential permit," because it could no longer be used without the accompanying and necessary environmental permits.
  4. I agree to an extent but then you hear the mental gymnastics Republicans and Trump supporters do to absolve their side when they are in office and it makes me question this line of thinking.
  5. Lol, I thought it was "That 'f*ckin guy."
  6. Boomers and early gen x. Take the cake here.
  7. Didn't the US issue a report that Ukraine still maintained air superiority??? It seems like a no fly zone would be detrimental if they have superiority.
  8. Yeah, I'd rather not watch my kids turn to ash in a nuclear cloud, or whither away during a nuclear winter. If you are that prepared for the end, the Ukrainian foreign legion is looking for defenders. Or I'll give you a crisp $100 bill to go all Jason Bourne and hunt down Putin yourself. You could end it all, just like that.
  9. Lmao.. you realize Tucker Carlson literally won a Fedeal Court case with the defense of "I lie so dang much that a rational person could not be expected to believe what I say?" Of course you don't because you clearly get your news from there, but its the God's honest truth. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/greedy-associates/tucker-carlson-successfully-argues-nobody-really-believes-tucker-carlson-is-reporting-facts/ And people still don't turn that sh1t off. In spite of the lies.
  10. Considering the election was a full two damn years ago, and we just had a massive wave of a new variant come through and shut things back down again, even with vaccines, I'd say the prediction was about as far off base and stupid as can be. Pull you're head out man. Trump isn't a victim, boo hoo.
  11. LOLZ... Trump was so tough on Putin, by buddying up to him and submitting like a dog. What a coward. https://twitter.com/saadmohseni/status/1500194970862563328?s=20&t=jLRkwF0VF7mmnBILWM4C3Q
  12. Yeah, cuz thanks to dirtbag McConnell's disreputable tactics, they already won the Supreme Court.
  13. That is until, Putin's misinformation and election meddling campaigns get his stooges, like Trump, hired in other countries. Look at Brexit (also a Russian campaign to weaken the EU) Trump and the support of right-wing media here, China, Mexico, etc. There were rumors Tucker Carlson was going to run for the Republican nomination next cycle. He has already normalized rooting for Putin. Do you think he'll play well with NATO, the United Nations and the rest, or will he also take Putin's marching orders and work to destroy those safeguards?
  14. Just like Trump University and all other corporate bad actors - defraud people of all their money, get caught and in trouble. Get forced to give 20% back and keep the rest = 80% profit. This is rewarding a bad actor for being a bad actor and giving them exactly what they want. The cycle will repeat itself in another 5 years, give or take, because there are no real repercussions, and they come out ahead in the end.
  15. Yeah, maybe then whatever kompromat Putin has on Graham that turned him into Trump personal uhm "boot" licker will disappear too. Let's be honest, that's the only reason Graham would put this out.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-fox-news-producer-sean-210134835.html Former Producer for Hannity's show indicted for helping Russia.
  17. Sickening that their voters keep letting them get away with this.
  18. Speed is the natural counter to size and strength. There will certainly come a time, as football is cyclical, where speed becomes much more important than size again.
  19. Putting it here too... Just cuz. Even though this is exposing bad actors on the right, I'm going to put this in here because of the way I think this should be. In my opinion, the coziness here seen between the Trump administration and Fox News is absolutely unacceptable. Just as there is separation of church and state, there should be separation of state and media. A free media is key to a functioning democracy and drifting away from that is very dangerous, as we are seeing in Russia. Just as it is "Illegal" for PACS and campaigns to coordinate, it should be illegal for any news organization/ political administration to coordinate messaging. Cuomo lost his job for helping his brother through his position of power in the media, during a time of crisis. Each news personality participating in these texts are guilty of the exact same crime and should suffer the same fate. I don't give a damn who is in power. The free media is there to inform us on exactly how our government is performing. They cannot be in the pocket of any party, administration, or candidate. Go ahead and throw your Obama/ Clinton examples out @Archy1221, though much smaller in scope, those examples are just as wrong, and should be just as illegal. How thousands of text messages from Mark Meadows and others reveal new details about events surrounding the Jan. 6 attack - Washington Post
  20. Even though this is exposing bad actors on the right, I'm going to put this in here because of the way I think this should be. In my opinion, the coziness here seen between the Trump administration and Fox News is absolutely unacceptable. Just as there is separation of church and state, there should be separation of state and media. A free media is key to a functioning democracy and drifting away from that is very dangerous, as we are seeing in Russia. Just as it is "Illegal" for PACS and campaigns to coordinate, it should be illegal for any news organization/ political administration to coordinate messaging. Cuomo lost his job for helping his brother through his position of power in the media, during a time of crisis. Each news personality participating in these texts are guilty of the exact same crime and should suffer the same fate. I don't give a damn who is in power. The free media is there to inform us on exactly how our government is performing. They cannot be in the pocket of any party, administration, or candidate. Go ahead and throw your Obama/ Clinton examples out @Archy1221, though much smaller in scope, those examples are just as wrong, and should be just as illegal. How thousands of text messages from Mark Meadows and others reveal new details about events surrounding the Jan. 6 attack - Washington Post
  21. While this has happened, I still largely feel that it is being blown up and used as propaganda against Russia, and likely isn't as prevalent as we've been led to believe.
  22. Putin's goals were also smaller in the invasion of Crimea, the "takeover" was covert and their was little bloodshed. A person sitting in the states or any other country could legitimately rationalize that part of that population wanted to be part of Russia. The takeover was still wrong, still an act of war, but it wasn't a crisis like this. What he is doing now is trying to subjugate an entire nation and wipe their existence off the map, against their will. He is committing acts of terror on a minute by minute basis. Killing innocents, and destroying infrastructure. This is war, it is an act of evil. This is the difference between 2014 and now, in my mind.
  23. Seriously dude, are you Putin or Lavrov? I do find it interesting that you largely disappeared for months then pop back up as soon as Trumputin needed a mouthpiece in here. I didn't think Huskerboard was large/ important enough to warrant infiltration, but weren't you also the one who looked up and knew exactly how many posts were required on the main board before you could post in P&R?
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