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Dr. Strangelove

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Everything posted by Dr. Strangelove

  1. The Trump clip where he's asked what his favorite Bible verse is was an absolute all timer.
  2. Emphasizing inflation risks getting blamed for it. Dems are in an impossible position, however I would say that Abortion, erosion of Democracy, etc. has greatly helped them. Instead of losing 40-50 House seats and 6 Senate seats in a normal midterm wave, they're likely to "only" lose 20-25 House seats and 1-2 Senate seats. Now, this isn't enough to prevent House Republicans from sabatoging the economy, entitlements, etc. in order for they to easily win a trifecta in 2024, but the reality is the Abortion/Democracy under threat issue HAS helped them. It simply isn't enough.
  3. Sure, the Republican utopia is a future with a Democracy they've shredded in pursuit of power, mostly to reduce taxes for the rich and to nominate judges to the Judiciary to uphold whatever laws they see fit, regardless of constitutional muster. They'll embrace the likes of Viktor Orban, guest speaker at CPAC and other conservative events, because Republicans love the idea that his regime was sanctioned by the European Union for quote "damaging democracy" and after they voted to declare Hungary no longer a full Democracy. They hope to emulate him in their pursuit of power. Finally, the moronic elements of the Republican Party - Trump, Bannon, anybody associated with MAGA - will use the movement to grift supporters, mostly poor, out of money. For Trump, it's to pay for his numerous lawsuits after his prodigious appetite for committing felonies, for Bannon simply money he stole to enrich himself. MAGA is simply a means to an end: the vast manipulation of America's uneducated to help greedy s#!tbags pursue power and wealth. It doesn't have policies to lift people out of poverty, it does not acknowledge the many problems America faces (it outright pretends they don't exist), it's a giant grifting operation that provides absolutely nothing to the people who need it the most: the voters who support it.
  4. Honestly I imagine he's the biggest boogie man that haunts your MAGA dreams. Although the Viktor Orban picture hanging neatly next to the one of Ron DeSantis above your bed - along with a copy of "Democracy: is it good?" on your nightstand - should keep the evil spirit of Hunter Biden away.
  5. Yeah but have you heard of Hunter Biden?
  6. This is pretty catastrophic news for Democrats.
  7. I called the American voter stupid and cited the conservative posters history on this board as evidence. Accurately, I might add: You voted for Trump twice, with all the evidence in the world telling you it was a bad idea. Now the average Republican candidate for office has to say the Big Lie that the country is full of election fraud as a pre-requisite for office. This is because conservative voters demand it. This is dangerous and comes from the wild imaginations of hordes of MAGA voters.
  8. Nebraska - 17 Purdue - 38 Passing: 230 Rushing: 160
  9. Your trope of acting intentionally dense gets old. Republicans did nothing to prevent January 6th because they spent months spewing lies about the election. You support those same Republicans, you continue to support those Republicans who continue to say those same lies and you voted for the guy twice who started it all. Hence, my blame on voters like yourself. Don't act like it's complicated.
  10. I'm looking forward to the Hunter Biden committee next year, chaired by MTG. The American public, already unable to vote and think at the same time, will assume both sides are equally bad. Meanwhile, the authoritarian Right methodically destroys our Democracy and turns the entire country into what they've done in Wisconsin.
  11. At the end of the day, I blame voters. They're the ones who see video of hordes of MAGA streaming into the capital on January 6th and will vote for it anyway in 4 weeks. America is getting what it deserves. I, for one, will not shed a tear for the individuals likely to have Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements cut after Republicans sabatoge the economy next year in order to win in 2024. If the American voter is that stupid, and the post history of conservative posters on this board suggest that is the case, then let America decline. It's not worth saving.
  12. The mental gymnastics from the Right is pretty fun to watch. I mean, the rationalizations they tell themselves - as evidenced by the conservative posters on this board - is hilarious. I mean, sure, it's sad that the Right has taken Viktor Orban as their icon and their voters regurgitate Kremlin talking points probably leading to the slow decline of America, but it is funny.
  13. I think you're spot on. Semi-fascism is taking hold of the Republican Party - who hold systemic advantages in elections - while Democrats are fighting battles that don't help them compete in electoral races that matter.
  14. Pretty much a return to the early Obama Presidency when Republicans tried to inflict as much harm as possible onto people in order to win elections. I personally hope they do implement draconian spending cuts. If the American public votes for Republicans because gas is up 20 cents and decide, now that it's public, what will happen to social spending they deserve it. Democrats need to stop giving people help they do not vote for and presumably that they do not want.
  15. I actually listened to the whole clip. It's significantly more scandalous than what is quoted. After this damning quote, which by itself is worthy of Congressional investigation, he goes on to say "I'm here. No matter what you need, I love you" We need to seriously consider impeachment after Biden is CLEARLY condoning drug use. The current and rightful President Trump would never be caught in such a scandal.
  16. The Republican Party is now a giant grift operation full of unserious morons.
  17. We're talking about conservative Republicans. This is the most damning audio clip released, possibly in world history. It certainly tops "grab em by the pu&&y" by a considerable margin.
  18. I agree entirely, I vote for Democrats and I want them to win. I see this issue at costing them winnable Senate seats in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Arizona, etc. these are states that Democrats must win Senate elections in if they want to take back SCOTUS in our lifetimes. In order to win in those states, Democrats need to launch terms like Latinx, reparations, gender non-binary, racial justice, or anything related into the nearest supermassive black hole never to be seen or heard from again. None of those individually are huge issues, but it costs them votes on the margin in an Electoral system that starts them at a massive disadvantage.
  19. While I somewhat agree, Liberals are pushing for inclusion in areas where differences in biology are apparent - inclusion in female sports or biological men going to prisons with women. Now, both these issues are somewhat minor but liberals are increasingly refusing to acknowledge the differences between gender and Sex and its caused them to have to defend stupid policy positions on the campaign trail, in a time where their ability to win elections is diminishing by the year.
  20. Firstly, the primary difference is that nobody says they don't matter. Secondly, the physical difference between me and somebody who's Jewish is absolutely nothing. The physical difference between biological sexes, however, is quite a bit, particularly when it comes to sports or other physical aspects of life. Thirdly, an individual with a genetic issue that truly makes their biological sex hard to determine should absolutely be protected under the law regarding employment, sports participation, or what have you. Fourth, the current debate liberals are having with themselves is not about actual genetic or biological issues that blur the boundary between biological sex. They seem to be arguing - stupidly - that gender dismorphia, a psychological phenomenon, is the same thing as biological or genetic differences. It is not. Gender choice does not equal biological sex choice. Seemingly the graduate students in the post previously who wanted their Professor fired over her comments about two biological sexes. This is often a topic of discussion on edgy message boards or far left circles - individuals who truly believe that it would be transphobic for a man to refuse to date a woman (with male biology), or vice-versa. These moronic discussions, and there are a lot of them, are costing Democrats winnable elections during a time in which they risk not holding the Senate for DECADES after 2024. We're going to eventually face an 8-2 SCOTUS deficit because Democrats fought with themselves over who can raise the most money in California by trying to be as "inclusive" as possible bringing us to where we are today.
  21. Don't forget the primary goal of the conservative movement: cutting taxes for the wealthy. That's it, that's their goal. And if it means denouncing Democracy and vomiting out talking points from the Kremlin, they won't hesitate to do it.
  22. I tried to address this in my post, that outside of genetic mutation or rare instances, there are two sexes. The vast majority of people are going to either have XX or XY chromosomes. I get that some individuals fall outside of this boundary, but it's 1% of the population, probably less. Liberals tripping over themselves to make this issue a defining characteristic of their party are fighting the wrong battle and costing themselves elections. Trying to equate Gender with Sex is one of the biggest mistakes they've made electorally speaking.
  23. I'm old enough to remember the argument that Gender and Sex were different, and thus it's possible to identify with any Gender one wishes - it is a social construct. Biological sex is concrete: barring extreme genetic mutation, one is either Male (XY) or Female (XX). Liberals tripping over themselves to one-up each other into arguing that biological sex exists on a spectrum is monumentally stupid.
  24. The right wing succumbing to the propaganda of the Kremlin is unsurprising. Is this going to cost Republicans votes? No. The only thing worse than the Kremlin are Democrats. They want to help the poor and raise taxes on the wealthy, which simply cannot be tolerated.
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